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Everything posted by Chelseafan

  1. Or "What happens in Krung Thep Maha Nakhon stays in Krung Thep Maha Nakhon..." .
  2. Everything gets corrected at some point, Crypto, Stocks, Shares, House prices, Money etc The trick is getting in and out at the right time.
  3. Ironically that's the retail price per bottle in Thailand ????
  4. I agree. THIS is the sort of thing I would donate to crowd-funding, not Tom from Harlow who fell off his uninsured hire bike and broke his back without taking out any travel/medical insurance...
  5. I'm not blaming any particular person per se but what is the point of the document checks if these things are being missed. I understand the pressures that airline staff are going through but it's no different to a lot of us. I'm in retail and have to deal with rules changing all the time, not to mention BREXIT regulations, mistakes I make could cost the company millions. I do feel that the airline, in this particular instance (and if the story is true) should go a little way to compensate this indivdual.
  6. And you've checked every single lab rest report in every country in the world to know this. Bravo sir.
  7. I'm not surprised the younger guys aren't here, have you SEEN the <deleted> they have to go through to get in ? If I were them I'd be looking for somewhere else to go.
  8. Sorry to hear of your troubles but I am surprised that you didn't check the lab report to ensure it stated PCR. I am also surprised that the Lab. didn't have the sense to add PCR onto the report. Being half Thai you will know how obsessed bureaucrats are about paperwork and if it aint correct there's very little you can do. Perhaps you could go back to the airlines as they are supposed to check that your paperwork was in order before boarding but I don't think you will get anywhere
  9. "She said that she was attacked from behind and hit many times thinking she might die. " "She said that she immediately called the police and gave a description of her attacker then that evening flew to see her son Ludwig in Dubai" As much as its a scary situation to be in, it seems odd that she flew out the same evening after being hit many times..
  10. You don't understand Thai society then. Sadly men beat up women all the time
  11. It's true! On the plus side, we do have the ability to string a sentence together ????
  12. How the hell did you get hold of the plan? It was supposed to be top secret
  13. Ordinarily I would agree with you but not in this particular case. As I said, how many lives has this guy ruined whether directly or indirectly. In my eyes this is justice served.
  14. My wife isn't a drug runner destroying countless of lives....well I hope not anyhow.
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