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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. If both of you are listed as equal owners that means half the condo is yours and the other half hers. If she passes away without a will, her half goes to neutral heirs: 50% of her half goes to you as the husband (so you already have 75% ownership of the condo and basically everything else you bought after you got married). The other 50% of her share is divided between her children and other surviving members of her family ie parents and siblings, so in the worst case scenario they can claim that part but they have no claim over your 75% of the property. It might be better to have a will, but they might also challenge the will at court. Nothing to do with Thai\foreign quota
  2. Maybe because the initial 1 is for 2 years and the next 1 for 5? Should ask AN members with short term visas how much they pay for a renewal for only 2 years at a time.
  3. So when you apply for a passport do you go to the DMV? Immigration has nothing to do with driver's license. You might be confusing the proof of residence which you got at immigration with the Thai license which you should get at the DLT (similar to the US DMV). You can use 1 original certificate of resistance plus 1 certified copy (you certify it by signing) and the same for health certificate, but the actual licences are not on the same card and never have been.
  4. It is. I never mix tobacco with weed, and although I usually smoke 1 "type" of cannabis and rotate between "types" every few days, I sometimes mix 2 and even 3 "types" together, as I've done in the last couple of days.
  5. I'm waiting for the release of the COVID era docs
  6. Wtf does that mean? When I was born no doctor\nurse assigned me male. When my children were born no doctor\nurse\administrator assigned them male\female. Does that mean we are not legally males\female? Who do I have to see to get assigned? Can those in charge of assignments assign me as 25 years old?
  7. From the same flower? I thought the body high comes from higher % Indika while head high from sativa. I mostly vape dry herb, changing the strain of weed between higher\lower % of Indika every few days. I started vaping at 190c but now usually 200c for better hit but I'm paying for it with coughing... I usually do 2 sessions per filling and a total of 3-4 sessions per evening. I'll have a look at hooking the vaporiser to a bong and will also try to reduce temperature and do more frequent sessions... I tried oil in the past but didn't like the long time waiting for the high and the fact that adjusting if the high is not good enough is not possible unless you vape\smoke for the extra high.
  8. A bit strange. Usually when hackers get a stolen cc or bank details they'll try low amount first to see that it works, and as most people have lower transaction limits why would they try 400k on first attempt? You might want to check people that are close to you and might know your bank limits.
  9. Sold a unit few months ago. 3 transactions were made - 2 as deposit, 1 upon agreeing on the price, 1 about a month later, and the 3rd on the day of the transfer. All transactions made from Bank to bank. Never saw cash or draft
  10. I have a sharp fridge for over 20 years. Been moved 2 or 3 times since I bought it and still going strong. Seems like you bought a lemon.
  11. The best way to be sure is to take a copy of the chanot to the local land office. This is basically the only way to be sure it's a freehold and that ownership can be transferred. Usually when a plot is upgraded from N.S.3 (or from other lesser titles) to chanot the owner cannot sell for a period ranging from 5 to 10 years (called red chanote). It is also noted on the original chanot. Next thing - be present personally at the land office for the process of the change of ownership. The officer will ask the seller if he received the agreed amount in full and only then they'll add your name (or company name) to the chanot.
  12. And that's why one should ALWAYS complete the transaction in person at the land office, both when buying and selling.
  13. And they'll also tell you if it's a freehold or has any loans or other restrictions against the property.
  14. How was the first time you had sex? Did you have someone in the room with you to help you find the right place and aim?
  15. True. I for one keep all my money under my mattress and I make sure it is in a wi-fi dead zone, never bring my phone to bed just in case ...
  16. Wow, it worked! It did bring them good fortune. They walked under an elephant and are still alive to tell their story....
  17. It's possible to get a new green book of you're the legal owner of the bike, which means your name is on the green book...
  18. OP has obviously never been to Europe\Scandinavia...
  19. Here want chanting. He was murmuring "me too, me too"
  20. put her just where she belongs - irrelevance
  21. Let's wait and see what the new administration actually does after January 20th
  22. I know of some people that overindolge yet they're still fully functional, working and all. The first time I tried was when I was around 20. One joint. After that time I hardly touched weed at all. There were some occasions I was offered and accepted, and many other occasions I declined. I started using the official oil from cannabis clinics when it became legal here in Thailand and to my surprise it helped me with sleeping problems. During the peak of COVID I didn't want to go to the clinic which is located inside a very big government hospital, and also they didn't always have stock of oil, so I got some weed from a friend and have been smoking since then. I must admit that using the clinic's oil, although help with sleeping, didn't have any buzz at all. Smoking (or vaping) gives a good buzz which I can control by smoking more, or less, and also helps with sleeping issues. I only smoke in the evenings when I watch TV and relax before going to bed. For a while I used to grow my own, but now I find it easier to buy. I use about 10g\month. I always buy 30-40g of different varieties so I switch between them all the time. No bed effects, especially after I learnt the when and how much to smoke.
  23. Is it a new laptop? If not new, have you had this problem from the start or only after about a year from buying the computer? When I bought my current laptop it came with one year subscription to macafee antivirus protection. When the subscription was about to end I started getting such reminder pop ups to update the subscription - which I didn't want. I solved the problem by removing all programs and apps of McAfee. Once all gone never got anything from them.
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