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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. Its disgusting everywhere for an accepted legitimate claim, having to wait an inordinate amount of time to receive a refund - if at all in some cases! Even if it took only five minutes to effect the refund, that would still be 300 times longer than the time it took to pay it and for the sum to leave your bank!
  2. What would be a better question is: How many Democrats have gone Trump and Republican?? Could probably count them on less than one finger!
  3. A real man is one who avoids conflict while preserving his own dignity. You may have a heard: Don't judge a book by its cover!
  4. Somebody is confused? The reference to Trump is bob's own profile pic and at his profile shows half a MAGA image. Enough said!!
  5. There is only one thing worse thing than being Donald Trump: Pretending to be!!! Maybe those "Gangsters" are Democrats"
  6. Anything to do with you, I wonder? Thank goodness (for me) none of the stages you have attracted!
  7. For farang, read ME For us, read ME For no Thai male friends, read ME Not, me, Mr Chris, you MR bob
  8. Doesn't take a detective to know it is a scam. Are there people who would fall for it?
  9. And of course, these weapons and other are always ready at hand - not!
  10. I will answer your Topic Title Yes, it is, by about 70 million people!
  11. Not completely true, There are plenty of people that claim their pit bulls wouldn't hurt a fly, but..... The real truth is that they are unpredictable! The oft-exaggerated claims of "killing machines", I agree with you. I have been bitten twice by dogs that were not pitbulls, and would argue that is more about the Owners than the breed, and they are not banned. But in countries where pitbulls are banned is because of their unpredictability. I guess you think they shouldn't be because your opinion is more important than the facts! Thailand should wake up accordingly!!
  12. Could you give us some examples?
  13. Hello Mike, I first started the Everyman in 1965, from then on I did Daily Telegraph nearly every day for more than 30 years, graduating to The Times, but I only ever completed one without help. From the beginning of this year, I decided to go back to the Everyman online and I have completed every Sunday since then. I can finish in about one hour. Occasionally I need to research something to confirm I am on the right track. Thank you for the compliment.
  14. My suggestion is a visit to your Doctor. I occasionally get low readings (never with any obvious effects) but always, I take three or four readings to find an average - for me that is very successful. For you to have a (single measure?) low reading enough for a recognised symptom of dizziness - in your case collapsing to occur, is something you don't want to be alone with. Sudden, albeit random, low measures require an explanation if there is one, and as Sheryl mentioned, maybe a medication adjustment will help!
  15. No, not necessarily many agents, (don't know about Hua Hin) but can arrange without financials at all!,
  16. So the B5,000 entrance fee will leave all the poorer Thais continuing with all the illegal gambling!
  17. This is a cynical comment - that I could easily have said myself!
  18. Unless the phones fell off the back of a truck!
  19. The positives you mention are very good for you and probably the most important! The negatives are some "what ifs" The balance is very much in your favour to continue - with a few minor adjustments through communication!
  20. Cant we just take the article at face value? Why all the speculation and blaming the victim: he is too old, shouldn't be out at 2 am, should have used a safer type of transport, probably faked the theft anyway. None of us knows the details of the incident and almost certainly we won't hear another thing about it! Everybody is entitled to go about their activities without fear of being mugged at any moment, On this particular occasion maybe he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. In my long life I have never been accosted or assaulted in any of the 35 countries I have visited, including Thailand. Come on folks, give him the benefit of the doubt and the reporting of the incident!
  21. Indians - Now look what you have done! Tarnished the image of Pattaya!
  22. It is not easy to love anyone who wants to kill you because you are not the same as them.
  23. Buddhists are atheists - this means they do not follow or pursue a theistic religion Though myself, I am on the philosophy side of things - I am not interested in the rituals or believe in the afterlife or spirits. hours and hours of chanting; these aspects that I reject but accept that common practices probably have some merit towards referencing religiosity. Its partly political and cultural I think; everybody seems to need to know what "religion" is represented in all countries!
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