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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. Well this is my perspective. Have been in CNX fulltime for 7 years. Everything ThLt said is true. I have stayed in CNX for one main reason: The Cost of living and medical/dental is very low. With that i have to accept some negative things. There is no "paradise" or perfect place to live. For me and for now CNX is the place. I leave LOS at least once and now with border restrictions being lifted twice a year. I need this change of scenery to maintain my sanity. Last week I spent a few days in Singapore. A place where just about everyone obeys laws. Drivers obey traffic laws, motorcycle riders wear helmets and where safety is a priority. Heck my hotel room even had a smoke detector and overhead sprinklers for fire protection. Has anyone ever seen this two things in LOS. But one pays a lot for the comfort of staying in a safe place. Three days in SIngapore was equivalent to a 10 day stay in CNX. Maybe a change of scenery in a different country could help out. Everytime I land back in BKK or CNX it feels like a new experience. I am usually fine for at least 6 months and then I have "get out of town". These are just my thoughts and my perspective on CNX.
  2. Will Ukranian visitors get a water cannon shower as well? Then will the first charter flight with Chinese visitors get two water cannon showers? At least LOS is honest with it's actions: $$$$$$$$$ and $$$$$$. No mixed message here in "paradise". Come one and come all, just spend your money here. This understandable and if I was a local I would welcome Russian visitors with a smile and open arms.
  3. Did he slap the guard back? In my former profession I would have classified this “no crime”.
  4. https://www.voanews.com/a/north-korea-temporarily-banning-travelers-from-china/6896779.html Amid mounting international anxiety over the wave of COVID-19 cases sweeping China, North Korea has introduced a total ban on visitors from its close ally and neighbor I thought this was “fake news” but apparently it is real. Also, the Chinese Government said the recently implemented entry restrictions on Chinese travelers is discriminatory. Ok, the Chinese Government is now offended.
  5. 1) 3 Doses of which vaccine? 2) Can people get reinfected? 3) Will Chinese Visitors have to purchase Covid 19 insurance before they arrive? 4) What if a Chinese Arrival tests positive while in LOS? Ah, just details. No need to be concerned.
  6. “Revenge is a dish best served cold”. Khan Noonien Singh, as portrayed by Ricardo Montalban, in Star Trek II.
  7. Ahh, I was in Singapore for 3 days and I do not recall being charged this fee. I was there was over Christmas. Also, Scoot sucks. Scoot is like Air Asia in yellow. Only reason I flew with them was they were the only nonstop from CNX to SIN.
  8. $40 USD from Changi to Queenstown (about 25 KM).
  9. The only time I had to show my Vax Certificate was at check-in at CNX airport. For Singapore one has to complete an online declaration form 3 days before the flight. I had to upload my Vax certificate on this SIN Immigration portal. The actual entry process at Changi was very quick. I was at the Taxi pickup point about 45 minutes after I landed.
  10. I just got back from SIN. For me it was easy because I am fully vaccinated. These are the entry requirements for you: If you can meet the COVID-19 requirements above, you may skip to the General Entry Requirements. If not, you must fulfil the additional COVID-19 requirements listed below. Requirements for Travellers Not Fully Vaccinated with COVID-19 WHO EUL Vaccines i) Pre-Departure Test (PDT) Within two days before departure, take any of the following COVID-19 tests: COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction test; OR Antigen Rapid Test (ART) administered by a trained professional, or self-administered ART that is remotely supervised by an approved ART provider in Singapore [for Singapore citizens, PRs and Long-Term Pass Holders (including In-Principle Approval holders) only] The Pre-Departure Test (PDT) report, which shows a negative test result, must be in English (or accompanied by a notarised English Translation), and clearly states the traveller's name, date of test, as well as the traveller's date of birth or passport number per the passport used to travel to Singapore. A PDT is not required only if you tested positive for COVID-19 between 14 to 90 days before your date of departure for Singapore. You can use this tool to check if the pre-departure test can be waived, and the documentation required to prove your first infection or recovery. ii) COVID-19 Travel Insurance Short-term visitors must ensure they have travel insurance covering COVID-19, with at least $30,000 of medical coverage. Read the COVID-19 insurance and medical treatment page for details. Good luck. I flew with Soot nonstop from CNX. SIN is a great place and got a reminder of home. I am from Southern California and many of the things I want I found there but of course everything was expensive. Just something to consider for the SIN MRT (city train) is No Cash and no single journey tickets. MRT only accepts cards that you top up. For the required insurance try AXA Thailand at direct.axa.co.th.
  11. 60% would be approximately 800,000,000 Chinese have contracted Covid in the last 3 years? Uh, this is not what the Chinese government keeps saying. Daily Covid cases in China have been reported as in the 1000's (if you believe that then I have some ocean front properties for sale in Florida at a steep discount). Let's see where we are in March, April or May of 2023. Songkran is supposed to be in mid April and it looks like it will be a big deal unlike the last two years. The reason why Australia, New Zealeand and Germany have not put up entry restrictions for Chinese is because they do not expect an influx of visitors. Probably the most popular destination for most Chinese travelers will be LOS. Does anyone believe a million Chinese travelers will go to Europe next year? The US has a very large Chinese population and even I doubt a million Chinese will visit there next year. The only exception would for Chinese who have relatives in the US.
  12. I recently flew to Singapore and on the flight and upon arrival there were numerous remindders that the possession and use of drugs will result in imprisonment. Maybe LOS can do the same on all inbound flights. Oh never mind because yesterday I must have walked by 10 Cannabis dispensaries in Chiang Mai.
  13. If this happens again I could be a test case because I have had 4 shots of Pfizer and the last one was with the Bivalent vaccine. My last dose was 3 months ago. Let’s see If I am well protected or not?
  14. I think the next step will be to establish quarantine hotels or facilities for anyone who started their flight from China. I could be wrong but what do you do if new arrivals from China start showing symptoms? The last thing anyone in LOS wants to see is a massive Covid outbreak in early 2023. I have a selfish interest in saying this because I have at least 3 or more international trips planned for 2023. Foolish of me to think it was finally over and I could travel again?
  15. Guido Bertolaso, Lombardy regional councillor for welfare, told a news conference: "On the first flight, out of 92 passengers 35 (38%) are positive. On the second, out of 120 passengers 62 (52%) are positive."
  16. More than half of passengers on a flight from China to Italy have tested positive for COVID-19 - as China prepares to open up its borders despite a huge surge in infections. 1) For those who thought Quarantine, COE, Covid 19 Health Insurance and the Thailand Pass were in the past, think again. 2) Everyday more and more countries are putting entry restrictions on any traveler who departs from China. Is this prejudice or racism? Is this just being cautious? 3) If indeed 5 Million or Chinese enter Thailand in 2023 will they be allowed to just fly in and wander the country without any restrictions. We shall see.
  17. Your correct. I was off my one. Must be old age.
  18. Are you looking for quality or a low price? For quality shoes that are durable then I would skip Decathlon. Decathlon shoes are fine but the low price usually means lower quality materials. I bought a pair of shoes from Decathlon and they did not last long. RevRunnr has a store inside of Central Festival and they carry most of the name brands. I have been running for over 35 years and did 5 marathons (of course when I was much younger). My new favorite brand of running shoes is now Hoka. Hoka shoes are not cheap (some for over 5,000 Baht). Hoka shoes offer the greatest amount of cushioning that I have felt in any shoe I have ever worn. Cushioning is important when one has old knees and joints.
  19. The US Government has a fleet of B737's which are designated as C-41's. POTUS rarely flies in a C-41 but sometimes the VP flies in them and then the call sign becomes Air Force 2. The real challenge was getting Zelensky from Kyiv to Poland on the train (could have been a "turkey shoot" for a squadron of Squadron of Su-57's). But I guess bombing Zelensky while he was on a train would have been even too crazy for Vlad? Once he was airborne Zelensky was safe and no way a single F-15 provided aerial overwatch (probably an entire squadron of F-15 or even F-22's).
  20. Japan will soon start requiring a negative COVID test upon arrival for travelers from China. Doubt LOS will ever do such thing. Why? Because Japan does not care if the Chinese Government is offended or not. Doubt there will be any restrictions for Chinese Travelers into Thailand.
  21. Thanks i just bought my ticket for January.
  22. Then I have a request as well: Stop asking me “where you come from?”.
  23. I would but one night in SIN costs about the same as 5 nights in CNX. When a country becomes a modern and efficient place most of us common folk cannot afford stay for long. My belief is LOS will not become a modern efficient place in my life time (I am in my late 50's). This is actually a good thing for most of us long term foreign residents.
  24. Excellent point. One of the greatest inventions of the 20th Century was the Catalytic Converter. Do they make those for Tuk Tuks(insert sarcasm emoji)?
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