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Posts posted by rio666uk

  1. hmm - so let me get this straight, you guys know where im talking about now - it used to be bars, then got levelled and is now a park??? is that right??

    and what about the singha beer garden outside of the ambassador - is that still an outside eatery of sorts or is this where another hotel has been built?

    there is, or used to be, a small enclosed mini soi full of beer bars just opposite this building site, the one at the far end is/was the pool bar and had a guy who used to do tatooing in one corner of this bar...

  2. ive been at home, Bristol, UK since getting married last year

    so they have finally done something with it then.... good it was an eyesore

    as for the miami - as you rightly say... its... well,... crap...


  3. a few years back, i had the misfortune of calling the miami hotel - suk soi 13 - home for a month or 2...

    i remember doing my usual routine, get up - have a swim - have a shower - walk down the road to get a large sprite, 20 marlboro lights and a bangkok post...

    one morning i came out of the hotel to find that the building on the opposite side of the road (which housed bars and shops) had been flattened, overnight, to make way for a new hotel.

    there was a huge uproar from the local bar and shop owners as there was apparently no notice of this, it was all across the newspapers and was what everyone was talking about for weeks... i believe they were offered minimal compensation

    when i got married last september - i noticed that this area was still just a load of rubble, does anyone know if this has now been built on? or what the outcome is/was?

  4. dont know about thailand but in UK you would normally add barley straw in a net - this will cut down the algae.

    if you want to take it a bit more seriously, a good pump suitable for circulating the ponds water volume each hour, pumping into a good filter. UV filter is also needed to clear the algae completely.

    it neednt cost the earth - you can make the filter yourself!

  5. Always, and I mean ALWAYS keep some toilet paper in your bag, pocket or anywhere on you. One day, you are really going to need it :D

    and on that note - be carefull what you eat before embarking on longer journeys...

    a couple of imodium before a long bus or train journey can make all the difference, especially when you see or smell some of the toilets on those overnight trains!


  6. dont mention the royal family

    dont pay too much attention to the opinions of farrang bar-flies knocking back bottle after bottle of singha... some have come to have a very bitter and distorted view on life in LoS

    dont be conned into hiring long sleeve shirts, or socks by touts outside of some of the more touristy wats... these garments can be hired for less within the temple grounds (wat prah gaew) (spelling) temple of the emerald buddha - in particular.

    smile - it is usefull in many situations, especially for saving face :o

    however if you smile at every girl in nana plaza etc you may well get mobbed!


  7. The red flashing lights are to warn aircraft of high rise buildings near-ish to the inbound and outbound approach paths.

    as for the barber pole....

    Red and white stripped poles date back to the Middle Ages when barber shop attendants pulled teeth and treated illnesses by bleeding clients, especially with leeches.

    The red and white colors on the poles represented blood stained white bandages that were washed and hung out to dry.

    The pole, itself, supposedly represented the staff which the patient clung to during the barber's treatments.

    Originally, there was a cup at the bottom of the pole to hold the leeches.

    It is believed that the blue was added as a third color by Americans to commemorate the colors of the flag.

  8. Thanks a million to all who replied to this. I feel a lot better and now see the dirty trickster for what he is. It helped to share it cos the info comes via email and it's hard to discuss that sort of stuff!!!!

    Positive thinking here we go!!!!!!!

    It is clearly bullshit from a very angry and jealous man who can't let go!!!!!

    Thanks guys (a general reference to all of you!)


    glad to hear that youre feeling positive again -

    like you said its bullsh*t from an angry jealous ex...

    think positive and move on

    all the best seonai :o

  9. hi wannascuba and welcome to the forum

    i was offered the chance of working on a dive boat to incorporate all of the courses from advanced open water upto divemaster level - upon which i would have a job leading dives... accomodation part of the deal. this was on Ko Chang. due to some personal business that needed seeing to back in UK i had to decline but was gutted... im sure it wouldnt have been a bed of roses anyway but never-the-less i great opportunity to do some diving.

    money wise i dont think you'll earn much and its quite competetive - dive operators are more likely to take on people that are bi-lingual (no bi jokes please).

    from chatting to divemasters that ive dived with in thailand, most do seem to see it as a lifestyle thing as opposed to actually earning a wage - if you get what i mean.

    either way all the best with it - i wouldnt mind doing the same thing myself one day

  10. i personally dont believe but also keep an open mind about these things...

    a female friend of mines sister was apparently cursed by another girl at the bar where she worked after a row over a farrang man - she went crazy it seemed over night, screaming at nothing, acting very strange, not eating etc

    after being in this state for about a month, a friend of hers called for her mother to come to bkk to collect and take her back to udon... she then had daily visits from a monk for a couple of weeks before returning back to her normal self.

    the girl who had got, so say, witch doctor to perform the curse heard about what had become of this other girl and left bkk for patters.

    very strange  :o

    If you have an open mind you will work out that it's RUBBISH!

    People under estimate the chances of coincidence and look for incidents to support their superstitions.....

    I heard of a "mystic" on Koh Samui that told a Swedish girl she would be going on a long journey! Amazed, she said "that's astounding! I'm going back to Sweden in a coupole of days!".........

    Uh- huh? get a life!

    Poster, you'll be fine, however, I predict the man in question will be going down the road to nowhere...

    yes wilko i do have an open mind - hence why i said "I personally dont believe it", meaning that i would happily listen to some far flung story about E.T, UFO's, spooks and Naga Fireballs firing out of the Mekong... i dont necessarily believe them, but i wouldnt just dismiss what someone had to say.

    oh and i do have a life...

    although feeling the need to justify my point on a story i was simply relaying - im beginning to wonder.

    apologies - off topic

  11. i personally dont believe but also keep an open mind about these things...

    a female friend of mines sister was apparently cursed by another girl at the bar where she worked after a row over a farrang man - she went crazy it seemed over night, screaming at nothing, acting very strange, not eating etc

    after being in this state for about a month, a friend of hers called for her mother to come to bkk to collect and take her back to udon... she then had daily visits from a monk for a couple of weeks before returning back to her normal self.

    the girl who had got, so say, witch doctor to perform the curse heard about what had become of this other girl and left bkk for patters.

    very strange :o

  12. go right to the end of bangla road, away from beach, last boozer on your right i believe.

    sorry cant remember name, but its open fronted corner bar i think with big comfy bamboo chairs... cant miss it, very relaxing.

    PS - if its not there anymore, my appologies it was a year ago since i was there :o

  13. Pulp Fiction


    When Jules and Vincent Vega are discussing the differences between the US and Europe, hash bars, beer in mcdonalds and the famous "Le Big Mac" & "Royale with Cheese"

    but my favourite of all time is:

    Film: SNATCH

    In Bar - Sol, Vinny & Tyrone pointing gun at Bullett Tooth Tony

    So you're obviously the big dick,

    and they on either side of you, must be your balls.

    I am talking for your benefit.

    Now dicks have drive, and clarity of vision.

    But they're not clever, they smell pussy,

    and they want a piece of the action,

    and the dimmer the dick,

    the less he cares about the consequences,

    and you thought you smelt gooood ol pussy,

    and have brought your little mincy faggot balls along for a gooood

    ol time,

    but you have got your parties muddled up,

    there is no pussy here, just a dose to make you wish you

    were born a woman.. . .

    And just like a prick,

    you are having second thoughts;

    you're shrinking, and your little balls are shrinking

    with you.

  14. 27k b4 or after tax ?

    loads of dodgy characters needing websites developed in Pattaya most of whom don't trust thais or other european nations to do the work.

    I'd hire someone decent to do a few sites for me :-)

    yeah but thats a hel_l of a gamble - how long could someone survive if they were doing freelance site design for themselves... even if they were incorporating that with another job such as teaching - it would still cost a bit to set up.

    however if fireball was able to offer the whole shooting match, site design, web hosting, domain registration and support from home then that could be a goer.... but im guessing once youve taken out youre initial outlay for setting up the business, living expenses and visa runs, would it really be worth it?

  15. I do want a good education for our daughter though. How much is this likely to cost?

    I notice than no-one has advised on cost of education for your 11 month old daughter. I have a 5 month old daughter and I have been looking at the cost to educate her in years to come. Assuming you want her to be edcuated in English, in an International School, with English Curriculum (GSCE etc) then you can expect to pay anywhere from 300,000 baht and upwards per year. Some of the better International Schools will set you back in excess of 700,000 per year (nearly 10,000 Pounds Sterling).

    Kindergarden starts at 2 years old and the rates are not that much cheaper. You will need a good job or good income to afford those kind of school fees. Without being unkind, free schooling in the UK is a very attractive alternative.

    Frikkin heck thats expensive! :o

    I'm going to print this entire thread and show it to the missus tonight I think.

    We still have lots of serious thinking to do. She wants to go next month!

    well all the best with whatever you decide - but dont go rushing into it unless YOU'RE 100% happy with it.... as for going in a month.... :D

    keep us posted either way

  16. I do want a good education for our daughter though. How much is this likely to cost?

    I notice than no-one has advised on cost of education for your 11 month old daughter. I have a 5 month old daughter and I have been looking at the cost to educate her in years to come. Assuming you want her to be edcuated in English, in an International School, with English Curriculum (GSCE etc) then you can expect to pay anywhere from 300,000 baht and upwards per year. Some of the better International Schools will set you back in excess of 700,000 per year (nearly 10,000 Pounds Sterling).

    Kindergarden starts at 2 years old and the rates are not that much cheaper. You will need a good job or good income to afford those kind of school fees. Without being unkind, free schooling in the UK is a very attractive alternative.

    jeeeez - i best make that 10 years of saving then - not 5

  17. Thanks for the reply. Not sure I can handle being without her or the daughter for more than 6 months. But as I like online computer games a lot I can keep myself occupied (sad as it may be).

    As you say I dont wanna be worried about finding a job while I'm there while the money we have dwindles away. You got some good advice cheers for that.

    Do you speak fluent Thai then?

    nothing sad about online gaming mate....

    and no i dont speak fluent thai - i learnt the basics at a language schoool whilst i was staying in bkk, and being there day in day out you get to use it and improve - i could have half intelligent conversation but now im back in UK i just say the same old simple sentences to the mrs in our own 50% thai 50% english.... but thats just me being lazy, ive still got all the language books from the school.

    its certainly worth following up on tywais advice too - sign up for the jobs classifieds on bangkok post - always worth a look.

  18. Sound advice from Seen all Learnt Nothing:

    Im in the UK

    30 years old

    28k in IT

    and gagging to move back to thailand with my wife (25yrs)

    Ive looked into it and have come to the conclusion that despite us saving all of my wifes salary (250gbp) per week, we would still need to wait another 5 years to give us just over 5m baht - which is the least amount i would consider moving over their with...

    and i still reckon that i would have sporadic visits back to UK to save some beans before going back out there.

    unless you have a fantastic opportunity drop into your lap or work for a large multinational that will move you over there, i wouldnt even consider pinning any hopes on signing up with an IT agency and relying on that for a stable future...

    more so if youre not a fluent thai speaker.

    easier said than done i know - earn your crust here and spend it there.... if you find another way of doing it without the capital now.... please, please, please tell me!

    I'm considering letting her move there with our daughter and live with her mother and cousins while I stay at home and live in a shared house to save enough to move there.

    Why do you want to save at least 5m baht? Do you want to buy a house and not get a job over there?

    Basically yes...

    If you can bare staying in the UK to work/save before going over - fair enough... personally i couldnt do that, that said my wife is working so saving money quickly isnt a problem at the moment - but we dont have any kids

    Given the work situation in thailand - regarding farrangs and IT work, i cant honestly see me getting a job in BKK that they couldnt get a thai national to do at a cheaper price.... not that i know what thai network analysts get, im just assuming.

    The reason i say 5m is that there is another forum member that i am good mates with, he sold his bar in patong and moved to chainat (central thai), built a modest house and started a dairy farm. Bearing in mind he already has a house and a growing business he advised that 5m would be a good benchmark capital amount to have before moving out there.... if you dont intend on working just living off the business turnover.

    Im sure many others will say thats rubbish - i came here with a thousand pounds 90 years ago or whatever and others will say 5m wont buy you sh*t.... but you need to consider your age - youre a young chap with a young family and you dont want to be scratching around trying to keep yourself in work to support a life in a forreign country.

    By all means try - you wont know if you dont - but do try to get more than a few grand up together before jumping in at the deep end.

    In My Humble Opinion anyway

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