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Everything posted by Chelseafan

  1. What is the Thai word for Lemon, my understanding is that it's Manow, the same for lime Jolly difficult to order a proper G&T in a bar ????
  2. Maybe he thought it was the sinsot?
  3. For "Negotiate" read Surrender. What the hell is there to negotiate? Russia invaded Ukraine. The only negociation is for Russia to withdraw but Putin's ego won't allow that. My question is that if Putin were to die (natuarlly), would the Russian hardliners continue with this madness ?
  4. NONE of what you said is in the story, just heresay on your part...
  5. And importers! That Chateau Lafite / Mercedes aint cheap you know....
  6. "The boy was aged 13 and after initial suspicions that the death was caused by a computer malfunction it has now been determined that he was shot" Wait..What !? Theres a big difference between a "Computer malfunction" and being shot! How did Thailand's finest solve this perplexing case ? Perhaps the bullet in his torso gave it away! RIP to the poor boy
  7. You beat most of us to it. I would add a Likely possibility p
  8. Me too and really enjoying it. Seems to be getting a bad press from the Tolkein purists / Peter Jackson groupies. Don't compare the films to the series
  9. I turn left and it's good (shower for example) but service can be inconsistant which is a shame
  10. Should be able to get a WP if he has a marriage visa...
  11. I love Thailand but stories like this make it so dysfunctional and backwards sometimes...
  12. Depends how much money he's got...
  13. Well what the hell happened then? A crush??
  14. Irrelevant. The drugs are banned in Thailand with harsh consequences if caught.
  15. She was found guilty. What more do you want.? I know, we"ll give her the benefit of the doubt on your warped say so
  16. She was found guilty. Doubt there was much obvious corruption in this case. She played with fire and got caught. If the facts and story change in her favour then so will my view
  17. What a waste of her life. Still better hers than those she was going to ruin
  18. Theyve met 30 times and still can't make a decision!.? What are they waiting for?
  19. That's nice. Now I can spend 8 hours travelling 20km in luxury ????
  20. Dowries should be banned in all religions. It puts unnecessary financial burdens on families and in my eyes is seen as a valuation of a women based on looks and worth.
  21. Thank God someone had the balls to call him out, Don't fancy his chances of reaching retirement mind you
  22. ATMs at the airport are the worst places to change money.
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