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Everything posted by GarryP

  1. Okay, suppose Biden has a health issue that prevents him for running, who would be a good replacement candidate for the Dems?
  2. Bloody hell. I actually agree with most of one of your posts. I better go out and buy a lottery ticket.
  3. That is only slightly over the maximum recommended size so should be okay. Normally, treatment is for between 30 and 80g. Hope it works out for you. I am still happy with the results. Was it as effective as I'd initially hoped? No, but still a good improvement. If I went back in time, would I still have the treatment? Yes, for sure and will do it again in a few years if necessary.
  4. Domain is up for sale, but apparently big*its.com is still up and running. They don't sell gloves though.
  5. Same problem. I have long fingers and even the largest size they had at HomePro and Global House only came down to my middle knuckles. May as well wear a pair of mittens.
  6. Should have hired you when I had my plumbing done. ????????????
  7. I used to have a very strong Yorkshire accent when I came to Thailand. I've lost it now (no choice as people couldn't understand a word I was saying) but unfortunately my class level did not increase. Still a pretty ordinary (classless) nobody, with a wife who is 19 years younger than me. ????
  8. While I agree with you to a degree on manners, since when have accents dictated class? Does that mean that anyone who speaks with a Yorkshire, Lancashire, Scottish, etc. accent is lacking in class?
  9. I have side effects to some NSAIDs and other drugs so always make sure to inform the doctor of the same.
  10. Has he taken over from Rambo? There do seem to be quite a few nutjobs on the establishment side.
  11. That doesn't look like an oyster to me.
  12. Probably be healthier if they let their kids stay for a week or more.
  13. On Saturday it was the rain making parade and yesterday it was the Bangfai (Rain Rocket) do in my new hometown. Today is officially the start of the rainy season too and rain is forecast in our neck of the woods this Wednesday. Fingers crossed.
  14. Luckily the humidity is so high here that the evaporation rate is quite low, otherwise there would be a severe drought across the country.
  15. I have a few catapults, but I am absolutely useless with them. Couldn't hit a tin can at 4 yards. I have a bb gun too and and much more accurate with that. Having said that, I couldn't hide the bb gun in my pocket, or the neighbour would think I am very pleased to see her.
  16. Well as I have since moved upcountry, it will also be that way for me. Luckily the government (only) hospital in the tiny town where I live is only a hop and a skip away. I have already noted that it is exactly as you say. I'll get my queue number and <deleted> off back home for a few hours before returning.
  17. I would not recommend the craack of dawn thing at Chula. Been there and done that. After waiting about 7 hours I gave up and went to a private hospital instead.
  18. I can't bend down low enough. Not that I'd want to.
  19. You mean Chatchai's buffet cabinet? Anand's time was good. There were definitely some positive changes bringing Thailand in line with international agreements and standards.
  20. I'm still a farang in the eyes of most people here. Just happened to gain citizenship in early 2016. I don't recall ever voting in the UK, but then I left when I was 19.
  21. Yes. I voted in the Bangkok gubernatorial election, but this will be my first general election.
  22. Don't agree with you often, but that was definitely the last straw. Despite having some good policies, I will never vote for PT as long as the Shinawatras are involved.
  23. Who did they think would win?
  24. the sex is better because she suffers from photosensitive epilepsy.
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