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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. It was a great night... thanks Dave. :D

    Did Penzman manage to get up and play with his bass, or did the Sambucca's get the better of him? :o

    Good to finally put some more faces to the names of the Pattaya (and Sriracha/Chonburi) TV members.


    Did not play bass unfortunately.

    I did growl some baritone with my head out the window on the way back home though.

    I must've glazed about 2 Km of Sukhumvit rd asphalt with the sambucas. :D


    a ha!!!.... That might explain this news report I came across:

    Bangkok Herald-Examiner (Pattaya branch office)


    A huge traffic jam resulted early Sunday morning around 3am when an apparent toxic waste spill from an unknown vehicle spread a vast quantity of an unidentified, yet obviously extremely hazardous material, along Sukhumwit Road. A passing Italian tourist thought he could identify the smell, but wasn't absolutely sure.

    Fortunately no accidents were reported, although several travelers reported feeling ill and vomited when exposed to the vile stench for a lengthy period of time.

    Clean-up crews worked tirelessly for approximately 4 hours removing the putrid-smelling and chunky debris from the roadway until 7am, whereupon traffic was again flowing at the normal uneven and slow pace.

    :D Excellent mate :D

  2. :D Where's the Blues Factory....? sorry I don't know the place :D ...and: thanks for the invitation!


    Check the Pattaya thread. :D Not that i ever go to Pattaya... but last time i was in Thailand i hadnt discovered tv, so i will make the effort this year when i come over to goto Pattaya and meet a few members, as i know quite alot reside in that area :D Anyway i am sure it was Jai Dee who said he was going to buy all the beers :o:D

  3. :D

    Thank you udon for posting "Rain". Hopefully coming soon next month our the month after. :D


    You both must have been here then:- :o


    Photo from my WebPage :D

    21 page views since 09-AUG-05

    163 direct links since 09-AUG-05

    Pity I did not have 163 page views since 09-AUG-05, as well as a couple of comments, but then I guess the photo was not good enough to view only to link it to some Krappy sites :D , we Kan not Win all the time….. Kan we….

    Yours truly,

    Kan Win

    P.S. Nice Photos from you all, Thank you. :D

    Yep that does seem vaguely familiar :D:D

  4. The old belief is that women from abroad marry UK men for passports but in reality getting a British passport is a lengthy process and these women have other genuine reasons for wanting to marry a western man.

    I would agree with you on that point, when i asked my wife if she wanted to apply for a British passport, she said why? to her it is far too much like hard work, going to college to reach the required levels to complete all the tests you now have to take, she says she has no need for a British passport as she has a visa which entitles her to live and work in the U.K indefinately and we only ever holiday in Thailand or around the U.K so need to change passports :o

  5. Always happy to buy any member a beer,.........

    To ALL TV-members:.....let's all get together the day Daleyboy returns to LOS :D

    LaoPo :D:D

    I was going to say please dont misquote me, but looking back it does infact appear i said this. SO when i am back in Thailand, come and find me in the Blues factory, i am the short, skinny long haired bloke, and i will buy you A beer :o

  6. I have temporary disabled that banner. Does it work now?


    Yep that sorted it for me. Just tried replying to a post in break in thread and all seems well, i could place the cursor where i wanted it and i could also use the quote button. Looks like you have found your problem mate :o

  7. Yep it was truly one of the best fights i have seen for a long time. Lacy just had no repsonse to 12 rounds of beatings. I think Calzaghe(sp) won every single round with ease. Lacy just couldnt respond to the south paw of Calzaghe. I was very impressed with the way he stood up kept lacy at distance by putting in the jabs, followed up with some impressivley quick hand work.

    I feel that Lacy only had one punch and tha was the right hook, and i only saw him land twice in the entire fight, the rest of the time he was missing with 80% of his punches.And the other 20% just werent effective.

    Well done Joe what a great fight :o

  8. I have always had the same concern with my bosses food, she wont listen to me when i tell her she can get in a lot of trouble for bringing in this food, very bad smelling fish, and dodgy frogs :o and various other nose burning smells, but we have been lucky to never be stopped.

  9. So with a bit of luck, they will take the safe, think they are onto a winner, leave everything else, and in reality all they get is a heavy empty paperweight :o Nice plan

  10. im half scottish half asian.

    are my tendons long or shorter??

    or are they half the size??

    now im confused, probaly answers why i only half squat and have my hand on the back wall.

    Well being half Scottish, means the tendons in your arms are shorter, making it harder to reach your wallet when its your round :o

    And the tendons in your legs are longer, so when you are chased for not paying your share of the bar bill, you can run faster :D

    Being half Asian has nothing to do with it, in your case mate it is all Scottish :D

  11. Names are tough. I read a story once about a couple who searched for a beautiful but unusual name for their daughter, one that couldn't be made fun of. They settled on Amber. Brought her home to meet their 5 year old son who promptly said, "Hello Amberger". :D

    So, good luck to you!


    I would agree names are tough, but seemingly not for the missus, as soon as we found out we were expecting a boy, she decided on Joe, why i dont know, but she wont listen to any other suggestions, it HAS to be Joe. I dont actually mind because i like the name Joe, so its worked out ok, only trouble is i know the midwifes sometimes get the sex of the baby wrong, so if they are wrong and its a girl then i thought we would call her Jo without an E but no if its a girl we have to think of another name :D i tell you i give up trying to work out a womans mind, let alone one whos pregenant :o

    One girls name i really like Tuky, and thats Poppy, and that would sound ok with Kitty. :D

  12. Well Brsitol has been bathed in beautiful sunshine now, for the last week. Still pretty cold, but i can see the end of this miserable weather now, it is staying lighter later and getting lighter earlier, ahh bring on the summer :o

  13. :D Pinky, your joking right? :D It doesnt even rhyme with kitty, you need to ge her told mate, "sorry love you are not going to name our daughter after a childrens tv character". Just show your missus this pic and then tell her to get serious :o


  14. These, so-called, banal jobs have become to me far from banal. Nothing is trying to take control of my mind or my imagination any more. I can listen, with my MP3 player (a wonderful invention) to all a Beethoven’s string quartets, one after another, uninterrupted; or all of Mozart’s late symphonies; or a recording of several Shakespeare plays; or a random selection of over 6 hours Jazz/Rock. My mind is free to dream and imagine.

    And I feel free.

    Indeed. Money was never my motivation for work, although i would like to be rich, i dont see myself sacraficing my ways to be rich. As the old saying goes i work to live, not live to work. The relative freedom i have driving lorries is great. I decide when i stop for breakfast and lunch, i decide what music i want to listen to, i dont have to wear a suit, if i want to stop for an hour and have a sleep i can as long as i am getting things done when required.

    I travel fairly large distances on motorways, which granted at 56mph ca be pretty boring, but only if you dont have an imagination. Like TM says my mind is pretty well free to do what it wants, as long as the deliveries get done when required, no one cares what i do with my day. I plan my route the night before so when i get in my lorry in the morning i can think about what i want to think about and not what someone tells me to think about. :o

  15. Well i have been to uni twice and studied business decision analysis and i also did a joint honours in law and psycology. What am i doing now? I drive lorries and operate heavy plant, because that is what i enjoy doing. I cant stand being cooped up in offices, i tried it once, lasted half a day then walked, i have to be outside :o

  16. Back in 2002, I overstayed for a month.

    If things are still the same, you shouldn't have much of a problem if you turn yourself in at the Immigration whatever in BKK.

    I went and showed my p\port to a guard and he directed me to a window. I filled out some paperwork and then waited a while.

    Eventually I got called upstairs. They put you in a room, ask you what you've been doing in LOS (I said shopping and that got a good laugh). Then they gave me a fine (I forget how much) and 2 weeks to leave the country.

    Its still the same now, i was too lazy to go and get my visa extended because i was leaving 3 days after it ran out, so i thought <deleted> it i will just pay the fine when i get to the airport. Got there told them i had overstayed, was taken into an office paid the fine and had a stamp put in my passport. I asked if this was a problem to get back in and he said no, BUT dont do it again because next time it would be a problem.

    Degen you are stupid to think nothing aill happen, not only are you gambling which is illegal but you are willfully going to overstay on your visa by a long time, you just really better prey you dont get caught, and when you get to the airport the immigration guy isnt having a bad day, because he is just as likely to turn around and put a stamp in your passport making you persona non grata. And i am afraid judging by your previous attitude i would be forced to have a little chuckle to myself if this happened. :o

  17. Well flights are cheap within Thailand, so on a tight time sccale a few flights might be in order.

    Personally i would take an overnight train to CM, travel first class not very expensive, and a nice journey, well in my opinion it is, but i like the feel of trains bumping along. In Cm you have trekking, elephants rides, some truly amazing temples, and you can do lots of day trips from there to the golden triangle and some of the hill tribe villages. Spend a week doing this, and then get a flight down to one of the islands. Maybe Samui or phuket, bit of relaxing on a beach.

    I would also not dismiss Bangkok, it has of course the grand palace, emerald buddha, it has lots of klongs(canals) for you to expolore, as well as some great shopping at some crazy markets. There is lots to see and do in Bangkok and i love to spend time here, but i do appreciate big cities arent for everyone. You can do lots of day trips from here as well, you can see the bridge of the Kwai, you have the crocodile farm, and so much more.

    Good luck and most important be happy and have a great time :o

  18. I am not one to normally bother with these series type things, as it is unusal for me to be in the same place at the same time every week,but lost is superb and i found myself planning my sunday around being in front of the tv for lost, a truly great bit of tv.

    And now while we wait for the next series, we have been graced with an equally good tv series, called prison break on monday nights. Another great bit of tv. :o

  19. I cant get on with squat toilets at all, it is far to far all the way down from my ass. I have to take my shorts off in order to get my legs wide enough with enough squat to plop. :o

    This was so bad when staying at the inlaws, that the built me my very own toilet and shower room :D

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