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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. Just got out the car, walked to the house....got wet its raining again. North East UK :o

    Mostly cloudy, showers around

    High 8°C

    The sun has broken out here, a light north easterly breeze with the possibility of some more precipitation later on into the evening :D

  2. 'Say, was you ever stung by a dead bee?'

    Can you get stung by dead bees?do they not need to inject their poision? Would that be more painful?

    There was nothing in the cup when i looked, but obviously it was dark and i was driving, added to the fact i dropped the cup when i was stung, so i guess it could have fallen down the side of the drivers seat, if it was dead. I didnt see anything fly away, so i guess it must have been dead already and it fell out the cup. :o

    Or was it a wasp???

    Who knows, could have been, there was no sting left in my hand, just a small puncture wound, but like i said i was driving a artic at the time so i guess it is possible that i could have rubbed the sting out

  3. And i was thinking you were a early 20's skinny youngster, instead of the middle aged fat boy i see before my eyes. :D:o Sorry mate i couldnt resist, feel free to have a dig at me, i promise i wont mind :D

    Cheeky bastard!!! When is 35 middle aged? :D And when you are ready to hit the gym (you really need it), give me a ring I'll teach you a few things. :D

    :D Nice reply mate. :D

  4. 'Say, was you ever stung by a dead bee?'

    Can you get stung by dead bees?do they not need to inject their poision? Would that be more painful?

    There was nothing in the cup when i looked, but obviously it was dark and i was driving, added to the fact i dropped the cup when i was stung, so i guess it could have fallen down the side of the drivers seat, if it was dead. I didnt see anything fly away, so i guess it must have been dead already and it fell out the cup. :o

  5. Censorship like that must reduce the Australian vocabulary by about 10%! :D I think it might have been Shakespeare who once said, 'If thou cannot advertise your country without swearing it doth have little to commend it'. I may be wrong about that. Could have been Wordsworth. He didn't swear but the Bard did.

    I was watching a British quiz show on cable the other night. To win a car the contestants had to set off a buzzer by piddling in a toilet bowl behind two very small modesty doors. Then they had human wheelbarrow races with old, fat very naked nudists.

    But the word bloody is a problem. :D

    Were a strange sort over here mate :o

  6. Yep. But not too curly now. :D

    I always thought you were a Irish farang :D Dont know why, its funny how we all seem to have a image of what we think fellow posters will look like, or is this just me? :D

    Daley- made me piss myself LC an irish farang? :D

    And i was thinking you were a early 20's skinny youngster, instead of the middle aged fat boy i see before my eyes. :D:o Sorry mate i couldnt resist, feel free to have a dig at me, i promise i wont mind :D

  7. Well done mate, always good to hear of happy endings :D

    Thanks! :D

    btw, love that image of Chunk! The Goonies is one of my all-time favourite movies!


    You will have to make a video of you doing the truffle shuffle and put it on here for all of us to have a laugh at. :o payment for advice given :D

  8. I have been stung loads of times over the years, and never had any reaction, that was until a couple of years ago.

    I was driving a lorry up to Birmingham on a night job, middle of summer and really hot. I had just finished eating an apple and i went to put it in a old plastic coffee cup that had been left in the lorry, put my fingers in the cup, and felt a severe pain between my fingers. Almost crashed the lorry. :o

    Was in loads of pain in my arm drivng up to Brum, got there about 1 hour later, and by the time i had got there, my hand was already twice its normal size. Someone loaded my lorry for me, and i had to drive back, at this point my arm was seriously starting to hurt, but i drove back in 2 hours.

    Got back to Bristol about 3am and my whole arm had blown up to twice its normal size, so i went straight to hospital. They gave me some anti inflammatory drugs, and said i'd had quite a severe reaction, the swelling eventually stopped, but not before my arm got to roughly 3 times its normal size, added to that fact i was off work for a week.

    Since this has happened, i see anything buzzing near me it gets splattered :D

  9. And don't forget ลาก่อน if you're the one leaving. :o

    Now... I thought La Gon was for the one staying :D

    totster :D

    And i thought la gon, was like saying goodbye to someone you will never see again :D

  10. What pishes me off is people telling me I am not entitled to an opionion or the right to express it.

    This forum was made for you to vent all your "opinions" about Thailand.

    So you are pissed off because some people have "opinions" on whinging farangs?? :o

    People are whinging about threads about whinging farangs, because there are 3 or 4 of these every month, and it is just wasting bandwidth, they serve no purpose other than to clog up valuable space, if you want to make comment on whinging farangs, pick one of the thousands that have gone before and post your complaints, problems there.

    I posted this a long time ago, please watch this before posting drivel topics. :D


    It needs volume, and please pay attention to point 2

  11. I was wrong !

    It didn't rain in Pattaya yesterday ! It might not rain today either. Just more sunny, hot weather, right up until June or July ! :D

    (When are you arriving Daleyboy ?) :D

    End of June :o At least if it is raining over there it will still be 30+ everyday.

  12. What about Kiaora Daley...

    We all adora kiaora... :o

    Indeed we all do love kiaora. :D

    I saw Ribena in Rimping supermarket (chiang mai, I'm afraid).

    Have you tried Tang? It's a powdered squash, I haven't - so I can't tell you if it's good or not.

    Thats ok, we will be visiting Cm so i can go there and pick some up. :D

    Never tried tang, so no idea what that is like. I normally buy sunquick from tesco or any other large supermarket, it is higly concentrated, and you only put in about 2 teaspoons for a 2 litlre bottle of water. It tastes horrible in warm water, but it is ok in ice cold water. Dont buy the orange flavour one, but the tropical fruit flavour one is pretty good. :D


  13. No surprise really that he was suspended, there were enough obvious signs that it was going to happen. As for his views, then he is welcome to express his views, just like everyone else, but not to keep playing the same old record again and again in every thread. Doing this really doesnt contribute anything to a thread. These are just my opinions there maybe other reasons he was suspended, but i reckon tese were a big factor.

  14. Goodbye, i am off out now to play some pool with the wife and then dinner round a mates house, will be back on later :D And for Rio, no the house wont be empty so dont bother thinking you can come round and rob us :o

  15. Nationwide flex account, open in the uk no charges for oversea withdrawls. Easy end of topic, no disscussion needed :D

    Your sooooooooooo clever Daley lol :D

    Easier tio take the loot in ya backsack and ot it in Bangkok Bank !

    Yes i know i am clever, modest as well :o

    You would have to be brave to carry large sums of money, travel insurance will normally only insure small cash amounts, added to the fact you will still have to pay commisson charges on changing money. If you go the flex account root, then you can withdraw so much each day and then pay it into a Thai account.

    See i am not just a pretty face :D

  16. Db thanks for the tip I'll look into it

    No worries fella :D

    Hi all, if you have funds in the UK or income being generated in the UK (eg rental of property) what is the best and most economic way of transfer from your UK bank to your bank in Thailand on a regular basis and IYO's which Thai bank is the most user friendly for ex-pats living in Thailand

    Many thanks


    Hi Mike1963

    Agree with Daleyboy, Nationwide Flexaccount for fee free withdrawals from Thai ATM machines. However they do make charges should you wish to transfer monies from bank account to bank account. Think it is £20 a shot regardless of amount.

    With regard to Thai banks I have found Kasikorn to be most helpful and have arranged transfers going from LOS to UK with minimum of fuss. :D

    TBWG :D

    If we are talking about transfers then i use Natwest, they charge £15. But really i do try to avoid this option. Why should i bloody pay to move MY money around they are all a bunch of bar stewards :o

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