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Everything posted by Chelseafan

  1. "His attempt at reconciliation failed" Stabbing someone 8 times tends to do that. RIP to the poor girl, another victim of brainless male ego
  2. Rubbish I'm not saying it's common but women are complicated creatures and there are those who like much older men...
  3. Reminds me of the old gag. How do you know if a politician is lying? His lips are moving.
  4. On that note. I send money back to the Mrs Chelseafan as "family living expenses" or something like that. Is she liable to pay tax if her account is audited as that could be treated as an income ?
  5. Oh do behave. What realistically can any tourist do. Go to the police? Sure, at the very best they may pay a visit to the bar after giving them a heads up they are on their way. You know the unwritten rules of Thailand - never get involved. Even if they did follow up in a professional manner there are plenty of other underage girls working in the bar, ie those under 18. It's the tip of the iceberg
  6. Yes I have seen it and it happens more often than you think. In most cases the underage girls stay in the bar and mop floors or assist but i have seen some girls who will go with guys
  7. Yes but it don't make it right. Sadly there are too many underage girls working in bars
  8. If only the media would devote as much discussion and debate on these incidents than they do the "Watermelon saga" then perhaps we'd see an improvement on the roads
  9. Ive seen the video and there doesn't seem to be anything indicating he was trying to brake. 100% driver error. RIP to everyone that died unnecessarily on Thailands roads.... Again.
  10. Let's do the maths 50 years / 2.5bill = 00000002 Multiply by 5.84bill = 117 years Answer : None.
  11. Because they are scared that she still has massive support particularly in the rural areas
  12. Never mind I think I've got it. She needs to generate a QR code on the Mor Prompt app.
  13. Mrs Chelseafan is due to arrive into the UK tomorrow and I'm completing her Passenger Locator Form. On the final check its says EU DCC equivalant only from 28th Feb How does she complete this ? Will Border Control accept her paper copy ?
  14. Yep, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result!
  15. IMHO, sanctions will have little effect. Do you not think that Putin has already considered this ? My take on it is that for the short-term he will take Donetsk and Luhansk. NATO and its allies will object and impose relatively lacklustre sanctions. Putin, enboldened by the weakness of NATO will push further into Kiev (Kyev) with more posturing by politicians and slightly stronger sanctions but again no military response. Ukraine under Russian control within months. NATO will have to bolster its armanments across Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary - Moldova will be lost to the Russians. If there were any reprisals from NATO then Putin only has to switch off the gas. Just think of it, cold homes across Europe, manufacturing in disarry, populations rising up against their governments. It all plays into Putins hands
  16. Lovely chart, very pretty but given its "Estimated infections", its as worthless as a chocolate teapot. Might as well get the TAT to do the next one...
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