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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. You do obviously, or you wouldn't be coming here so soon after acquiring your newest family member !

    Believe me mate i dont really want to come back to Thailand so soon after baby, but we have to make the effort to come and see the family, they are desperate to see baby. Once we are in Thailand i am sure it will be fine, but it is the flight i am worried about. I am going to be one of those people i hate so much :o So anybody flying with Ba to Thailand on the 25th June i apologise now if you are stuck with a crying baby.

    BTW another beautiful day today :D

  2. Cost of living in Thailand=10k baht a month

    Cost of living in U.K=100k+ baht a month


    Ahhh but our costs arent 100k+ as we rent my mothers house off her, so all we pay is the mortgage payments which are hardly anything and obviously the utilities, so living in the U.K is pretty cheap for us :D

  3. Family rates no1 in a Thai persons life.

    Sure thats why your wife has left her daughter in Thailand to set up shop half way around the world. :o

    Yeah so she can earn better money, to be able to put her daughter into a better school, and then bring her to the U.K to goto uni, something we wouldnt be able to do if we stayed in Thailand, come on now poodle get your facts right.

    Trained Chef in Thailand= 30k baht a month

    Trained Chef in the U.K= 100k+ baht a month

    Now where would you work?

  4. Yeah why tell the world ? Having been here for many years I feel we're killing the goose that laid the golden egg, Im talking about year's ago it was only the farang that had the gut's to leave their country and go off to start a new life in a strange land that came here, we knew next to nothing and had to fend for ourselves the best we could, because of this we we're in a minority, these day's with the formation of the ex pat's club and their website they are encoraging people by the thousand's to re locate here, the result's are increased prices everywere, and nowhere to park your car !

    You mus't really like apostrophe's.

    Those are commas. :o



  5. Just give her respect and a smile and nothing else otherwise you will start to get milked like dalyboy.

    Its got nothing to do with being milked English poodle and if you are going to have a little snipe please spell my name right :o .

    Believe me you are seen as a tight ass in Thailand if you give nothing. Added to the fact the inlaws take care of my step daughter so i am more than happy to help them improve their lives, and if you notice it isnt money i give them, it is electrical items which they use to make their own money.

    I dont give them money for themselves, have never given a sinsot and they know our financial situation so never ask for cash. We give them money to put my step daughter through school and to pay for her upkeep, but they certainly dont get thousands off us because we dont have it to give.

    As for washing machines, they certainly arent the expensive ones you buy in the uk, i think the one we bought cost about 3000 baht, its a bright blue toploader that you will be able to buy in the local electrical store. :D

    Dont listen to Poodle, he obviously doesnt understand the meaning of family in Thailand, they are brought up to support each other be it cash wise or working in the fields. It isnt a question of being milked, it is a question of you marry her you marry the family and everything that goes with it, if you cant accept that then stay away from Thai women. Family rates no1 in a Thai persons life. They have no pension system so rely on their siblings for support in later life.

  6. Electrical aplliances in general seem to go down well. When we moved back to the U.K i gave the inlaws my 28 inch tv an vcd player along with my playstation which they love and cherish like a child :D

    We also bought the mil a top loader twin tub washing machine, now that has just packed up after 4 years so we will buy them a new one this year when we go over. The mil charges per load for the use of the machine

    A phone line was another welcome addition and a source of income for them. I paid for the phone line when we moved back to the uk so the wife could keep in touch and vice versa, because the only other phone was a mobile with a huge aerial in the local shop, now it takes ages to get throug because everyone rings the landline in the house and the family charge by the minute for incoming and out going calls for all the villigaers, i like their thinking :D

    I also gave my hair clippers to the fil when we left, they were an expensive set of pro hair clippers, which i used to shave my head, now the fil charges 20 baht a hair cut for all the local lads who want crew cuts, again great bit of business sense :o

    I guess what i am saying is, you could always buy them someting that can earn them money as well as being useful for themselves :D

  7. highly intellectual like Totster and Daleyboy.

    Nice to be recognised at last, thanks Prof :D:D:o:D

    But to be fair there are a fair share of posters on here that like to get all serious, which is fine, but i have no interest in that, i have enough serious stuff going on in my real life so i come on here purely to shoot the shit with like minded Thailand lovers. I sometimes post something serious, like now :D but most of the time i hope to just be here to give people a laugh and to give myself a laugh :D

  8. I went to pick up a few things from the corner shop this morning, the bill came to $6.66 :o

    I went to the rub-a-dub and the bill came to Bht 270.00.

    Which, strangely enough, if you multiply by 2.466 recurring, the result is 666.


  9. Putting Rochdale on the map...............

    It's already firmly on the map from that time when an adolescent Prof apparently farted loudly in church and then blamed in on some poor lad who was otherwise innocent. :D True or not?

    Thanks one and all for the best wishes.


    :o:D Come on tell us more stories :D

  10. Two tramps were walking along the railroad tracks one day and one tramp said to the other, "I'm the luckiest guy in the world".

    "Why is that?" said the other tramp.

    "Well, I was walking down these tracks last week and I found a £20. I went into town and bought a case of wine and was drunk for three days."

    The other tramp said, "That was pretty good, but I think I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I was walking down these very tracks about two weeks ago, and just up ahead was a gorgeous naked woman tied to the tracks. I untied her and took her up there in the trees and I had sex with her for two days."

    "Jesus", said the first tramp. "You are the luckiest guy; did you get a blow job, too?"

    "Well", the other tramp said, "No, I never found her head."

  11. tomorrow, went down asda spent £60 on flesh :D

    Got into an argument with a rough council house slag, because she was parked in a mother and baby space, without a baby. ..............(snip, for brevity)

    Dales, do they have Daddy with baby parking spaces too? Cos although she may not have had a baby, your are most certainly NOT a mummy. :o:D

    Pissing it down since I went to bed this morning at nine. Until I got up this afternoon at 2. Perfect.

    Yeah your right mate, it wasnt a daddy with baby space, what i should have said was parent with baby space, although i had the wife with me so it could have been a mother and baby space :D:D

    Sunshine again today, and they say it will last for 1 whole week, woooooo hooooooooooo :D:D

  12. Where are TOPS supermarkets located?

    Here are a few of the stores that they emailed me about somthing the other day

    We stock them in only 28 stores that are sold international food; Store Airport,

    Store All Season, Store Bangna, Store Chidlom, Store Hatyai, Store Huaykaew,

    Store Lardprow, Store Nana Square, Store Nanglynchee, Store Pattaya South Tukcom,

    Store Pattaya, Store Phuket Festival, Store Phuket, Store Pinklao, Store Piyarom, Store Rama III,

    Store Rama II, Store Rangsit, Store Ratchada, Store Rattanathibet, Store Samui, Store Silom Complex,

    Store Sriracha, Store Sukhapibal 3, Store Sukhumvit 24, Store Sukhumvit 41, Store Sukhumvit, and

    Store Thonglor.


  13. My gf droped the TV on my head and when I looked up she was holding an axe and then chased me out the house

    I can completely understand why she did this... :D

    totster :D

    And such a shame she couldnt do the job properly :o

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