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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. If you click: Here, you can test your (up/down) speeds. My understanding is; it will differ every time dependant on how busy your server is.

    Cool site

    Just tested mine, in the U.K

    Download 2.70 mbps

    Upload 386 kbps

    Is this good for 10 meg broadband? I dont know huge amounts about computers and i would have thought this was <deleted>. :o

  2. Well it certainly seems to appear from your posts Thai3 that if you are going to lie about things, at least keep a note of what your saying, so you remember the lies you have told, otherwise you just end up looking like a bit of a plonker. :o

    im waiting for the sexy email post....

    sounds like a whined up imho...

    Had another PM from the offended thai lady so disgracefully received here who says she is going to apply again on Monday. What she has said to me and the way she says it makes it 1000% sure she is thai (not that I ever doubted), so shame on the know it all doubters who have at least showed a lack of common respect. If she permits I will tell you how she gets on.

    So you are now 1000% sure your wife is Thai?

  3. We're talking about a 'hooker' here,not some old lady whose just been mugged...

    He was trying to be a hero,and it backfired..

    My guess is he wanted to impress the girl and whoever else was in the vicintiy

    So what if she was a 'hooker' do you really think just because of her profession she deserves no help or respect? :o This could have gone onto an assault or rape of the girl and maybe this man, although he got a beating he stopped anything worse happening to the girl

  4. I personally would travel to another country and then sneak across the border, secure a dodgy passport, move up country, find a nice country girl, get married and then retire peacefully out of sight :D

    Isn't that what the German fella did, who got arrested last week in Isaan.

    I'm sure you'd get bored with this lifestyle. Why not set your sights a bit lower, say 10 million baht. Then you could pull off a heist every few years and keep your hand in.

    :o No you would do the 10 mil jobs to get the practice in for the big 50 mil job. Trouble is being 6"8 and 150kgs, not only cant i run very fast but more importantly no matter what desgise i wear, i will always stand out in a crowd and i think 1 night on crimestoppers would see me caught pretty quickly :D

  5. Only got to wait till June though :D

    Let me know when you get here mate... and maybe I'll let you buy me a beer... :D

    Always happy to buy any member a beer, especially a mod :o They can help protect you from those boys in blue :D

    2 beers for any admin reading this. :D

  6. So what would be your minimum take for a Bank robbery.

    I dare say it would have to be a haul that would allow one to retire comfortably and not have to worry about dosh ever again.

    Exactly, so i am 29 almost 30 :D So i reckon i have another 50 years to worry about, bank on 1 million baht a year so 50 mil plus a bit extra for unforseen circumstances :o

    Agreed, and maybe he should have thought about using a fake passport or at least not using ATMs in pattaya, maybe go to bangkok to withdraw cash so interpol wont be snffing near.

    More planing needed fellas...

    I personally would travel to another country and then sneak across the border, secure a dodgy passport, move up country, find a nice country girl, get married and then retire peacefully out of sight :D

  7. Are you going to be there Brit?

    I dropped by Kurgen's shop this afternoon and he said he'd be there (albeit sleeping by the door.... :o his words... ching ching...) and I'll drop in for a while... :D

    July! :D

    Bugger... missed you again... :D

    Mai bpen rai... we need a calendar to show all you transients comings and goings.... and then organise a really big pissup when everyone's here!


    I'll have a couple in your honour anyway... chok dee. :D

    Were in Thailand in June/July going to try and hook up with Brit, so you can make the effort to come and meet up as well :D

  8. We were unfortunately caught out by the snow storm at 1445, and with the wind chill they reckon it was about -8 up in the basket :D

    Hehehee, I'd take a picture of the sun shining outside, but it's just too d@mn HOT to leave my air-con ! :D

    C'mon Kerryd... I'm just around the corner from you (you are in Pattaya right now aren't you?) and the sun set 2 hours ago... :D

    Is is (despite today's overcast condition and light sprinkle) a bit warm and sticky though... :o

    Betcha missing it Daleyboy... :D

    ME, no couldnt care less!!!!! he says as he stomps off slamming doors to go and stand in a corner and weep lightly :D

    Only got to wait till June though :D

  9. If you are going to commit a crime like this, at least make it worth the risks involved. Its like people who rob shops what the <deleted> is the point? Same if you are going to rob a bank at least ro more than 1 million baht, do your reasearch stake the place out, work out when there is going to bew a lot of money on site. What a plonker, he is now going to spend years in nick for 1 million baht :o

  10. We were unfortunately caught out by the snow storm at 1445, and with the wind chill they reckon it was about -8 up in the basket :D

    Hehehee, I'd take a picture of the sun shining outside, but it's just too d@mn HOT to leave my air-con ! :D

    Smart arse :o

  11. Does this number include the ones you take before and after horizontal exercise or would you consider them as an added bonus :D

    Uh no... :o

    My point is you normally take a shower after you are out for an extended period of time. If I'm out for a few times over the course of the day - going to shower. (Gets you clean and helps you cool off)

    Same here. Shower in the morning before i go out, then if i come back during the day another shower, when i come back in the evening, a shower before dinner and then a final shower before getting into bed :D

  12. These were taken a few days ago, while i was working at 125 feet from a small cherry picker, down in the docklands development in Bristol, i took them with my mobile phone, which surprisingly took some pretty impressive pics. Its a sony ericcson k750i with a 2 megapixel cam.


    I was working at the top of this building in this dsc000276et.jpg

    Roughly 125 feet in the air, got some pics though, but it was bloody cold

    dsc000376gg.jpg the view looking down from the cage

    dsc000355bu.jpg ST Mary Redcliffe in the distance.

    Then it snowed :o


  13. I have a mini dv, and i have been very pleased with it. Pretty cheap, easy to use, quality is plenty good enough for what i want it for. In fact quality is a lot higher than i really expected, so Rio if you wanna try one out give me a ring and you are welcome to borrow my camera and give it a try :o

  14. These were taken from 125 feet in the air on a cherry picker. They are pictures over Bristols new docklands development.

    Mmmmm sunny at 1130 :D


    We were unfortunately caught out by the snow storm at 1445, and with the wind chill they reckon it was about -8 up in the basket :o


  15. From 22 so far not a single one from dating agencies or internet. Not surprised! Think Betty is barking up the wrong tree, most people here are expats living in Thailand. Try back in the UK.

    Why all the skepticism?

    Is there money in it?

    Beachcombing ain’t what it used to be and if there is some money to be made I’d be interested.

    Unfortunately my present situation with Ms and Baby Beach is just great so not of much interest, but before settling down I have had some interesting relationships that could make really good copy.

    So tell me why the skepticism??


    Because until today I have yet to see one "fair and balanced" report about farangs marrying Thais. They always have a negative slant. ALWAYS!

    To be fair, I have seen one and it was recently. The programme dealt with three British women (white) who married a Thai, a Nepalese and a Zanzibarian; each example was fascinating and took a serious look at how the mixed couples got on; had to smile when the Thai husband said that he had decided he wouldn't marry at all in the next life!

    Trouble is, that's one decent non-exploitative programme out of a dozen or more. Not great odds are they?

    I saw that programme and it was very interesting to watch, even though the Bristish lady married to the Thai chap, showed zero respect when she went to see the monk(very short skirt and skimpy vest) but other than that it was very well made :D

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