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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. Playing for Northampton and Shrewsbury 40 or so years ago is not what I would call "cashed up" 'for life'
  2. The laws of the Land are not the same as the rules of the road!
  3. There was a scheme to do such a thing but it all came to a halt in 2016
  4. Yes it has, arising I think, from a mini budget in the UK yesterday 23 Sept. My pensions arrived two days before at the 42 rate so I haven't been affected (until next month?)
  5. I love the countryside in which to base myself. I love the city for its hustle and bustle for occasional visits. For every country bumpkin there is a City Slicker
  6. Tradition is habit passed down from generation to generation - can be personal, local or national - it continues as there is often symbolic significance arising from some legend or some special event in history. Like it or not, It will always exist everywhere in the world. Some I like, some I don't.
  7. Fortunately. there are no stupid people on this forum!
  8. To a seven year old, a real motorcycle is just a toy but one to be played with on the roads. What seems apparent also, is that these children were actually taught to ride. No parent, if asked, would say they didn't care but they would have to admit irresponsibility.
  9. This could easily be the case all over the world!
  10. My comment remains valid. Only a suggestion. Not just "trapped in a damaged vehicle", (your words) - careful to avoid "behind the steering wheel", AS REPORTED!
  11. Trapped behind the steering wheel suggests not wearing his seat belt.
  12. From the headline and the actual article, it is clear that some journalists (and their editors) don't have proper command of the English language. As others have pointed out there is a great difference between being electrocuted and getting an electric shock!
  13. Schools don't need their own swimming pools! There are thousands of swimming pools all over Thailand at Resorts and hotels. Why not have some arrangement that allows very young children in 1st and 2nd grade with professionals who know what they are doing use these pools from time time when Resorts are not busy, Even in High season, whatever that might mean these days, there could be a two hour session in which many children could get some basics of "water sense". Not all the children go at one time - it would need to be properly managed and financed - Government, The Schools? This is business for resorts as well as being a useful curricular event for the schools and children. I am not about to say how all this might operate in real life but merely suggesting something that might save some lives, not to mention, learning to swim is pretty easy for children and it is fun!
  14. I was a member in one of the 56 provinces yesterday. Ankle deep in water outside and toe nail deep inside 2 bedrooms upstairs. Only rainwater from overflowing gutters. I have done some running repairs and this morning all seems to be well. My wife and I got very wet but we cleared up and no real damage done. Worst in 30 years she said!
  15. I don't think it is racism - that is a hate word with undertones of intention to insult. It is more likely stereotyping which is basically over generalising.
  16. This is a serious matter. I insist on my passengers wearing a seat belt or they don't travel with me. I am assertive but not hostile. As the driver, I believe I am responsible for my passengers safety and comfort and cannot imagine how I would feel if by not wearing the belt and they suffered serious injury or death while in "my care". I do it for their safety. In fact I have found small children are receptive to wearing the seat belt where previously they never did! After only one trip, I found then belting up without any reference to me. I told them I was proud of them. Childrens' ages? 3 and 5. Adults are not so easy to persuade but they don't ever refuse!
  17. This morning while out on my bike ride, an on duty policeman on a motorbike passed me and after a second or two I saw coming towards him and me, the wrong way, a motorcycle with passenger, without helmets. Two offences but they each passed the other with no apparent reason for the policeman to stop and enforce something! I gave the policeman the benefit of the doubt in believing he was making his way, about one kilometer further on, to a recognised checkpoint where he perhaps had a schedule to man the post with others. I was wrong! The checkpoint was unmanned, although to be fair, on my return 90 minutes later, it was! How can, particularly at this time of officially stated intentions, an Officer of the law blatantly ignore two obvious situations in which stopping would seem to be the right, dutiful and proper thing to do?
  18. Why wasn't that three months used prior to enforcement. Another three months of unnecessary deaths. As you were everybody!
  19. Even if there is the will to enforce the seat belt law, I wonder how they will see those wearing them or not. It seems to me that most cars have tinted windows, that means technically all vehicles will need to be stopped. This will create a queue that will enable those behind to belt up and avoid an offense already committed before stopping.
  20. This new ruling will mean throngs of traffic police everywhere we go enforcing it all - maybe. But out and about yesterday, on the first day, I didn't see anything that looked like a policeman.
  21. I have been wearing a mask in all buildings except my own home for two and a half years and in my town I would be very much in a minority if I didn't and possibly inviting more unwanted attention as a foreigner! I agree with the OP and other posts about the perceived futility of it but... When I am confronted with an irritation in public, and in private for that matter, it is easier to concede than be angry and argue the principle that isn't worth it and it definitely saves time, heightened stress levels and potential embarrassment from a watching audience.
  22. A comma after "cutting", would have saved the ambiguity that was not intended. Editor missed that one!
  23. They inherit and copy their parents - the irresponsibles of their own children, the police and the Government
  24. I would like to address the precise question in the OP No!
  25. An observation: The one that has tattoos in places he cannot even see himself. What possible personal enjoyment is there of a piece of art on his back that requires him to constantly remove his shirt in public? So that his attention seeking maybe enhanced by all those that stop and exclaim, "how beautiful and cool"
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