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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. Here’s a TIT moment: Went to a cashless Starbucks in Chiang Mai but there was a cash tip jar at the counter. One problem some may face is not all foreign debit or credit cards will work in the Land of Smiles.
  2. In the last 6 years I have bought 3 Samsung Phones in Chiang Mai and have never encountered a knowledgeable salesperson who speaks passable English. I conducted hours of research and examined the various models on my own. Then I bought the one I liked. The last time I spoke to a qualified Samsung Phone salesperson was at a Best Buy in California.
  3. Turning in a passport should have been added to the conditions of release. First time I have heard of a serious crime like this when the defendant has to: "Notify the court before leaving the country"??? What if he goes to a country where Thailand does not have an extradition treaty? Just wondering only.
  4. I asked why i needed to call in first for the transfer and got two reasons: 1) “because the Patriot Act requires it”. 2) A week later I was told “anti-money laundering”. Both sound like legitimate reasons but the part that really <deleted> me off was this line “We(the bank) can limit the number of transfer at our discretion”. I asked for an explanation as to what “discretion” meant? I’m still watering for an answer. I got burned by US Mail last year. An investment company in Los Angeles sent a dividend check to me in Chiang Mai through unregistered US Mail. Of course I never got the check and this started a month journey of phone calls to Los Angeles(of course at 200 AM) to get the missing check voided and then arranging to have a replacement check sent to me through Fed Ex. I got the check in 4 days and I even got a tracking when it was sent. From that day on I request any sensitive items sent to me through Fed Ex, UPS or DHL.
  5. I am starting to believe my American Bank(USAA FSB) does not want to deal with me because I live in LOS. Two past incidents make me believe this. I have been with USAA FSB over 30 years and just in the last two years I have encountered issue after issue. Here are two of the most recent examples. 1. If I want to make an International transfer out of my US checking account to my Thai Bank account I have to first call and advise of my intent make the transfer. This is something that was started about a year ago. Also, the cost to a make single international transfer is now $45. My US based pension can only be direct deposited into a American Bank account and effectively the Income Transfer method is not not possible for me. 2. 5 years ago I got a replacement credit card sent to me in Chiang Mai through Fed Ex. I got the card in 4 business days from Texas. Well the same card is due to expire in December 2022 and I called the Bank Credit Card department for the replacement. The process was similar as before and I was charged the Fed Ex and was told I would get the tracking number in a matter of hours and the card would be delivered in 4 days. None of this happened. Instead the replacement card was sent to me from Texas through unregistered US Mail. Of course I never got the card. So far I have called the bank 10 times in 10 days to get the replacement sent to me through Fed Ex. As of today no one at the bank can confirm the following: 1) Was the card sent? 2) Where is the Tracking # 3) When will the card arrive? The thing that really stood out was when one of the managers said “ well sir you live overseas and it will not be easy”. I think that last statement is very telling Have any other forum members who live in Thailand with US Bank accounts feel the same way>
  6. Maybe that is one of the reasons? If it is held in Washington DC then many of the protesters won’t be able to afford to make the trip.
  7. The US is holding an APEC summit? In Hawaii? Seems a long way for most of the members to go.
  8. If you look at the video it looks like the driver veered into the running formation at the last second. Not much anyone can do except to veer away. But running in a formation means less individual response time. I was in the same type of running formation at the same location 34 years ago. Hope all make speedy recoveries.
  9. I think at work an employee is required to listen or at least act like they are listen to a manager.
  10. After 7 years of living here and 20 years of visiting I have learned one very important thing: Do not give advice to or disagree with a Thai person if you are a foreigner. In essence smile, keep my mouth closed, pay and of course tip generously. In 50 years Thailand will have new, shiny new buildings, high speed rail, electric vehicles but unfortunately the same mindset. I also read today that the US will help build a nuclear reactor in Thailand. I am not sure if this is a good idea.
  11. Yes. In my case he did.
  12. For Ram I saw the Gastroenterologist on Wednesday morning and had both the Endoscopy and Colonoscopy done on Friday morning. Based upon age and health getting them done in a timely manner could be critical. Just my thoughts based upon my experience. 36,000 Baht is a lot of money but back in the US I paid $3000 for a colonoscopy with health insurance over 10 years ago. One of the things I do not complain about is the price of health care in Thailand.
  13. Had the Combo package at Ram last year(Endoscopy and Colonsocopy). Total cost was 36,000 Baht. I have been seeing Dr. Ssombat for a few years because of a bad H. Pylori infection many years ago resulted in gastritis. My condition flares up from time to time. This was my second Colonoscopy in the last 10 years. The prep was as before. Take a combination of strong laxative starting in the early afternoon of the day before. No eating except for water 12 hours before the procedure. Show up in the morning, change, check vitals, sedation, procedure, recovery and leave. Came back a week later for the lab results. In my case a small begin polyp was discovered. I will have another combo package in 5 years unless I develop symptoms. I believe the Colonoscopy alone would have been around 25,000? I am not exactly sure because the prices of some service were discounted due to the pandemic. I suspected if could be higher now because the country is now fully open.
  14. He effectively closed the Georgia Senator Election. Warnock will prevail. Dr. Oz and Kari Lake were endorsed by Donald Trump. Oz lost to guy recovering from a stroke and Lake lost to a candidate that would not debate her and did a disappearing act. His time is over.
  15. NATO = NO ACTION TALK ONLY. When I was in the Army many years ago an old NCO told me this what NATO really stands for.
  16. I have had 3 implants done at Dental4U. No complaints. It’s not just the implant that one has to factor in: 1. Tooth Extraction(if required) 2. Bone Graf(if necessary) 3. The Actual Implant 4. The Crown after the implant has fused with the bone(This could take 2 months). Also, a 3D X-ray maybe needed to check on the implant. You can go Cheap, Medium or Expensive on the crowns. The most expensive crowns are Zirconia. Porcelain crowns are relatively cheap. Total cost for each implant+crown was around 50,,000 to 55,000. The Implants were Titanium Osstem from S. Korea.
  17. My experience has been most Thai's don't want Foreigners to assimilate into their communities or culture. From my perspective most Thai's want some distance from Foreigners. No problem if I go into a store, restaurants or any other business in Thailand. When I first arrived to live here I got some odd stares when I got into line at a mostly locals food stand. I got the feeling of "you don't belong here" I could have been wrong? I am respectful to the people and culture of Thailand but I know where i should or should not go. Of course this is strictly based upon my experience of being here for the last 7 years. Others will have different thoughts.
  18. I bought an Ice Gel Pack from a Critus Pharmacy in Chiang Mai. It was 190 Baht. Some hospital pharmacies might have them in stock but of course you pay much more. Many years ago Chiang Mai Ram charged me 700 Baht for the same Ice Gel Pack.
  19. Thai Cupid or Line App?
  20. He has to carry the Fox Corp mantle. Otherwise he would not be employed.
  21. “I hate Trump”? So you know me and my political viewpoints? I do not know who or what you are. Nor do I care to know.
  22. I’m not confused. Brett Baer is not Hannity or Carlson or Ingraham or the three clowns in the morning show. Based upon this comparison he is honest and objective.
  23. What does the Sister In Law look like? I have lived in Chiang Mai for years. A really comfortable lifestyle in my view has been a round 40,000 Baht per month. I can pretty much do what I want, eat and drink where I want and can tip generously for good service. If I am here next year plan on moving into a condo that has a swimming pool, gym and sauna. This will add additional 10,000 to my monthly expenses.
  24. Brett Baer is about the only objective and honest person on at Fox News. Many will not know this name but I really miss Charles Krauthammer. For 2024 I see DeSantis and possibly a Tim Scott or even a Niki Haley on the ticket. I think the Trump Train has run out of steam. Dr. Oz couldn’t even beat an obviously impaired guy with a bad goatee who was wearing a hoodie. The person who gave Dr. Oz his show, Oprah, endorsed Fetterman. Trump endorsed Oz.
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