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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. I suggest you read the op again, slowly this time. Hint: no quarantine is for arrivals from LOW RISK countries. The 21 days minimum stay in low risk countries is to make sure people who live in other countries don't go for a couple of days to a low risk country in order to avoid quarantine here.
  2. I don't know the procedure for using a property as a collateral for a loan from a private person, but when you mortgage property to a bank you pay 1% of the sum of the loan in fees to the land office.
  3. I think a more important question for Ausies is when will they be added to the list of citizens who are allowed to leave their prison island at will....
  4. I don't have this problem. All my wives (4 so far) were virgins with no prior relationships before me, 3 of them orphans with no family at all, so no problems ???? But seriously, when taking a loan for a car, the car is used for guarantee, not a house or any property. In some cases the bank or credit company asks for a guarantor that can show sufficient steady income.
  5. I arrived just before the end of September. I delayed my arrival as much as I could, waiting for the formal announcement of changes due in October, and as nothing was published I just booked an ASQ and came. 2 days into my quarantine I was informed by the hotel that quarantine period has been cut by few days, so I could leave earlier but no refund for the unused days....
  6. As per my previous reply: 1. You being the legal father is irrelevant for the issue. 2. You don't need to transfer the money to the gf for the registration of the property at the land office. If the house is finished and you pay upon transfer of ownership at the land office you simply show up with cash or cahier check. If the house is in the process of being built and you pay by instalments - you can pay cash or transfer money from your account to the developer and the last payment is at the land office
  7. I don't know about gift laws, but many posts above give wrong information. 1. There is NO minimum age for a Thai person to own property. As soon as a Thai child has a birth certificate he/ she can own property. 2. When a Thai person buys property there is no need to show where the money came from. You either pay cash or cahier cheque, payment done at the land office usually. 3. I only ever dealt with 2 land offices (6 transactions so far) and no problems were made, no bribes were asked for nor given. 4. When a minor (under 20 years old) is registered as a property owner there are some restrictions and limitations such as: A. Property cannot be sold/ leased out/ mortgaged without family court approval. The court will only approve such requests if they are convinced that it is for the benefit of the child, and AFAIK the courts are very strict about it. B. A guardian (adult) must be appointed for the property. The guardian does NOT have to be Thai, so you can be appointed as guardian. A separate issue: you mentioned you are registered as the legal father of the child. As you're not married, your name on the birth certificate carries no weight at all. Your parental rights must be granted by a family court or the district office - depending on the age of the child at the time of registration. But again, this has nothing to do with the issue of buying property under the child's name. Oh, regarding a lawyer - I never used one for any of the transactions or dealing with the land office. There's no need for it and it's a waste of money IMO.
  8. FYI, Thai citizens do not have to fill departure/ arrival cards for few years already. In the past, when they still had to, the departure card was collected when left Thailand and the arrival was attached to the passport, and the arrival card was collected when they returned home
  9. Yeah, right. Like Thailand is the only country in the world that throughly checks such cases and let the courts decide.....
  10. Already known to be wrong. Vaxed people DO get infected and DO spread the virus.
  11. I don't know the Indian style, but if it hurts - yes, that style
  12. I also don't trust these new vaccines. My kids are adults already and can decide for themselves (so far they decided against it). I'm a teacher at a government school and already notified the director in not getting vaxed even if that means I can't teach.
  13. With his attitude I think he shouldn't be allowed to have sex at all...
  14. A friend of mine checked several travel insurance options in his country. Price range was about $2/day for a coverage of up to $5m for ANY type of medical issue (hospitalization), including Covid, so not really a big deal/addition for a trip to Thailand. Also, many travel insurance have the option to shorten the coverage period so even if your tickets show a stay of 90 days and you have to take a 90 days insurance (for about $180) you can cancel it after the quarantine period if you want. Oh, and being vaxed doesn't mean you can't get infected and even need hospitalization for Covid.
  15. If your sons have a Thai citizenship try contacting the hotel directly for a quote as they (at least some of the hotels) have a reduced price for Thai citizens and a combo of Thai + non-Thai guests.
  16. What's so difficult about it? 1st form with basic information. Once approved (which can be in a little as few hours) you have about 2 weeks to complete the 2nd form with flight details and ASQ hotel confirmation. If you submit all necessary details/ attachments correctly you get the final approval (again, can be in just few hours)
  17. So because it's their choice and not due to medical problems they are more infectious? It is already known that vaccinated people can get infected and also infect others - even those vaxed by what you call the "effective vaccines". What many people fail to realise is that the control measures taken in most countries are based on fear, political motivation, or both.
  18. Nobody knows that. So far there's no scientific evidence to support it. Also, AFAIK no one so far has researched what load of the virus one has to be exposed to in order to get infected and the relation between the load exposed to and the severity of the symptoms.
  19. Good post. What I don't understand about all the vaxed people is that if they truly believe in the vaccines, what are they afraid of? Why are they afraid of unvaxed people? If the vax is a good as they promise it should protect them from the virus, or at least from hard symptoms/ illness.
  20. I don't understand what they all cry about. If you've been working for 3 years legally, you can apply for a PR, and later citizenship. If you're married to a Thai and been legally working for 3 years you can apply directly for citizenship. Most countries in the world have terms and conditions for people who want to migrate to their country. It can be a needed profession/ skill, it can be a sum of investment or whatever.
  21. Welcome to the covid world where nobody knows anything and most decisions are mostly politically driven
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