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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. Samsung AO2. Very affordable, small storage, average processor and adequate performance. In the US it was under $100 unlocked. I think some of the shops have them. I would not buy a phone from one of the major cell phone companies.
  2. Chiang Mai Ram had a combo package(Endoscopy and Colonoscopy) for 40,000 early this year. The prep for the colonoscopy was the standard(a light lunch and avoid vegetables). In the US the prep began at lunch time but here in LOS the prep started at 400PM. Anyway painless and more or less no issues(a tiny benign polyp). No complaints and no aftereffects. Will probably return in 5 years for another colonoscopy.
  3. There is a reason why the acronym T.I.T.(This Is Thailand) and the saying Same, Same but Different” are so prevalent. Thailand is a great country but is not so great in understanding or accommodating those with certain conditions or needs. For instance Thailand is not so great if one is mobility challenged or has a mask exemption. “Hope for the best but plan for the worst”. Good luck.
  4. For the COE no. Do not know if under the Thailand Pass the Agoda document would be acceptable? The actual letter from the hotel had to be uploaded into the COE portal.
  5. I booked with Agoda twice in 2021 for Quarantine in BKK. It took 2 days to get the booking confirmation from the hotel so I could upload it to the then COE website.
  6. The Good Old Days of "border hopping" are probably over. The last time I did a one day trip to anywhere was Malaysia in 2019. Some borders are open and many are still closed. Hopping out and back into Thailand will be difficult because(especially through the air) it could take up to 7 days to get the Thailand Pass approved, ensure that one has the proper insurance and get the Covid 19 PCR test. I have an Non Imm OA Visa and in the "good old days" hopping out and in would get me an additional year stamped in my passport but not anymore. I have left and entered Thailand twice in 2021 and both times it was proverbial 'pain in the ass" to get all the steps completed(then it was the COE process). Personally I do not intend to leave Thailand unless I absolutely need to.
  7. From the CM Ram FB Page about the number of Covid 19 Tests they will conduct on a daily basis. So don't the 61st person: *It does not sound like they take appointmenst? Chiang Mai Ram Hospital has issued a #Notice of COVID-19 testing. ---- From October 22nd, 2021, onwards COVID-19 testing by the RT-PCR technique. There will only be 60 individuals every day unless something changes. . Thank you for constantly putting your trust in our services. . #อบอุ่นเชี่ยวชาญ #โรงพยาบาลเชียงใหม่ราม . ช่องทางการรับรู้ข่าวสารสุขภาพเพิ่มเติม • Website : www.chiangmairam.com • Line@ : https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40jmu4687m • Youtube Channel : โรงพยาบาลเชียงใหม่ ราม Chiangmai Ram Hospital
  8. That was not what I was told. I was also told 3500 baht for the PCR test and that I would have to come back to the hospital to pick up the lab report. I have been a frequent guest at Ram over the years and even have the Silver Level Chiang Mai Ram Frequent Flyer card which entitles me to a 10% discount(but not on the PCR test).
  9. For Ram I had to actually go in and ask in person. No information on PCR testing on the hospital website. I was quoted 3500 Baht for the PCR test with the evening lab report if I come in before 1200. After 1200 then the result would be next day. I
  10. Ah, I have never waited in the car because one has to make an appointment. I arrived by Grab, get out, the technician verifies my identity, she swabs and then I leave. This takes about 5 minutes. The clinic is also very small and the PCR Test Lab result has been sufficient to board international flights. No need to pay the 200 Baht. .I intend to use this clinic on all my future international travel PCR testing needs.
  11. 2800? EricTh, really do not know But so far that is cheapest I can find for same day results. They used to charge 3100 baht but I guess "times are tough" in old Chiang Mai?
  12. I used the gym at the Lotus Hotel and so far during the "Grand Reopening" it has looked like a ghost town even though it open(Agoda has specials for this hotel and many others in CNX).
  14. Some US States have a version of vaccine passport with a QR Code but they probably would not work outside of the US. I know the State of California's Department of Health has my Covid 19 Vaccination record but I cannot access them from Thailand unless I use a VPN. For Americans with a CDC Vaccination card I doubt an internationally accepted Digital Vaccine Passport is possible at this time.
  15. Went to Airport Plaza today. It was packed. I would estimate 99% locals. Saw a few foreign faces here and there. The big even today looked like teenagers getting vaccinated in the town hall portion of the mall. Otherwise another Monday in Chiang Mai. November 1, 2021 "The Grand Re-Opening"??? Well, maybe it will be better on December 1, 2022?? The local economy will live and die with how much locals spend or not spend.
  16. i got my vaccination at a local CVS Pharmacy. CVS.com has a record of the vaccination(Lot#, expiration date and the name of the pharmacist who inoculated you). This information is accessible on the CVS website and I keep a copy of this and the CDC card with in case I am questioned about the authenticity of the CDC card. So far the CDC Card has been accepted by the Los Angeles Thai Consulate, Immigration at BKK and the Health Ministry Official at CNX airport.
  17. Keep an eye on Richard Barrow’s Social Media because he just left for England is going to return in about a week. His posts will give many of us as to how this new “Swab and Go” actually operates.
  18. “He says air traffic data shows Suvarnabhumi airport will facilitate about 440 commercial flights -- 230 domestic and 110 international -- and 100 cargo flights on Monday.” 230 and 110? The trick about airline flights is this: CodeShare. The same flight could be counted up to 3 times. Let’s say a Japan Airlines Flight arrives at BKK on Monday but they have a codeshare with American Airlines and a European Carrier. Even thought it is one B777 but statistically speaking it could be counted as multiple flights. 30,000 passenger arrival on Monday? Possibly if the majority are domestic passengers. “Lies, Damm Lies and Statistics”.
  19. Don't know about "quickly mend" the Covid situation. In the last month I know of 2 well known restaurants that were closed due to an employee testing positive for Covid 19(one is on HK road and the other one is on Nimman). One of the locations posted Covid test results of some of their employees on it's FB page and said they will reopening in the near future(some personal information of the specific employee was visible). Also, schools are now closed for two more weeks. It does not look like Chiang Mai will be participating in the November 1 opening?
  20. More bad news for those who do not have a smartphone. On my latest trip to the US I discovered my less than one year old Samsung phone was not compatible with two of the major cell phone networks. I wondered why and was told all USA networks are upgrading their networks for 5G. Therefore, I could not connect with a one year old smartphone on some networks and if I could the data service was extremely slow(like less than 1 mbps). The large 5G network upgrade has not come to LOS as yet but slowly it will be coming and many of us will have to upgrade to a 5G network compatible smartphone Upon returning to LOS I went to a local shop and bought the cheapest 5G phone I could find. Hate to say it but a smartphone is a necessity.
  21. “Fake K-pop stars” who are making millions for their agencies. In the kingdom of K-pop trainees(more like slaves) are signed to a minimum of a 7 year contract where the agency controls everything they do. The training is brutal and in the end even some of the successful acts leave with pennies on the dollar. Lisa is a rarity because she is the first foreign born woman who has achieved this kind of success in the K-Pop universe. This is an incredible accomplishment because she overcame a lot as a “way goo gin” (Korean word for foreigner) woman. Even if she was independent doubt Thailand could afford her at this time.
  22. Based upon my recent experience in the US, I departed at LAX in late September and going to a Walgreens or CVS are not great options for a time sensitive Covid 19 PCR test. I went to a international travel oriented clinic for the PCR test with a 24 hour result guarantee. There are Covid 19 testing centers and clinics all over the USA that are geared up for providing quick PCR Test results. Some can provide results in as short as 3 to 4 hours but they are expensive($400 to $500).
  23. How to book an international star for an event: 1. Discreetly contact her agency and inquire about her availability 2. If she is available then quietly negotiate her fee 3. If she is not available or the price is too high(I tend to believe this is the real reason) then the public never learns and no one in charge “loses face”. I cannot imagine YG Entertainment(Lisa’s agency) would have agreed to her appearing unless the fee was worth their time. Members of her group, BlackPink, have millions of dollars in endorsement deals with many international companies(next time you buy a can of Pepsi just look who might be on it). I would classify this as a failure in Business 101.
  24. "exit stamp". Thanks JerryMahoney. I am going to upload that when it comes time apply for the new Thailand Pass.
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