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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. Great summary. To me it iooked like the airspeed at touchdown was high and the touch down zone looked much longer than the prefered first 1/3 of the runway.
  2. You are right but both aircraft caught fire. So this could mean the speed at impact must have been very fast? A 9000 foot runway even at 150+ knots if the aircraft could have touched witihn the first 3000 feet then the aircraft would have had 6000 feet to decelearte enought to result in a slow or slower speed impact? Granted the only braking action was friction of the aircarft scrapping along the runway but with enough real estate the speed would have been reduced?
  3. We were not talking about the B737-800. I was answering a question about the B737 MAX, a different aircraft than the one involved in Muan S. Korea.
  4. No but only two survived. This seems rather low. Have you seen the crash of UA 232 in Iowa? Of the 296 passengers on board this flight 184 survived.
  5. I know. In general enough fuel to fly to the first alternate airport and then cruise for additional 30 minutes. To land with less fuel than that could be a violation of aviation regulations.
  6. In this instance "braking" was not a factor because the gears did not deploy. It was the bottom of the engine cowling sliding on the surface of the runway. Are you talking about rubber tires on foam?
  7. Crews are trained if the green landing lights are not on then the approach does not continue. Landing gear is deployed way before the threshold.
  8. The MAX was a differnt problem. It was an issue with the MCAS (Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentaion System). Boeing said it was now fixed and the FAA certified for it for flight again.
  9. Foam still can be requested if the pilot asks for it. But not all airports are able to spray foam on a runway. In most cases the crew becomes aware when they lower the landing gear lever and do not see green. Then they would follow the checklist to work the problem. If so the next decision would be to execute a missed approach or a go around if this was a visual approach. Lastly the approach speed was probably higher because the landing gear could not be deployed. In a perfect scenario with the gears fully deployed and the flaps at full the airspeed on short final would be around 140 knots. In this case it was probaly higher.
  10. Maybe a little early to implicate the 737. Sometimes landing gears fail to deploy on all aircraft and the last option is a belly landing. This belly landing did not end well.
  11. It looks like he landed long. I mean the usuable runway was less because the pilot did not land within the first 1/3 or 3000 feet and if the pilot had landed within the first 3000 feet this would have given him almost 6000 feet to decelarate. Anyway this just me thinking out loud and I pray for the passengers who perished.
  12. Wow. so 179 fatalities after an airliner makes an emergency landing, skids off the runway, collides with the localizer antenna struture, ignites and only two survived? To me it seems more should have been able to escape? About half the people on board the Azerbaijan E175 which was shot down with anti aricraft artillery (AAA) survived. The E175 caught on fire as well. This is going to be long and painful air crash investigation. Some important questions have to be answered as to what exactly happened after the aircraft came to a stop after departing the runway. Muan is a single runway airport located on the southwest coast of S. Korea. KBS is showing this as a belly up landing. I did not see foam on the runway. In some cases pilots will ask for foam on the runway in case of belly up landing.
  13. Maybe not enough fuel left? BKK to any airport in S. Korea with a over 175 pax, luggage and possibly cargo could mean not enough remaining fuel to make it to ICN or Gimpo? But who knows the other factor might have been the weather and possibly a slick runway with the cold temperature?
  14. The news presenter in green intrigues me. She talkes really fast. I wonder if she is single?
  15. Monthly transfers into a Thai Bank Account is not an income method. To be accurate it is an International money transfer method. Income means one proves that he or she has income to meet the requiremnts of a visa or ext of stay. The monthly transfers just has to come from outside of LOS.
  16. Ah, my poiint is it is simple but some fail. As an American the income method is not available to me.
  17. Hence, I said "it would never happen in the Land of Smiles". Literally if one were to leave LOS and come back 10 years later nothing about Immigration would have changed with the exception of increased fees and yes even more documents to submit. Also, if one uses any or all of the 800K or 400K the risk of not meeting seasoning requirment exists. I knew someone who missed the timing and had to leave the country and start over again.
  18. This is something that would never happen in LOS. Let's say the 800,000 or 400,000 is deposited into a special type of account that is locked up and can only be touched with the approval of Immigration. In essence if one gives up the Non Imm O retirement or marriage then the money is released. In such a scenario because the money is locked the annual extension could turn into a simple renewal process. For instance going to the local immigration office and pay the renewal fee (of course the fee would be much higher than 1900 Baht) and submit a form that indicates nothing has changed. Of course thinking efficiently is not a common thing in LOS. I can see the same type of extension process that currently exists staying for a long time. Just a wishful thought. I ponder on this because the PI SRRV has a smaller deposit requirement but a high application fee and high renewal fee. The SRRV application fee $1400 (over 47,000 Baht) and the simple renewal fee is $360(over 12,000 Baht). When I say simple, I mean simple. Because it is "always about the money" this idea might fly if Thai culture was willing to consider ideas from other countries. Now back to reality. "Just keep an open mind"? Never in the Land of Smiles.
  19. You are so right. Getting along is more important than being right or even correct. This was a difficult lesson for me to learn. I realize most of the Thai people I come into contact are not interested in my life story, my work history or even my travel history. A polite hello, take care of the business at hand and politely leave until the next time.
  20. Get along fine with most Thai people as long as the contact is brief. Get along with the people who work in my apartment building and the usual places that I go on a regular basis. Never had a Thai friend because it just seemed like they were confused because I am an Asian guy who spoke fluen English and claimed to be an American who is a life long fan of football(the ones where people wear hemets) and baseall and not cricket. I try and avoid having confrontations wth Thai people and for the last several years have been successful on this front.
  21. I never invited anyone to do anything. Just replied to you. Why would I "summarise" anything for you? What is this a final exam and you are the test proctor?
  22. Since you and I were not there so only the other passengers could testifty to Penny's actions and Neely's behavior. Some testified at his trial. The jury considered the totality of the evidence and rendered a verdict. Due Process was achieved. Still it was an orderal for Daniel Penny. If I was Daniel Penny I would have gone bankrupt paying lawyers to defend myself. This is now called the "Daniel Penny" effect. AKA Do not get involved. I have seen similar cases in my time in LA where the District Attorny did not file charges. So this is my perspective. Lastly I have never been called "Mr. Tough Streets" because I never was. People who aspired to be "tough" rarely lasted in my former profession.
  23. So are you talking about murder( the killing of another with prior intent) or are you talking about the death of another during course of protecting others? Which is it? Daniel Penny feared Jordan Neely posed a threat to passengers on the subway so he he put Neeely in a control hold and waited and waited for the tranist police officer to show up. So this means to you that Penny is now guilty of murder? The jury found him not guilty of 2nd degree murder and this was a just verdict. Have you personally dealt with an "erractic and loud person"? I have many times and these nonviolent people can turn violent in the blink of an eye. I have over 20 years of dealing with people who were not violent until they became violent. So how many years of dealing with "nonviolent" people do you have? I have two decades of worth in the streets of Los Angeles. I can absolutely relate to Daniel Penny. Can you? Yes, If someone commits homicide that cannot be justified then they should go to prison. But Daniel Penny's actions were justified. The jury felt the same way.
  24. So Daniel Penny intended to killy Jordan Neely? So you were in the same subway carriage and can confirm Neely was not violent and did not pose a threat to anyone? Wow, you must have been in NY at the same time? I never said I would not get involved. I said I have doubts about getting directly involved after what Penny went through.
  25. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Thailand Is this acceptable to your standards?
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