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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. It must have been a long flight. With less than 2 months left why did he even go to Africa:
  2. Protests have become a common thing in S.Korea. Mass protests were almost a daily event during the end of the Park Guen Hee adminstration. She is now in prison for corruption while as President.
  3. This was the weirdest attempt at becoming a dictator in recent memory. His reign as absolute leader lasted 6 hours. S. Korea has not had much luck with Presidents: Park Guen He is in prsion, Lee Myung Bak is in prison, Chun Do Wan went to prison and in 1979 Park Chung Kee was assasinated while in office. Park Chung Hee is the father of Park Guen He. Also, Yoon's wife (who is really hot) could be the focus of a criminal investigation for a variety of reasons. Things are rather messed up in the land of my birth. I wonder what the real dictaor in the Korean peninsula is thinkg now in Pyongyang. At least Kim does not pretend to be the leader of a democracy. The truth about S. Korea is the real power is wtih the Chaebols. Chaebols are families that built modern S. Korea. Just think about the owners of Korean Air, Hyundai and Posco for instance.
  4. i am not your friend and I have never had a problem with alcohol. Lastly I never asked for anythign from you. Give you gifted insights to those who seek it. Good luck on your greatness. It will be my loss.
  5. True???? You completely understand my predicament. Wow you must be a genuis. Share your greatness with the world and start a podcast.
  6. Wow. Amazing remote diagnosis. Can you see what I am doing now? Can you see how feel right now?
  7. How do know what my current state is? You don't know based upon my comments on addiction. Do you think all I do or have done is think about addiction? Wow. Comprehensive conclusion based upon limited information.
  8. I was being sarcastic. Apologize for that considering what you have experienced. The people that I know who have addictions live on a virtual tipping point. Some have sponsors and call them often whey need them. Some do not. I knew a retired police officer who got hooked on black jack really bad. Lost everythiing in about a year except his pension. He was so deep in it that he decided to rob a bank in order to play more. He got caught pretty quick. He never admited to having a problem and never considered going to a gamblers anonymous meeting. The only he was able to stop was to be put in a jail cell for a year. Do not know what became of him.
  9. Ah, no. What is FPS? I am adult and I do not do acronyms.
  10. So it's mind over matter? Got it. Sounds great but is it realisitc for many?
  11. Why replapse? Because many addicts do. So you think addicts think logically and rationally? Some do but most do not. Wow, brainwashed? Also, how was I brainwashed if I have never been to an AA or Alanon meeting or any other type addiction meeting? So you know me or what my life has been like? If you do please enligthen me? I know nothing about you nor do I care to know. Therefore, I do not classify anyone as "brainwashed" or not. This is because I know nothing about you or your experience in life. Lastly, I get it. When it comes to addiction and addicts you know it all. So teach your methods so addicts can get over it and move on. I only profess to know someething about addicts and addiction mostly dealing with them as a street cop in So Cal. It's notthing compared to what you know but I have seen the effects of addiction up clsose and personal. Addicts often commit crimes to support their addiction. But accordingly to you I obsess over replapse and have been "braisnwashed" by organization like AA. Once again you are so brilliant that I am not even in your orbit.
  12. So how have you proven your point? How about an example proving your point that addicts can get over their addicdtions and "dip their toes".
  13. I have not been trained by any organization or person. I have never seen a "boogyeman". Do you think I am 5 years old? I have seen the various kinds of addictions up close and personal. I knew an addict who was a former soldier who was kicked out because he could not stop drinking. A close relative got him a job with a Defense contractor in a middle east country(a conservative muslim place where alcoholic beverages are strcitly prohibited). This sad 30 year old alcoholic somehow found alcohol in this country and was arrested by the local police for beiing drunk in public. He was quickly fired from his job and deported. He never felt he had a problem. Doubt going to rehab will solve his problem and doubt he can ever be a "social" drinker because he never was. He was the classic binge drinker and his life will probably end sooner than later. This dude never came close to an AA meeting and probably will never stop drinking. Actually finding and buying enough alcohol in this country to get publicly drunk was an amazing feat. Gotta give him give credit for that feat. This is just one example of the various addicts I have encountered in my life.
  14. Really,so I can tell people I know that can now they can socially drink again and the people who were on opiods that they can now take it again because they are now over it? Great news for them. Also, I know a person who gambled his 401K of $500,000 away at casinos that he can now just "dip his toes" back for a night of social gambling. Amazing so this idea of yours fits for all addicts? If what you say is true then why doesn't it work for all addicts? So addicts who can't "grow out of it" do not commit suicide? "Everyones journey is the same"?. I would say not.
  15. How do you know what if any type of addiction that I have or not experienced in my life? I know i can never be around certain people or certain place ever again. For me "one more time for old times sake could be the last time, forever". I mentioned AA, Alanon and GA for context. This does not mean I fully buy into any those type of programs. It is true I have encountered some who can "casually" use cocaine and "live a normal" life. But I have encountered the tragic side as well. Lastly fentanyl is not cause of concern in the US now? Even legal meds can lead to addiction. Just think of strong pain killers that doctors prescribe just about eveyday.
  16. Have you ever spoken to an expert in addiction? I have and i have dealt with addicts and just as an alcoholic is alwasy an alcholic the same goes for those addicted to drugs, gambling, sex and yes even porn. Have you ever gone to an AA or an Alanon or gamblers anonymous meetings?
  17. Here is another thought. Many addicts have enablers. Who were Hunter's enablers?
  18. Hunter Biden is the classic addict. No such thing as a former addict. Give him time he will be involved in narcoitcs, prostitution or both. Next time dad will not be in a position to do much and even the friendly SS agent might not be there.
  19. No I had a gun safe. Very few Haitians in my old neighborhood but many who believed in socialism for others were in my area.
  20. This young lady who arrived from a country called Thailand is finding her exceptional opportunity like I did. I beleive she has been in the US for about 5 years.
  21. An A380 could fly nonstop from BKK to LAX but the load factor might not be high enough to be profitable. Distance is around 8300 NM. An A350-900ULR would be the most suitable aircraft. I believe Thai Airways has some A350's but do not know if they have the ULR(Ultra Long Range).
  22. Best option might to check out one of the coworking places like Camp at Maya Mall or Yellow(they have some small rooms but most people bring own their machines). Really can't think of any place that meets your requirements. Plenty of places offer internet access on old pc's but no privacy and often noisy.
  23. So the simple answer is America still offers great opportunities for success? The key is a person must be willing to work hard and start at the bottom reglardless of social status or national origin. Kind of sound like me: A poor kid who was born in Busan and was able to join the US Army as a legal residen alien who becaame a naturalized American citizen with the assitance of an Army Jag officer. Yes, I have had my share of prejudice, discrimination and blatant racism but it is a vast country and finding a place of accpetance is not always easy but achievalbe. Maybe Sweden is better but doubt they would ever let me stay for more than 90 days.
  24. I know it's bad but why do so many still want to come? No one seems to be able to answer as to why so many from many parts of the world want to enter such an awful place? Canada or Mexico seem like paradise compared to the USA.
  25. 1) I don't have an "excuse" 2) The greatest soldier I ever knew was SFC Walter Goss-US Army Green Beret.RIP. 3) where is this "internet" affirmatioin chamer? Is is like "the Dark Web"?
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