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Posts posted by RobFord

  1. The liar in chiefs record of giving to charities is less than stellar.

    President Donald Trump, a billionaire who while campaigning bragged that he was "really rich," announced Thursday that he would donate $1 million to relief efforts after Hurricane Harvey slammed Texas and Louisiana this week. But according to Tony Schwartz, the man who ghost-wrote Trump's 1987 book, The Art of the Deal, that's not going to happen.

    Last year, Washington Post reporter David Fahrenthold won a Pulitzer Prize for investigating Trump's philanthropy. Fahrenthold began by looking into Trump's January 2016 claim that he'd given $6 million to veterans' groups, and then the journalist broadened his probe. Ultimately, Fahrenthold found $7.8 million in charitable giving from Trump's personal accounts since the '80s, even though he bragged about donating "tens of millions of dollars...to charitable causes."


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  2. The gf has a nice little business bringing in Royal Jelly from Australia, breaking it down and selling it in smaller more affordable packages on Facebook.

    Cost nothing to start, keeps her busy and makes a little money.

    You can find Thai royal jelly but like most Asians, Thais prefer western brands and are very suspicious of domestic food / health products. I would think this applies to cosmetics as well.

    As a previous post said, " differentiate your product".

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    "Objective viewers have long ago concluded that Fox News is not, and never has been, a legitimate news network. They began as a project by right-wing propagandist Rupert Murdoch and Republican media strategist Roger Ailes to spread disinformation and promote GOP politicians. And for the past 17 years they have carried out that mission with a roster of rabidly partisan hosts broadcasting provable lies.


    So according to Ailes, he regards channels that are plainly entertainment and sports as his competition, not other news outlets."


    https://www.newscorpse.com/ncWP/?p=27363IMG_0157.PNG.7a67b699185bf17876f2cf48b969a425.PNGThailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


  4. Hunting whales is irrelevant to feeding Japan's population, draws global condemnation and is certainly not economic. So why does Japan still do it?

    "But Junko Sakuma thinks the answer lies in the fact that Japan's whaling is government-run, a large bureaucracy with research budgets, annual plans, promotions and pensions.
    "If the number of staff in a bureaucrat's office decreases while they are in charge, they feel tremendous shame," she says.

    "Which means most of the bureaucrats will fight to keep the whaling section in their ministry at all costs. And that is true with the politicians as well. If the issue is closely related to their constituency, they will promise to bring back commercial whaling. It is a way of keeping their seats."


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  5. My retirement fund is doing nicely. But do continue your copy and paste routine.

    More of the copy and paste routine. It appears others aren't as easily impressed with the US president as you.

    "Does the United States even have a president anymore?

    A $53-billion public pension fund isn't sure, so it's dumping the American stocks in its portfolio.

    Finland's Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company— the country's largest pension fund— told Bloomberg it has reduced its exposure to stocks by five per cent, most of that reduction coming from U.S. stocks."


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  6. "While President Donald Trump’s handful of trips to Russia have been meticulously scrutinized, a review of his son’s public statements spanning several years, as well as social media posts and interviews with Russia experts, shows that Donald Jr. spent far more time in the country than his father did and developed personal ties there that continued beyond the November election."



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  7. Ban violent groups.

    Ban hate groups.

    Otherwise it's free speech, right? I know you all hate free speech in this little anti-Trump echo chamber you've got going here but how can you limit free speech? I'm sure there's some things which would offend you which won't offend me and vice versa, so who is going to be the one to set out what is offensive and ban that particular speech? How can you make being offended illegal? I know you are all trying to silence everyone you don't like, and this is exactly why Antifa is trying to do, but it's impossible because there's no standard on offence.

    Either it's all ok or none of it is. As long as they are not being violent then it has to be allowed, right?

    I don't know why neo nazis are not classed as a hate group in the States. Likewise for Antifa, yet.... [emoji3]

    All of 5 minutes to find this. Read the article.
    Also, source Wikipedia for declaring foreign terror groups.

    "The constraints are significant given that, over the past decade, suspects accused of extreme right-wing violence have accounted for far more attacks in the U.S. than those linked to foreign Islamic groups like al Qaeda and ISIS, according to multiple independent studies."


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  8. Here's a bunch of videos of your heroes beating up Nazis from yeaterday's riots at Berkeley.

    Just kidding. They were beating up Trump supporters and innocent bystanders as usual.


    Let's not forget how much you all defended and supported this mob and you can't edit your comments any more.

    There will only be more of this as each day passes.

    555. Your snout is buried sooo deep.


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  9.  Hahaha. Yes I must be a racist KKK member. That's why I don't agree with you. Not because of who you support and defend. 
    And I'm currently on the beach. I've been on holiday for the last 5 weeks and been giving this literally 10% of my attention. That's why it's funny when you terrorist supporters write massive essays which i can answer in 1 sentence.


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  10. Gotta give KunMatt credit - he told us repeatedly that what REALLY happened would come out and then we'd learn about who the real violent and hateful protesters were. Following on from the revelations from the Discord Server that completely eviscerate his basic premise comes this:

    Yep, look at all them Antifa who instigated the violence an... oh, sorry, these are all White Supremacists/KKK/Alt-Right. They started it, they escalated it, they used weapons and they ultimately drove a car into a crowd of peaceful protesters, something they'd discussed at length in their private server conversations leading up to the event. You stand naked and exposed KunMatt. 


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  11. Why is it that so many posts about President Trump have so much bitterness attached to them. People rationalize that he is selfish, incompetent, lazy, inarticulate and a liar. Instead of complaining about his failings let's hear about what you have done with your lives.

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    555. You're in the wrong thread.

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  12. This is also a good read on the alt-right.

    White Nationalists Know How To Tailor The Message For Newcomers

    "If you want to build a movement, here's the first thing you should know: The best way to convert someone to a point of view is not to get in their face and scream inflammatory slogans. It's to simply filter the facts so that they arrive at the conclusion you want on their own. Modern white nationalism has mastered this."


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  13. Edit - screw it, I can't be bothered. There's no point arguing with those that believe the US can do no evil, and that have the right to overtly and covertly destabilise and impose their will on other nations.

    What I will say, is that for many years I was told by people from the Middle East what a wonderful country Syria was, and how I should visit. It was renowned in the region as a peaceful and progressive country.

    The arch-conservative Muslim Brotherhood, centered in the city of Hama, was finally crushed in February 1982 when parts of the city were hit by artillery fire and leaving between 10,000 and 25,000 people, mostly civilians, dead or wounded (see Hama massacre).[48] The government's actions at Hama have been described as possibly being "the single deadliest act by any Arab government against its own people in the modern Middle East".[49] Since then, public manifestations of anti-government activity have been limited.[27]


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  14. I think a lot of it wasn't borrowed. He was just laundering it by having dubious Russians overpay for property.

    "According to an analysis by Bloomberg, Trump now owes Deutsche around $300m. He has four large mortgages, all issued by Deutsche’s private bank. The loans are guaranteed against the president’s properties: a new deluxe hotel in Washington DC’s old Post Office building, just round the corner from the White House; his Chicago tower hotel; and the Trump National Doral Miami resort."



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  15. I've been wondering about this guy. Maurice Symonette. The token black man?
    You've seen him positioned camera friendy, directly behind the occupier of the White House's rallies for a year.
    With the same sign.
    The Real Story Behind That ‘Blacks for Trump’ Guy At The Arizona Rally
    "His rap sheet lists arrests for racketeering, firebombing, conspiracy in 14 murders, and grand theft auto,
    the New Times reported in 2011."
    "In the early 1990s, Symonette, who then went by the name of Maurice Woodside, was arrested along with
    other members of an African-American cult called the Temple of Love, the New Times reported."
    "Its leader, Yahweh ben Yahweh (formerly known as Hulon Mitchell Jr.), was later sentenced to 20 years in federal prison 
    for conspiring to commit murder."
    The strange story of that ‘Blacks for Trump’ guy standing behind POTUS at his Phoenix rally
    "Ricardo Woodside, Maurice’s brother, had once been in the cult but left after his mother’s death."
    "Woodside testified in court that his brother had helped beat a man named Aston Green, who argued with Yahweh
    and was taken to the Florida Everglades and beheaded with a dull machete, reported the New Times."
    "He also testified that Maurice Woodside was the cult member who stabbed a Louisiana man named Leonard Dupree
    in the eye with a sharpened stick."
    Maurice Symonette's hateful, unhinged racist rants on his website here:

    I'm amazed trumps security would allow him in the building. Watch your back trump.

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  16. Quoting from the OP--


    "U.S. stocks and the dollar weakened and investors pivoted to the safety of U.S. Treasury securities on Wednesday. The S&P 500 Index <.spx> was about 0.3 percent lower in afternoon trading. The Dow Jones Industrial Average <.dji> was down by 0.3 percent and the Nasdaq Composite Index <.ixic> slid 0.2 percent. The dollar weakened against both the euro and yen."


    And, how many people voted for him because he was perceived as a great "businessman"? 


    Politics is about the great art of compromise.  It's not like running a casino/hotel.


    Running a casino/hotel????


    "Over the course of 18 years, Trump's companies went into reorganization six times — five times in New Jersey, where he had his casino holdings, and once in New York:


    Trump Taj Mahal Associates, Atlantic City casino — 1991

    Trump Castle Hotel & Casino, Atlantic City casino — 1992

    Trump Plaza Associates, Atlantic City casino — 1992

    Plaza Operating Partners, Manhattan hotel — 1992

    Trump Casino Holdings, Atlantic City casinos — 2004

    Trump Entertainment Resorts, Atlantic City casinos — 2009


    "It would be six separate bankruptcies," said bankruptcy lawyer Ted Connolly, author of "The Road Out of Debt: Bankruptcy and Other Solution to Your Financial Problems."




    This is why he borrows Russian laundered money. No one else would touch the orange ass-hatchling.




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