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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. our trash collectors were draining their veins on the opposite side of the street on pick up days .. i printed out the security cam photos and brought them over to the OBT office and had the wife lay into the boss..... nevered happened again
  2. ever notice that they stand at the back of the car or truck in full view of on comming traffic ...instead of going to the far side out of view
  3. Game changer .... # instead of constantly using creams and meds that do not cure change your diet !
  4. we as humans on a proper diet do not need veggies and or fiber ( ever do any research to see all the toxins in plants) ? we do not have a functioning secum like gorillas that convert fiber to saturated fat why do you think when you eat veg/fiber most if it exits as "waste" ? when you eat proper .. 98% of your intake red meat/eggs/fats etc are absorbed
  5. Bad seed oils Sugar Carbs ( Bread Rice Pasta etc etc ) Fiber as in useless veggies and Smoking MODERN Science ,, Red meat, Saturated fats,, are the way to go .. follow your ancestral diet !
  6. Seems to be a very nice Man .. nothing against him .. but on a professonal level .. especially as the Tranportation Secretary ... a useless individual maybe he should try his luck as a cookie shop clerk
  7. a gunshot wound to his left arm .... obviously needs more precise target training
  8. food for thought ...... The FAA is overseen by Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg what could possibly go wrong ..... ( very long list )
  9. Stop calling them migrants .. they are point blank illegal trespassers and I do belive in fair play ... at least 1 warning shot
  10. Stop calling them migrants .. they are point blank illegal trespassers and I do belive in fair play ... at least 1 warning shot
  11. ..and or they supply rubber sandals for you to wear ,, that have been worn by hundreds of people who's feet are right out of their own dirty fungus filled sandals.. even better watch how many people take a seat then remove the sandals and put their feet up on the chair.
  12. Luuk Chaai


    I think men ( and women ( 40-50-more lbs overwieght sporting humongus fatty liver bellies ( their not beer bellies ) is repulsive I think anyone wearing plaid shirts and shorts show a total lack of cognitive awareness how about wearing sandles with sox ? But then we can do what we like with our own bodies. (same same ...) get it ?
  13. My wife is 21 younger than me. Been together 16 years. Great life.
  14. INGREDIENTS. Pork, Water, Contains 2% Or Less: Corn Syrup, Salt, Natural Flavor, Vinegar, Sugar, Pork Broth, Monosodium Glutamate. Geez,,,,,,,,,,, just eat a pork chop !
  15. People don't need neck braces all the time. ( Yeah ...... only when the media is watching ! )
  16. anyone remember these scenes on how to remove a "Ring" ? Help! in which an Asprey’s jeweller, examines the ring stuck
  17. Chiropracters can re-align your body check this out
  18. I guess Thailand is doing there part ? ( same edition of Asean Now ) Experts predict Thailand’s population will halve by 2084 as birthrate rapidly declines
  19. Always in Thailand .. Random times checking mail.. don't matter.. no set time today a late start ,, busy chasing soi dogs away from my gate
  20. I see most of the advice / opinions here are based on 1950' sbought and paid for bad information tie to move up to the current proven science I would fire the doctor.... anyone that wants to keep you on a slow poison instead of finding out the real cause of your "NOT "high cholesterol ( get th idea") oh.. and your sugar is too high ! Get a full lipid panel and ask what your " Small LDL-P marker is Usually part of the Lipoprotein Fractionation NMR test there are a few people here who have done their homework and are current .. Diet,, #1 drop all carbs try and go Carnivore that would be ruminant meats ..red as in beef.. and fatty eggs.. 4-5-6 every day , butter , and bacon ..... you need high saturated fat to be on a proper Human Diet 2nd choice ketovore, 3rd choice keto you as a human do not need vegetables or fiber to be healthy Thank God mankind survived the ICE AGE ( and it was not because of frozen vegetables ansd a microwave ) there is no reason with some quality current medical facts you should live well over 100 hope you have time to view this info from Dr Chaffee check out his channel
  21. Should the flag be up at night The flag should be raised no earlier than first light and should be lowered no later than dusk. The flag may only be flown at night when illuminated.
  22. was starting to worry for a moment ,,,,,, noticed tons of cell phones , but they saved themselve . and the high heels eventually showed up
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