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Everything posted by GarryP

  1. Don't think he'd appeal to anyone, or at least anyone who sees him remove his Depends before entering the shower.
  2. No, I do not. Incidence of retrograde ejaculation post treatment is 3.1 % as per a study undertaken in 2022. I can't recall the cost of my MRI. I paid a package price with a few extras, but I got a special price as I managed to get in when they were promoting Rezum as a new treatment.
  3. My prostate size was measured using MRI. I had a number of other tests, including PSA, uriflow, etc. and was expecting a finger up the bum too, but it never happened.
  4. Strange, I have never been digitally examined. I had Rezum treatment at Bamrungrat Hospital in October 2021. But not sure whether it would be suitable for Adumbration as his prostate may be too large. The treatment is for prostates under 80cc. Mine was only 38 or 39. May be worth checking out these threads. While mainly about Rezum, they do mention other available treatments in Thailand.
  5. So they keep increasing the retirement age.
  6. I will draw a lovely pension of appproximately Baht 5,500 per month (Thai Social Security pension), which will be supported by my savings. Most Thais who are official employees in companies will also get a similar amount. However, those working in small businesses or self-employed often do not pay in so they will get Baht 600/month when they retire.
  7. When I bought land in Kalasin, the officer at Somdej Land Department Office was a bit unsure when I presented my ID card, so she asked me to check with her boss. The boss just said to the effect that he has a Thai ID card so he is Thai. I don't recall ever having to present my naturalization certificate and never bother taking a copy with me when doing anything official. Yesterday, when opening a bank account at SCB in Kalasin, I just presented my ID card. There was a lot of faffing about though because their system did not seem to accommodate those with middle names, but finally got it sorted. Have any others encountered middle name issues? I know some of you have many more than one middle name. I can't be arsed changing my name though as that would open a whole new can of worms.
  8. I dislike the PCX so bought a Honda SH 150i when they were still available here. I'm glad I did too as Wave's and PCX's seat height is too low for me.
  9. Hope we get some spill over from Sakhon Nakhon. They've had quite a bit of rain this year but nothing much on this side of the hills in Kalasin.
  10. I was considering opening an Interactive Brokers account, but reading these posts, it makes me wonder whether I will be able to transfer money to an IB account from my Thai bank accounts. All my funds are located in Thailand and I don't have any overseas bank accounts. I did not realize that transferring money overseas as a Thai citizen would be an issue.
  11. You are a bit too polite. Sounds like a total .....
  12. Let me check my watch. Yep, as old as I was 30 seconds ago.
  13. In many cases, post treatment it gets worse before it starts to get better, depending on your healing response. If it happens to you, just ride out the storm and take comfort in knowing that things will improve eventually (speaking from experience).
  14. His time is over. Of course he still has supporters, but then so does Prayuth. However, I doubt very much that his once strong support from the redshirts, is still there. After all he did lie to them and throw them to the dogs and they are aware of this. Actually, I am quite surprised by how much the locals in my area would rather vote orange than red. They all know that he is still pulling the party purse strings too.
  15. Are you high? Thaksin is not going to be forgiven, nor is his self-serving running of the PTP going to be forgotten. People want change, which is something that TS doesn't.
  16. At 4:30, they will annnounce a mutual rimming event between the heads of the respective parties that will be broadcast nationally so that the whole country can throw up in unison.
  17. It has been a big help to me too, but without the kind suggestion of @aidenai, I wouldn't have even bothered applying as I was sure I didn't qualify.
  18. Its been raining pretty much all week here in north Kalasin. Can't remember what the sun looks like. We waited for the anticipated rainy season before planting the Taipei grass, but the rain didn't arrive on time so the missus was watering it twice a day. She's happy now cos she doesn't have to water the garden anymore (at least for a while anyway). Hopefully, another couple of months and the grass will give full cover. Unlike Owl, I have driven into Udon once a week for the past couple of weeks to get my phone sorted at the Samsung service center. All good now, but a long way to drive to get a phone fixed. A month ago I also paid a visit to go to Index. On the way back I was driving through rain from Kumphwapi to Wangsammo. There was the most amazing lightening storm that I have ever seen all along the route. My wife was terrified and demanded that I turn off the music. I have no idea as to the logic behind that. She kept pulling up her jacket to cover her face as the lightening bolts flashed in front of us. I just never stopped smiling. It was so beautiful. Made my own coffee before writing this. ???? My wife has no idea when I would like a tea or coffee unless I am working, so it's up to me. Should I get the whip out?
  19. My comment was soley in relation to TS. It had nothing to do with the generals or the senators. You do not want to know my thoughts on the generals or the senators. Very dark indeed. Sufficient to say I would not be at all upset at the passing of most of them. Very few of them actually deserve any respect, nor are they up to the task their positions require. Total waste of oxygen. I agree that it is the generals that are hated, not the military as a whole. In fact didn't many of the rank and file vote for MFP? That doesn't distract from the fact that while TS was elected, he was/is still a @#*&. Democratically elected people aren't all saints.
  20. Yes, he introduced some very good policies, including the health scheme, infrastructure improved upcountry, i.e. concrete village roads instead of red gravel, etc. But most importantly he showed the upcountry folk that their voice/vote was important. But respecting the poor people? Really? Do you really believe he did this for altruistic reasons? He is a selfish, conniving @#*& (please add the word of your choice) who only really cares about himself.
  21. I take it you are not up to date on the latest election results.
  22. Good luck. Hope things work out in your wife's favour.
  23. Yep. Getting divorced while in the process would render the application void.
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