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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. I guess that the rescue operation was very costly and the German guy is expected to pay for it
  2. Last night I spent with a gorges hotty. Feels like I won the lottery. I'm in Thailand
  3. Weren't they?
  4. Last year, in another country I was visiting, a particular chain of fashion shops had a promotion: 3 items of any kind in some categories are sold for 1000 Baht. I found 2 items I wanted, and as it would have been more than the 1000 Baht for these items out of the promotion, I selected 1 more item so I can get into the promotion. Went to the cashier to pay, and was asked for my membership card, which of course I didn't have. So he asked me to wait and took the next customer up. She was a member. So after he finished charging her, he asked for her approval and used her membership to ring my items. I was happy to get the discount, he was very helpful, and she was nice to allow it. If she got credit points for my items - I'd be happy for her, not upset with her!
  5. Now that you're experienced already, you should tell them upfront you want the phone unchecked and you are willing to sign for it as is. See what they say and then decide if you buy it out not
  6. Actually on my phone it was much better with the old look. Now the headline fonts are so big that I have to scroll down much more to see the content. Personally I also liked the order of the old digitally: featured, local news, international new. A great addition would be to clearly mark those infomercials.
  7. What do you mean your wife got automatic citizenship? Every country has its own set of rules. If you want to bring a foreign wife to the UK you have to show about 90k pounds in your bank (according to a post I saw on an last week), I know it's easier for the EU but there's always a process involved and mostly not so cheap either. In Thailand anyone can become a PR - all you have to do if follow the guidelines. You can also gain Thai citizenship. Those 500k people that are going to get citizenship are mostly tribal people with no other citizenship, and some people from neighbouring countries that as was explained in the article share similar traditions and ways of life to Thai people. Face it, Thailand is not an immigrants based country like the US, Canada, Australia and NZ. look what happens in Europe now, after they've let all those refugees in. Thailand wants to stay the land of the Thais and there's nothing wrong with it. Most expats that live here know that before they even come here and they still come.
  8. My first thought was - being her father's daughter, who does she have to suck (up to)??
  9. Royal project produce is not organic and AFAIK the royal project has never tried to market it as organic, just better quality
  10. If I had been the pilot I'd head to the nearest alternate airport.
  11. They can and do even with lowtech.
  12. Is the UN an international body? Theoretically yes. However, it has been proven without doubt that many of the UNRA personnel ARE Hamas terrorists. As for UNIFIL in Lebanon - Hizballah terrorist built camps and dug tunnels next to their bases and posts. So are they credible for anything? More so - the UN secretary general has admitted that ALL numbers they have announced were supplied by Hamas "officials" and no UN nor any international body has checked the numbers, and he also admitted that the numbers submitted by Hamas were blown up well out of proportion and the numbers are less than half of what was advertised. Hamas also count ALL dead as civilians. They never gave any numbers for terrorists.
  13. These numbers are given by a terrorist organisation named hamas and has not been vetted by any international body. Another point is that Israel has REACTED to an unprovoked attack against civilians - 1200 who were slaughtered by that very same terrorist group. Most of those who died in Gaza were terrorists, and the few civilians who got caught in the fire were actually used by hamas terrorists as human shields.
  14. With the good (and expensive) ones you can set a perimeter on an app. When the dog goes near the "fence" there'll first be a bip sound, if the dog continues there'll be a vibration and then static shock.
  15. Don't know how your quote got messed up. However, at that time I was told by the officers that I could take the lump-sum and still continue getting medical cover for about 400B / month. They even said I had 6 months to decide AFTER getting my lump-sum.
  16. Don't know if there were changed to the system in the last 10 years or so, but around that time I was at the border line and at the right age. I was told by the social security offices that I can choose between a lump-sum and monthly payment, but if I make 1 more payment to them then I could only have the monthly payment.
  17. You're mixing 2 issues here. When officially married couple have children, both parents have parental rights of the child, even if they later divorce. I guess that's what happened with your wife. If they were not officially married when the child was born only the mother has parental rights, even if the father is registered on the birth certificate. If both the child's parents are alive and hold parental rights - you won't be able to adopt the child without the father giving up his parental rights willingly or by court order. Only then you'll be able to start the adoption process. On a side note, if the father has neglected the child or is unavailable to carry his duties such as signing documents needed for the child, the mother can request the court to grant her sole custody of the child and then she won't need the father's signature or approval for anything. So I guess that's what your wife has to do first. However, I'm pretty sure that in order to adopt the child officially you'd still need the father's approval.
  18. Yes they do (or can) - there are government programs for helping the poor. They get an allowance to shop for good and necessaties, tied to their id card, with which they can shop at participating shops. When they reach the age of 60 they get 600B \ month as old age benefits (every Thai citizen gets it regardless of their financial state). There were talks recently to increase it to 1000B \ month, but hasn't happened yet.
  19. Yes I do, but dying by accident has nothing to do with retirement age
  20. Yes, I suffered from similar situation. Replaced the missus. Problem solved!
  21. 600 BAHT is old age payment, not retirement payment which comes from social security. I know many Thai villagers that lived into their 80s
  22. Problem is airtag only shows you where the dog is. The GPS wireless fence actually limits the dogs from going out of your yard.
  23. Thank you :)
  24. Not exactly. As those services are local, each organisation works with 1 specific private hospital in their area, so they won't go to a hospital they don't have a deal with. About 10 years ago they'd get 300 BAHT per injured person. BTW, they are all volunteers without salary or paid expenses. They have to buy the vehicle and equipt it themselves.
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