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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. Unemployment figures are still high in alot of Northern areas in the UK, but the government still wishes to bring in skilled workers rather than start more iniatives to train the employment force they already have. I think this grabs back to the use of cheap labour force.

    However as mentioned by thai3 the system for illegal immigrants is renowed for being a shambles and is serving no one except businessmen who have a cheap workforce to use, not the UK.

    All reputable companies i have worked for over the last couple of years have asked for my passport when going for interviews to make sure i am British, the same has applied to my wife, they have insisted on seeing her visa to make sure she is working legally. Also it is now requirement that people wanting citizenship in the uk must now pass tests in communication skills. My wife told me she couldnt be bothered to goto college to make sure her English skills were upto the required standard, just to get a british passport, dont blame her really, who would want a passport for this country :o

  2. The problem is the ATMs all dish out 1000s, but no-one has change for them...
    I use, essentially exclusively, the same pair of ATM machines which are right next to a currency exchange window, and all affiliated with the same adjoining bank. So after withdrawing from the ATM my usual amount all in 1000 baht bills, I take a few steps to the right and give it to the girl in the exchange booth to change to 500 baht bills.

    Other than making a withdrawal for a specific payment, like my rent, I never carry 1000 baht bills on me. Their advantage over 500 baht notes to me is significantly less than the potential hassle factor of changing them. In fact, I try to limit my 500 baht note usage to higher volume shops like 7-11 or other places that can change them without a second thought. Street vendors, taxi drivers, etc. I prefer to never handle larger than a 100 baht bill from me.

    Great advice, i never walk around with 1000's i always get change in the morning from a bank or currency exchange and just make sure i have loads of 100's and 20's this pays for most things i want during the day and i carry a few 500's for more expensive stuff i might need. :o

  3. By posting this in the Ladies Forum one might assume that the OP is requesting replies from the female members of ThaiVisa... not the males. :D

    If this is indeed the case, gentlemen of ThaiVisa, please refrain from responding.

    If, on the other hand, it was a troll post designed to elicit resposes from both the fraternity and sisterhood of ThaiVisa, then please guys... jump in willies and all... :o


    I have already jumped in boots and all, and now i am just hoping no one directs my wife to my reponse :D

  4. Well it has been honking it down in Bristol all of yesterday and last nigt and now a 0840 it is still raining. Well hopefully if it keeps up like this they will remove the already in place hose pipe ban in the Sout East. This taken from the bbc

    Hosepipe bans call in South East

    Drought-hit region needs water

    Water companies in south-east England are being urged to bring in hosepipe bans to avoid the introduction of more extreme water-saving measures.

    A report from the Environment Agency made the recommendation, saying the region was in a "serious situation".

    The period from October 2004 to January 2006 was the driest in some parts of the South East since 1921.

    Rainfall has been low across most of England and Wales, but the south of England has been the driest area.

    Graph of rainfall totals 2004-06 against UK average rainfall

    The Environment Agency and the Consumer Council for Water have both said they are more concerned about shortages in the South East than anywhere else in the country.

    Four out of the nine water firms in the South East already have some form of hosepipe ban.

    Sutton and East Surrey Water has restrictions on sprinklers and unattended hosepipes.

    Southern Water is enforcing a hosepipe and sprinkler ban across its supply area, except in Hampshire.

    South East Water is banning the use of hosepipes in its Sussex and west Kent supply areas.

    Mid Kent Water also has a hosepipe ban in place.

    The Environment Agency appealed for similar action to be taken, from early April at the latest, by Thames Water, Folkestone and Dover Water, Portsmouth Water, Essex and Suffolk Water and Three Valleys Water, which supplies customers across north Surrey, north London, Hertfordshire and Essex.

    Standpipes possibility

    Agency chief executive Barbara Young said both water supplies and the environment were at risk.

    "There is still time for rain this winter and spring to reduce the risk of drought, but water companies shouldn't just hope for rain - they must act now in case the weather stays dry," she said.

    "If they delay introducing hosepipe bans, extreme steps to manage water supplies over the summer may be needed, such as standpipes and rota cuts."


    Compulsory water meters would encourage better domestic use of water

    Phil J, London

    Send us your comments

    From October 2005 up to 20 February, south-east England received about 280mm of rainfall, 100mm less than the average for the period.

    An Environment Agency spokeswoman said: "We need a lot more to make water resources safe.

    "Any rain will help and we're at the right time of the year for rain to have the best possible impact on water resources.

    "[but] we're still a long way from the drought being over."

    Environment minister Elliot Morley said compulsory water meters were one option for saving water but that there was a stronger case for introducing this in areas of need such as southern England, rather than a national scheme.

    Liberal Democrat environment spokesman Norman Baker said compulsory meters would play a vital role in managing resources in the future.

  5. Foggy and still raining in Bristol tonight :D

    I found this amazing thread,,,

    The toon is wet.

    Goodbye :D

    Biggest thread ever, and i will not let it die!!!!!!!!! :D There are those out there who dont share me sentiments, but they just dont understand an Englishmans innate need to complain about the weather :o

  6. I just did! สวัสด

    Yeah 10 hours after the original post :o:D

    Well at least I said goodbye... :D

    Yeah but you didnt go, and i spent a lot of thought and time typing that goodbye message for you, and then you dont go, and now i am wasting more of my time responding to a thread that is just a tissue of lies, when i could be contributing in a constructive way to the rain thread!!!! you do know it is foggy in Bristol now? Well i am sure there are those out there that would like to know :D:D:burp:

    Well thats nice isnt it...

    I say goodbye on my way to work and all you can think about is the weather report on a waterlogged thread!

    Here was me thinking you had an emotional link to my goodbye I am lost, in need of a map. I will take all my queries to the well achieved rain thread and retire in to a wet day in the North East of England.


    :D And i thought i had a bad life in Bristol, but it is better than the North East :D Got family live up round Newcastle and Gateshead, and it always rains there :D

  7. I just did! สวัสด

    Yeah 10 hours after the original post :o:D

    Well at least I said goodbye... :D

    Yeah but you didnt go, and i spent a lot of thought and time typing that goodbye message for you, and then you dont go, and now i am wasting more of my time responding to a thread that is just a tissue of lies, when i could be contributing in a constructive way to the rain thread!!!! you do know it is foggy in Bristol now? Well i am sure there are those out there that would like to know :D:D:D

  8. I dont know about every man, but i know what i want........ My wife has pretty much everything i want. But please dont tell her this. :o

    Ok a list of what i want in no particluar order.







    Just my opinion of what makes me happy, i couldnt really put them in any order, but pretty probably wouldnt be top of my list, i guess i am just lucky my wife is pretty :D

  9. having had 40 weeks of misery through both pregnancies

    So it isnt just my wife then that has been through misery? and she has still got 6 weeks to go. After reading loads of books, they tell you everything about the joy of pregenancy and nothing of the misery. I tell you i wouldnt swap for a million quid with my wife, full respect to all you ladies out there :o

  10. Whilst visa issues are the topic all issues relating to the obtaining of them are discussed here.Many others , not just me , have expressed negative views about the British Embassy Bangkok either because of difficulties they are having with obtaining their visa or complaints about the attitudes of the staff themselves. Are you saying that these cannot be discussed ?? Although i realise that scouser doesn't "give a toss .." (his words) if the system is changed or not , i thought you GU22 had at least a desire to see the visa process made as fair and efficient as it can be . So are you now saying that you don't want any discussions on how this can be done , and are you now joining scouser in saying that there can be no discussions on the BE Bangkok unless "justifiable"?

    I posted a very concilliatory post today simply asking that you occasionally critisise the BE in the same way you leap to post in their defense every time someone starts a thread praising them or saying they have obtained their visa. Why this savage attack on me today ?


    We get the message, there is NO need to post in every thread about how bad the embassy is run WE KNOW already, so do the posters who come on here, they are here seeking advice because they know how difficult it can be to get a visa, but really valuable points are being lost in the constant drivel posts you are banging out.

    Get the message, continuous posts like this are a waste of your time and everybody else who is having to wade through your posts to gleen the required info.

    And just for your information, my wife was refused twice, and i hate the <deleted> embassy for the grief they put us through BUT there is no need for me to keep banging on about it, so why do you feel the need?

  11. worth to find it at

    - villa supermarket

    - the emporium -supermarket

    - Siam paragon -supermarket


    -Central Departmentstore -Chidlom

    - the Market Place -Thong lor /Suk 24

    Tried most of those a couple of years ago bambers no joy there :D Maybe they stock them now i will try them again this year :D

    When i am in Thailand, i struggle for fluids to drink. I dont drink alcohol, i dont drink tea/coffee hot drinks, i am not a big fan of fizzy drinks and i dont like water. All this time i have stuggled along with drinking fanta when i am out and about and when i am at home i drink sunquick, which is a highly concntrated fruit juice you mix with water.

    Now i think only those who come from the uk will know what i am talking about, but i would really like to be able to get hold of Robinsons squash or maybe ribena something like that, anyone know where i can buy some? I have looked all over bangkok and never come across anywhere that sells it. :D

    Hi there,

    i found thjis one on the net...not sure though if this is available in Thailand or not

    They have Ribena Concentrated Blackcurrant juice Drink...


    rcm :o

    That is what i am looking for, but i am only in Thailand for a month this year, so shipping it over from the States is a bit of a way round and i dont reckon it would get to me in time. Good to know for the final move over though :D

  12. 275 name "BKK-Aranyaprathet " normal - 05.55 am

    279 name "BKK-Aranyaprathet " diesel- 1.05 pm

    from http://www.railway.co.th/searchtime/firstsearchresult.asp

    Thanks for that Bambi, but by the looks of it there is only 3rd class and it takes 5 hours. Wow that is longer than the bus, safer but a lot longer. :o

    I think i have talked the wife into renting a minibuss from Bkk. Just looking it is going to cost about 14000 baht for a week. The good thing with this is i can drive, if it gets to hot for the little one i can put him in the van a go for a drive with the ac on, ac would be good for me as well :D

  13. I want to travel from Bangkok to Sakaeo. I was wondering do any of you know if i can get a train for this journey? Normally we take the bus, but with a new one on the way i dont wantto get on a bus for 3 hours, i was thinking of hiring a minibus because there are going to be 8 of us coming back to Bkk, but it is bloody expensive to rent one for a week. Normal govt buses dont have seatbelts so i couldnt secure a car seat. So i am hoping we can get the train there and back :o

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