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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. A Culture Vulture coming to clear up all the remaining scraps of personal freedoms.
  2. He has been a star for long time, being so far away from planet Earth
  3. You have certificates so from my point of view and in my experience in the last four weeks, including a trip down south, keep a hard copy handy as you will never be quite sure who might ask to see it. I WAS stopped twice at police checkpoints to ask if we had been vaccinated and when saying yes, they just let us through without wanting to see proof! Given existing restrictions and new ones being added from time to time, I can foresee that either Thailand or Provinces within Thailand may require something more so keep your eyes peeled for new announcements. Only today, a 1st December possibility of the nightlife opening has been put back to a "possible" mid January. Your planned trip surrounds the New Year period so maybe special added restrictions or maybe even, relaxations, might be implemented.
  4. it is true that the covid vaccine is primarily for that disease but Covid is highly contagious. Please tell us what contagious diseases you believe you will encounter. Can't give you the "Tyranny" bit.
  5. Anti- Vaxxers are not victims, neither will be improperly "discriminated" against. Anti Vaxxers are a law unto themselves and unless medically excluded then they have to accept the consequences as outlined. On Monday of this week, Austria, decided to lockdown (can only go out for special reasons); anti-vaxxers amounting to more than 2 million people. Many clubs (not in Thailand, I agree) won't let you in without a tie - so "discrimination" is quite common for trivial matters, let alone serious ones.
  6. Anybody can watch porn in Thailand. Why bother legalizing it? Gambling - same same Prostitution - same same Road traffic laws - why bother with laws?
  7. Not sure what colour Lampang is but wherever I look, I see a lot of lovely green, specially in my garden! I went to a wedding on Sunday in Lampang and the colour scheme was definitely pink! And quite by chance I wore a pinkish shirt! Masks all round, except for eating (very much together) and for photos. Didn't even think what the rules might have been! On a side note, all the food for about 100 guests was totally vegetarian.
  8. I am always interested in profound remarks from The Leader of our Country of Thailand that has developed: Up to about 1950
  9. Not to mention, something quite different in the current Education Bill that "sailed" through its first reading
  10. Three weeks ago I flew Lion Air (domestic) four times and hard copy was required every time. In addition, one bus company wanted it and one hotel. No harm in having it with you whether needed in general or not. In fact I took my passport with me but it never left my bag as my drivers license covered everything!
  11. There are many people on this forum (including me) in circumstances such as these tragic accidents about riders and passengers not wearing a crash helmet, but I would guess that most people DO have a helmet but don't wear it. In addition, I would comment, a little apropos of a previous comment of mine here, that many people somehow cannot afford a helmet but have no problem having smart phone. I understand that a motorbike is often the "family vehicle" and there is little problem about helmet wearing unless one has some sort of incident, nevertheless, it is truly irresponsible of Parents who may or not be wearing a helmet but carrying one or more small children without one. And of course it is breaking the law. Yes, it's true I think, that the police are not well paid but they HAVE undertaken to accept and do the job and therefore they have responsibilities to enforce the law. They really do have the job that could make meaningful differences to the number of accidents; death and suffering in the short and medium term. I am very sorry that I have seen no improvement in 19 years. Given that some people are killing themselves and others that were not even born when I first arrived in Thailand, this means a whole generation has missed out on many necessary lessons. And I fear it will continue!
  12. If people are so poor they can't afford a helmet then provide free and enforce the wearing of them, though being run over by a thing that size might not have made much of a difference. I would speculate that the driver of the truck needed a wide angle to access the site and simply didn't see the motorcycle, legitimately in the proper lane (coming down his inside) RIP that poor family
  13. Didn't do his homework, did he? Couldn't have happened to a nicer man! Went to Switzerland to update his bank books. With any luck he won't be allowed back into Thailand.
  14. What's wrong with the RTP doing it? I have been plying a regular main road route on my bicycle for nearly four years. There are two road traffic RTP offices within 10kms of each other. I have NEVER seen a police car patrolling this road that would keep ten police Officers on either side of the road busy throughout the daylight hours here are some of the offences I see absolutely every day I am biking. Speeding, No helmets Hogging the Outside lane Parking on pedestrian crossings Driving down the wrong side of the road Schoolchildren riding Motorcycles often very fast and in the outside lane If I stop and take clips of these offenders and earn money, will I need a work permit? There's a ton of money just waiting to be taken of these people and those who won't pay can have their vehicles impounded and ultimately sold to make yet more money. Benefits would be less traffic, less deaths and injuries and some harsh lessons learned. And maybe some of the money could facilitate a better pension for the elderly. And let's not forget that staying within the law costs nothing. Yes, I know, I am dreaming!
  15. When I arrived in Thailand as a retiree in January, 2003, the people, already here for some time, tended to say, "But fings 'aint what they used to be" I have lived long enough to realise that it seems wherever you go, or whatever you do, it won't be, "like the good old days" I have also realised that many people don't like change - and in my opinion, not every change is actually detrimental and often an improvement. And my final realisation is that even when change is not to my benefit I have learned how to accept and get on with my life!
  16. Even if they do half a job, that would be good as a start and in the meantime, these possibles look very reasonable to me!
  17. I think it is not a consensus on this forum that "Thailand" doesn't want retirees but there are quite few who believe that. What does "Thailand" mean in this context? Is it the present Government or would it be similar by any kind of Government? is it the business community? Is it the Thai people - what do THEY really think? if it is Government and other Institutions that don't want retirees then it would be easy for them to make it happen: existing retirees can continue to stay but no more after 2022 (for example) Covid circumstances over the last 18 months have to some extent exacerbated irritations into real problems and so many people's perception might have been clouded for what was the status quo of Thailand being the "Pleasant Land" I am not of the opinion that "we" are not wanted!
  18. As Mark Twain said, "I have worried about many things in my life, most of which never happened"
  19. Isn't this outrageous? A tourist family wants to visit Thailand takes a risk and loses out. No sympathy from Thailand, just an opportunity to extort ridiculous money. There really is no need for this heartless "welcome" It costs an arm and a leg for enforced incarceration - now enjoy the rest of your holiday here! Thanks a bunch!
  20. I would like to tell my prospective tourists that during the time Thailand was closed due to Covid we have been working hard towards improving aspects that we know needed serious attention, so that the amazing Thailand you once knew really is more amazing! We have cleaned up all of our Country, our beaches are clean, the sea is warm and refreshing and clean. Many organisations at local level especially in main tourist areas have been working together with Hoteliers, transport, particularly taxis and local businesses who know only too well that the new cleaner Thailand is ready to provide quality service with the famous Thai smile and be sincere with it! Come to Thailand and enjoy yourselves; you are very welcome and you will feel welcome, safe and hopefully our efforts to educate people who might otherwise try to cheat you have understood the message, that leaves their customers wanting more and keep coming back! Sincerely, All of the Thai Government and Tourism agencies.
  21. No discrimination there then, No ordinary tourists may apply to visit Thailand! Those with Swiss Bank Accounts or anyone with a Coutts Account, very welcome Won't help ground level businesses, though. In reality. no need for a meeting, Prayut; you are the boss, eliminate all the climbing over mountains of red tape.
  22. Thank you for your comments. As a matter of interest, I did no research - every time I inadvertently said an idiom in everyday speech, I wrote it down wherever I was. In the end, I had notes in my PC, phone and tablet and in three notebooks. I cannot possibly recall them at will! Since 1st November, I already have another 50 idioms that I haven't checked yet. There maybe only one or two not already in the database. It is getting more difficult to find "new" ones as the database keeps being added to. My definition of a true idiom, is when two or more words in a phrase, when translated separately, have nothing to do with the idiomatic meaning. Example: A "sleeping policeman" The idiomatic meaning is that it is a ramp across a road that is designed to slow you down; nothing to do with "sleeping" or "policeman" (when the words are translated separately). I once asked a Thai professor of English what she would do if she came across a sleeping policeman, she said, "First of all I would take his gun". And what's more I told her in advance it was an idiom!
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