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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. The good thing that came out this was the The Sphere in Las Vegas charges $900,000 for advertising. That's what they charged the Harris campaign to have her picture dispalyed.
  2. Gabbard is currently a Lt Col in the Army Reserve. At a minimum she holds a current Secret or even a TS (Top Secret) SCI. If she indeed she is a current threat to national security OPM should initiate proceedings to have her clearance suspended or even revoked immediatlely. Even in security clearance matters due process is followed and a quasi type of hearing is held before a final decision is made. These claims about Gabbard are not new so why has not any action been taken during the last 4 years??
  3. Now I understand. They are waiting for this combined submarine/fighter interceptor to be manufactured: (For those in my age group you might recognize this photo as SkyDiver from the classic show from the 1970's UFO).
  4. Not a victim because there is nothig I can do about it. Expressing anytype of anger or displeasrure in the Land of Smiles is a faux pas. After years of this I expect it but still sucks. I try and not commit faux pas' while I roam in the Land of Smiles.
  5. Sometimes the question is not so polite.
  6. Unless you are of Asian descent then I am different from you.
  7. I never said these people of trouble me. Who are you tell me to go anywhere?
  8. I am nobody until I have to do business with Thai people. Also, I never mentioned anyting about alleged wealth or greatness back in the homeland. I was and still am just an ordinary American of Asian descent.
  9. True. I sometimes walk into a business and say little to nothing. Sometimes it has been postive and sometimes I have been profiled a as an a-hole Chinese guy. Can be a Catch 22. One of the ways some Americans would display their prejudice would be to ask me "Do you speak English?". Of course at the time I was in uniform because I spent 20 years as a police officer in LA. I never imagined I would experience something similar in the Land of Smiles. But it appears the Thai version is based upon ignorance and not malice.
  10. So you know where in the world I have been? You know what my experience has been in Thailand over the years? So how many times have been asked "do you speak English?". Especially after a Thai person has seen my American Passport?
  11. I think you understand what it's like for an Asian who grew up in a westen country. This concept is something most Thai people do not understand. I have been going to a Chiang Mai Ram hospital for years. Everytime I go I am asked "you need translator". In the past I would say no. On my last visit I said "bring me a translator". The hospital employee then realized I was speaking fluent English and gave a half ass smile. Of course this is just my experience. Anyway TIT.
  12. Wow. Thanks for the unsolicited judgement. I do not know what your experience has been like. I gave a small sample and you judge me as bitter and overlly sensitive. What else do you know about me? Lastly I do no recall asking you to understand who or what I am. Also, LOS has not hit 40 Millioin this year.
  13. I grew up in the USA. I do not like rice or noodles. My ethnicity is Korean. I love Baseball, college football and hate KPOP. I speak some Korean. Bottom line is most Thai people are confused to as to who or what i am. When I speak English like a white foreigner it sometimes makes them feel uneasy. They look at me like somekind of weirdo that they have never encountered. If I spoke broken English like many Asian foreigners it would put them at ease. Being an Asian has never been a plus for me because I am who I am. Most Thai people don't understand who I am. Frankly I don't care what Thai people think about me.
  14. Not just flexible but unimforned and stubborn. I have been going to the same coffee place in CNX for five years. The Thai lady makes great coffee and is very nice. To this day she still thinks I am Japanese because I am Asian. I have stopped telliing her that I am American. Whenever I am not at her place for a stretch she usually asks me "you go to Japan?". I tell her I was in Los Angeles but I doubt she believes me. All I want is to get my coffee and get along with her. I pay, leave a tip, smile and leave until next time. This represents my experience as an Asian American in the Land of Smiles. Purusing a relationship of anykind with a Thai woman(especially in Chiang Mai) is no longer in the plans. Maybe I will try a bar girl next?
  15. I would say you are lucky to have found such a woman.
  16. Understanding someone who can only see things the Thai way is mission impossible. At least women in Canada and the US have been exposed to people from different cutures and beliefs from many parts of the world. I am of Asisan descent most Thai women only believe I can only be Chinese, Japanese or Korean. When I state that I am from the United States the response is "not possible, you lie". This would be my version of not being compatible. Actually seeing an Asian American could have started the road to compatibility but unless one actually meets such a person then many would not believe it.
  17. In my last deployment to A-stan our FOB had an Afghan Security superviosr who had 5 wives. This guy was about 50 and he said the wives ranged from 40 to 15. He married the 15 year old when she was 13. I can't recall excatly but he had a lot of kids and they all lived happily after in one house. Mind you we were paying this guy about $700 per month.
  18. Because you might have to live with Option #1. Of course Option #3 could be viable. Married, live seperately only see each to for intimacy and exchange of money.
  19. I thought this was about girlfriend for a relationship and not for an hour or the evening. The latter can be had with little fuss and very little conversation. "How long and how much?". "Ok, let's go". "Call me again?". "Maybe".
  20. But one might have a better chance if a Thai girl/woman has actually seen that the world is bigger than her hometown. Trying to convicne a Thai person to see things from my perspective is like insanity. I leave them alone to live in their own space. This achieves peace for both us.
  21. I think a question a foreign man should ask a Thai woman that he meets in LOS is this: Have you ever been or lived in another country? If she says yes then it there is a chance the two will be compatible. In my first few years in CNX all the women I met had never been out of the country. This was understandable because many can't afford it. I met one lady who had lived in Singapore for a few years and one who had been to San Franscisco. These were the only two that I felt compatible with. For me if I am not compatible with a woman then there is no hope for a relationship.
  22. I was a teenager in the late 1970's and Foreginer was and still is my favorite band. I stop everytime I hear Lou Gramm. To me he has a magical voice. This was my favorite part of the 2024 Rock and Roll Hall Fame ceremony. I never liked this song but hearing and seeing an old and frail Lou Gramm on stage with Kelly Clarkson made my day:
  23. Doubt that. I have been using Maxim for about 2 weeks and Indrive for 2 days. Was with Grab for 5 years and the last 3 to 4 months have been the worst But Grad Food Delivery still is very good. I would say Grab probably has me flagged because I raised a stink for the 60% overcharge until it was resolved. It took mutiple messages and mutiple screenshots of the overcharge before Grab settled the matter. It seemed like at first Grab did not believe me. Hence i no longer use Grab for rides. Also, one fo the Grab drivers showed me what he sees when he picks up a ride request. The App on his end shows a customer rating. Last time I checked mine was 5 stars. This was because I always tipped. The drivers rate the passengers just as a passenger can rate a driver. As for Maxim the only rating option was a thumbs up or thumbs down. No stars on Maxim.
  24. Did a little experiment this morning comparing Maxim with InDrive. Location: CNX-Nimman Soi 12 Destination: Pantip Plaza approximate distance of 4 Km Time: 1030 1) Hailed on Maxim and the result was no drivers available. I gave it 10 minutes and canceled. Maxim asked "why"??? 2) Hailed InDrive and the friendly female driver arrived in 4 minutes. 3) Cost was about the same: Maxim was 75 Baht and InDrive was 71 Baht. The conclusion was on this day and time InDrive was the better option.
  25. Soon can be a long time. I looked at the map on my last ride and it took the driver 15 minutes to arrive and he started at 2 kilometers from the pickup point. I know traffic is bad but "come on mab".
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