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Bredbury Blue

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  1. My experience is, in your early years here in Thailand you find the term farlang offensive, but after you've been here a while, and particularly if you have Thai spouse, Thai friends and Thai family, you no longer find it offensive and it feels natural to use the word farlang yourself.
  2. And on maybe on your 5th annual renewal you should get more benefits for passing a spoken Thai language test...like do bi-annual renewals and not annual, na
  3. I checked online and it was a huge sum for unpaid years at class 3. I'd been paying class 2 over the years I've been working here, so I wrote to them, not mentioning what it says online, and as i expected with working in Thailand, they wrote back quoting a very reasonable amount at class 2. I would therefore recommend the OP writing (or calling) to get an assessment, as the website assessment seems to assess on the basis of working in the UK, and act quickly as there is a 5 April 2025 cut off date for backpaying some of the earlier years.
  4. So how has your thai progressed in the 6 months. Presumably you are now married (congrats if you are) so how did your speech go? Interested to know as a fellow student of thai.
  5. Enjoying sitting in the garden and using the App to work out the bird sounds I hear so often but don't know which bird is singing it. Pleased to work out one sound I hear frequently is the coppersmith barbet. Must make the most monotonous call of all birds, as described by wiki The call is a loud rather metallic tuk…tuk…tuk (or tunk), reminiscent of a copper sheet being beaten, giving the bird its name. Repeated monotonously for long periods, starting with a subdued tuk and building up to an even volume and tempo, the latter varying from 108 to 121 per minute and can continue with as many as 204 notes.
  6. Downloaded and tried out BirdNET App, used for identifying bird calls. Seems to work fine, and identified plenty of bird calls around my garden. https://birdnet.cornell.edu/
  7. Now wouldn't it have just been easier to state which provinces instead of stating AQ repors (I have no idea what that even means).
  8. Isaan is a huge area, and not one person posting mentions where the burning is going on.
  9. Contact HDPRIME by Messenger. Download Messenger app Contact via https://t.me/s/hdprime_updates
  10. Brilliant response. "Take the word 'Thai' out. It's a woman...No different than any other woman of the world. Culture, language, other people have nothing to do with it."
  11. Simply I had enough of some of idiots on that forum.
  12. Been away from home alot in recent times, hence no putting out food for the birds. Home for a month so recommenced putting scraps out. Within an hour a family of 4 mynahs visited (including 2 juveniles requiring to be fed by parents) and was soon back to having lots of regular bird visitors. 20241007_122436.mp4
  13. Saipem Singapore or Siemens? The article reads Samsung E&A (Thailand) Co. Ltd., Petrofac South East Asia Pte. Ltd., and Saipem Singapore Pte. Ltd, Saipem has withdrawn from the UJV group, leaving behind only the name. Samsung and Petrofac are the only active members remaining.
  14. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 131 seconds  
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