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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. Actually Green Berets have to be sxcellents swimmers as well. How do you know he does not swim well? Did you ASS U ME this becasue he is of African descent?
  2. Did the Thai Airways LAX-BKK-LAX multiple times. Last time was in 2007. It was on the A340-500 and the Premium Economy seats were nice. The avergae flight time was 14 to 16 hours nonstop. The plane was never full and suspect it was because of the distance and need to carry more fuel. Thai used to have a BKK-ICN-LAX flight and did that last in 2013. It was on a B777-300ER. If Thai buys the A350-900ULR like Singapore Airlines nonstop from BKK to both LAX and EWR or JFK is possible.
  3. As a naturalized American I look at exceptionalism this way: Exceptional opportunity for everyone who puts in the effort. Like this guy: SFC Gai US Army-Green Beret. . I can't think of many other countries that gives someone like this the opprotunity to achieve success like this. As they say Hoorah, SFC Gai.
  4. The main point is in other countries the location, date, time and cause of any food related illness or incident that could impact the dining public would be made public. In The Land of Smiles defamation laws prevent this? Does the Ministry of Health shut down locations that have poor hygiene or safety practicies? What if glass in food was an intentional act? Getting to the facts is not a priority? So my thinking is false equivalency? Nexti tiime you swallow glass while eating out just think false eqyuvalency. I mean exactly how does glass get into spaghetti? Was the sauce made at the location or from a food factory? Who prepared the dish? Was it unintentional or intentional and meant to injure a diner? Thailand has a such a stellar reputation in conducting through and complete investigation that answer that all relevant questiions that we can all be rest assured and go out eat in comfort.
  5. "Thai Pizza Chain" could mean different things. I believe the Hut in LOS is owned and operated by a local company.
  6. Yes and brother of Beau. Currently starring in the FX series "The Old Man". One of my favorites of 2024.
  7. That is the American way. The flip side is lawsuits are public and often this leads to change. The question is What leads to change in Thailand? After 8 years here I have no idea what drives change in LOS.
  8. I guess you never saw the classisc Jeff Bridges movie?
  9. Ok. Thanks for the sincere apology Lebowski. I did not start this. You did.
  10. 1) Don't call me dude 2) How do you know I lack commons sense" Do you know me? No. You just read one comment and came to that conclusion. 3) I have no idea if you have or lack common sense. Nor do I care to know.
  11. "Pot calling the kettle black?
  12. Why because you are the authority on this?
  13. So are you know the designated defender of Thailands's Honor and reputation?
  14. Both are not meant to be entered into the GI track. The glass is an immiediate hazard to all you ingest. In terms of E Coli some will have minimal effects. Both are health hazards and the general public should be made aware of both as soon as possible. Of course in the Land of Smiles "we don't need to know".
  15. Was this a one time incident? Or was it intentional? No one knows at this point. So just "ASSUME" sabi sabi and is all is well. TiT means then just assume the risk and carry one. Got it.
  16. Both are dangerous and possibly fatal once it enters the GI track. This is basic health knowledge.
  17. When Jack In The Box in the US had an E Coli outbreak the entire country knew in a matter of days. This may have saved lives. I have never swallowed glass while eating and I would never want to. This almost makes it seem like "eat out at your own risk?
  18. Does "Pizza The Hut" serve chicken? Can asking a general question be considered as defamation in the Land of Smiles?
  19. Is there a seperate fine for "insulting officials"?
  20. So my experience relates to Lt Col Gabbard but yours does not. Got it. What does "screened" me? A background check that goes back to elementary school? A polygraph? An FBI fingerprint background check?
  21. I believe most airlines have a limited number of actual employees but most are third party contractors who are only available for checkin and boarding. When something like this happens it is very difficult for problems to be resolved quickly. It is bad but if the problem had occurred in HkG (Hong Kong) this would have been resolved quickly.
  22. I would disagree because I was a mere 1st Lt. in the CA Army National and I held a Secret for a decade. Vance was at best an E-3 in the Marine Corps. It is rare for any service member at that rank to hold a clearance. But the latest joker who revealed classified information was a Senior Airman (E-3) who held a TS because he did IT work for the MA Air National Guard. This joker is now facing years in Federal Prision is the exception to a low ranking member to have a clearance. Additionally I obtained a second Secret clearance because I got hired as a civilian security officer for a Defense Contractor for a gig in A-stan. Not a whole lot of TS activity at the FOB I worked but to be in and out of the TOC I had to have an active clearance. This clearance expired in 2020. When was last your clearance?
  23. 1) I was not onboard with Hegseth in the first place 2) I have serious reservatioin about Gabbard. But the claim made by some that she is a Russian asset (you know Hilary) has not been proven. At least not yet. 3) Yes anyone can be compromised. 4) Gabbard's highest level clearance probably comes from her status a Lt Col in the Army Reserve. I do not know what type of clearance members of Congress have but Gabbard left congress so that clearance is not longer active. 5) Hegseth is not a member fo the active army or reserves so whatever clearance he held is no longer active.
  24. That is my point . There she still is and it is not Jan 20, 2025 yet. Her being unqualified is the opinon of many. The confirmaition hearing for her willl come in due time. Lastly being unqualified for a cabint position and being a threat to national security are two different things. We shall in which box or boxes Lt Col Gabbard falls into.
  25. Fine then why does she still hold an active US DOD security clearance? Someone who is a threat to national security should not even hold a commisssioin in the Army or Army Reserve. I have held two DOD clearances in the past and I knew people who had clearances suspended and subequently revoked for being "less of a threat" than Gabbard currentlly is alleged to be. Actually a DNI has to be cleared at the TS level.
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