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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. I wonder where you got this idea from. Many Thai students use their Thai degree to continue studying in Western universities. Many of ABAC graduates study for master and PhD in Australia and the US, UK, Japan and many other countries. I personally know of a student that got full scholarship for MBA at Yale.
  2. Yes, he missed the sick buffaloes...
  3. We all die
  4. na, last time he did it they used no court time nor prison cells.
  5. Getting a replacement ID card has nothing to do with voting and can be done at any District office. Early voting can be done anywhere as well, but voting on election day must be done where one is registered, according to official address.
  6. I must have missed the article about him being in jail
  7. The answer is EDUCATION, not sponsoring young moms and babies. If the government was to financial support them, there would be many more teenage moms getting pregnant just for the income.
  8. Returning the loan with interest...
  9. Very simple. Officially, the title for children under 15 years old is dek chai (boy) and dek ying (girl). They become "adults" at 15 and then the titles change to nai for men and nangsao for unmarried women. Up until around 2010 Thai citizens had to get the ID card at age 15. Yinglak had changed the rules first to allow (and encourage) children get their ID card at age 6, and I think now it is required by law to get the ID at that young age, and that's why you have the master title (and I guess they use miss for young girls instead of the ms. for adults.
  10. Actually they lost money because of the enlarged fuel tanks for which they had to reduce passengers and cargo capacity. I took the 2nd ever direct flight to NYC, 17 hours... And it was amazing. Good brand new aircraft, good entertainment system, good service.
  11. It's obvious she doesn't want to share toilets with you either.
  12. Thank you for this. I couldn't read past "Long post but " in the op....
  13. A very simple question for you: are there physical differences between a male body and a female body? If your answer is No - then why aren't there just leagues for this sport and that sport? Why are all those leagues divided into man (male) and women (female) leagues? If your answer is Yes - then you already understand that you shouldn't let a male play professional sport with females. Nothing to do with skin colour.
  14. That is a medical condition that has nothing to do with sex confusion. I haven't seen any statistics about it, but I'm pretty sure the % of people with xxy chromosome in the trans community is about the same as in the general population
  15. Yap, they should go by xx\xy chromosomes if all other reasonings fall on deaf ears of the pc crowd
  16. I ask her if it's ok without a condom. If she immediately says yes, or if she says yes but pay extra - I put on 2 condoms and spread some chili paste between the 2 layers (if she feels the burning, the outer condom is torn, if I feel the burning - is the inner one). If she insists on condom I try to convince her that it's ok without.
  17. You can demand a doctor's certificate ☺️
  18. How old are the daughters that she's willing to give you one for 100k??
  19. Anyone knows\uses a VPN that supports WiFi calling? A couple of years ago I changed to cyber ghost (can't remember which one I used before) but unfortunately they don't support it. I read somewhere that experts VPN does and I was willing to pay an extra $4 per month, but a chat with their rep made it clear they don't. I also checked with Nord and they also don't support it. It is strange as I can make WhatsApp calls while connected to the VPN, yet can't make calls using an overseas sim as the companies overseas block it...
  20. I just spread my wings
  21. It's called protocol 5 so one can assume it's about fifth freedom, as just being allowed to drop off passengers doesn't make any sense.
  22. Who do you pay rent to? The agent or directly to the landlord? The deposit (usually 2 months rent) is split between the agent and the landlord. The agent keeps his half as the commission for finding the renter. When you move out, the landlord is supposed to pay back in full. The agent doesn't have any power over the landlord in case he doesn't give it back. You can and should sign a contract directly with the landlord. You can insist signing it at the condo office and have them witness the signing of the contract.
  23. Compulsory insurance only covers actual medical costs against receipts. I think it is limited to 50k. No converge for the vehicles or any other property
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