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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. Yes, this question has "done the rounds" But my answer is: Tips are NOT obligatory - anywhere, not even USA, for me! I give tips when service and a good job, is over and above the call of duty! I do not agree with pooling the tips, or tip boxes; a person gets the tip. I want them to know he/she served me well!
  2. Whilst I don't wish it on them, they both know the marriage won't last, not because of the great cultural differences but because of his actual age, If we are thinking of "final" years (in his case) and I was able, then I might do something similar - it is a win-win in my opinion. I hope there will be "many happy endings" for him and one for her (facetious remark - no malice intended)
  3. Britmantoo stated earlier on, that Immigration in this case could have been lenient in this particular case. MY reasons for doing this would be to do with an Elite visa Holder, the current situation re covid and the need to create as much positive attention for potential tourists, to show goodwill and the spirit that Thailand really needs at this time. I cannot agree 100% because what has happened is against the rules. For those who say Immigration Officers don't have the power and yes, within the rules, they don't, but we all know that while I believe that the rules for all Immigration affairs should be applied equally countrywide, they most certainly are not! Many posts on this forum ask about requirements for visa matters depending on which Office they apply. When things are different, in my opinion, it seems that some Officers either do not understand the rules or ask for things not required for reasons I do not know; maybe for personal benefit. Circumventing the rules and the law is commonplace here because (personal) "power" has been assumed. For me, I have a conscience; within which are a set of principles (my law) but there some occasions when a pr*ck to my conscience is more favourable than being a pr*ck, in a situation in which the progress I want to make is seriously impeded. So as an immigration Officer in this case, I might let the "Blacklisting" part slip my memory - but don't tell anyone!
  4. Hands up for anybody on this forum who never made a mistake, made an error of judgment, misunderstood or simply forgot something that impacted their life or created a serious inconvenience to themselves and/or others. It isn't very nice for the person involved to be told they are stupid, should or should not have done something, when they almost certainly know that already! However an incident/accident has occurred, they need a little compassion, understanding and offer of some kind of help or even some moral support in their hour of practical and emotional need. How many people end up in a hospital bed due to something that "is their own fault" and somehow deserved, are turned away by Doctors and Nurses? I apply the same principle in my everyday life. No, I do not subscribe to those who wish to give the impression that self-inflicted problems couldn't happen to them.
  5. By way of suggestion only because nobody else has mentioned it, I wonder if it may be a case of appendicitis.
  6. The Thai employees - will they be scantily clad "pretties", providing "happy hours" with "casino fines" after closing time? If I was a betting man...
  7. Covid deaths are in addition to everything else. Nothing to do with flu or road deaths or anything one could die of. 20,000 extra deaths in Thailand alone that have seriously affected more than 100,000 others in families and loved ones, suggests to me it is still a serious threat and not to be treated flippantly.
  8. "Rather like taking a button and sewing a shirt onto it." Nice one, Sheryl, not heard that one before!!
  9. Don't' need to back any year, you could go next week while covid is on. In the last two years i have been to a few islands withbeautiful deserted and pristine beaches
  10. They didn't even learn that from a Thai teacher; that was passed on by another Bar Girl
  11. Why wouldn't it plummet? Teachers are teaching but students are not learning Students are not stupid, they are bored, bored, bored! Thai teachers of English ore not proficient in either spoken or written English It is about time teachers themselves were taught by native speakers Teacher training is hopelessly inadequate and quite wrong in its rote-style of teaching! Another topic I feel I am wasting my breath on!
  12. I have been in Thailand quite a long time and "standard practice" is not to enforce the law by actually going out on the roads, and even when they do, fines are left unpaid. I think that most of the personnel in RTP are in inactive posts. It's almost like that is in their contracts! In fact this goes for pretty well all in the Transport Ministry also. Given up believing there will ever be any improvements.
  13. Not sure I have been to as many hotels in Thailand as some here but I have certainly been to quite a few over the years. I have never been cheated as far as I know. The situation prevailing right now is that certain hotels have been allocated the business of Quarantining and generally managing tourists during this covid time and it seems to me they are simply taking advantage; well, alright, ripping people off, who are effectively being held to ransom due to their already-burdened guests, being stressed out and therefore more vulnerable. It is nevertheless very bad business practice and won't help in the long run when visitors ultimately return in reasonable numbers.
  14. Well, who would have thought it? Name and shame them - when they return home. They might be served with slander or libel if they do it here!
  15. "Why would airasia lay off staff if next year millions of tourists come to Thailand, according to TAT? " Although I realise there is just a hint of sarcasm, I think they have more idea of what they believe will happen in reality when they say that their schedule will be up to 50% by the END of NEXT year!
  16. A friend of mine has a dog that had a tumor the size of a tennis ball in a similar place to your dog. The dog, ten years old, did have surgery and has recovered well. I have seen the dog as recently as two weeks ago and looks great to me. Your vet should give you an assessment of what surgery will produce that will give a few more years of happy life. if not, there are more vets these days that will euthanize the dog. Ask around, someone will know. In the meantime, good luck!
  17. About 5 years ago I had all my luggage, getting on for a 100 kgs and a bicycle. I had to get them to the bus station and collect at the other end Green Bus Company took all of it from Surat Thani to Chiang Mai and it arrived next day! B900 I myself did the trip by Air Asia!
  18. I would like to ask the Culture Minister, given that culture covers a wide range, Can he give me just four aspects of Thai culture that are worth preserving that ore more important than what we do in the privacy of our own homes, that in any case is none of your business..
  19. A Culture Vulture coming to clear up all the remaining scraps of personal freedoms.
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