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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 6 hours ago, blackcab said:


    If it is any consolation the UK does update and remove countries from the Red List, so you may still have a chance.


    Yeah the problem is her visa expires mid-may and I don't want her to be on an overstay.

    Maye Qatar are bringing in freight and returning with passengers. I certainly hope so.



  2. 8 minutes ago, blackcab said:


    That's the first time I have read that. I just checked Qatar airlines, and there are no flights available from Bangkok to London after Thursday 18th March 2021. On Thursday there are only business class seats available, so it looks like the plane is full of people taking the last flight from Qatar.

    I'm really not sure what that means for people with tickets on Qatar, other than they will have to buy another ticket on a different carrier. Qatar has a flexible rebooking policy, but they don't give cash refunds. Hopefully people can claim the cost of the ticket back from their credit card company.



    <deleted>. Mrs. Chelseafan is due to fly back to Thailand from UK on 8th May, with no incoming flights I expect her outbound flight is going to be cancelled.


  3. On 3/16/2021 at 1:45 AM, blackcab said:

    Qatar (the country) week be added to the UK's red list from 4am on Friday 19 March 2021.

    If you are transiting through Doha then the Red List restrictions will apply.



    Am I reading this right? Are they saying that there are no passenger flights arriving into the UK from Qatar ?

    "A ban on commercial and private planes travelling from Oman, Ethiopia and Qatar will also come into force on Friday to reduce the risk of importing variants of concern. This excludes cargo and freight without passengers."

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 minute ago, colinneil said:

    Why are you commenting on what other countries do?

    What other countries do has sod all to do with how the crazy bar stewards here drive.


    Just puttting it into perspective. You could reduce the speed limit to 60kph but it woudn't lessen any of the carnage.


    • Confused 1
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  5. On 2/27/2021 at 3:01 AM, colinneil said:

    This so-called government have come up with some crazy ideas before, but this surely takes the prize for sheer stupidity.

    Roads here are crazy enough with speed limit of 90, but 120 absolutely stupid.


    90kph / 55mph on a motorway is pretty slow IMHO. Most countries in the world allow at least 100kph and alot 120kph.



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  6. 9 hours ago, bkkcanuck8 said:


    Since trade in goods are covered -- as long as the goods include enough content from EU/UK to be covered by the trade agreement (in this case adding battery manufacture in the UK or EU would suffice) then they can be imported duty free to the EU.    Basically the EU/UK trade agreement, where the manufacturers are of hard goods and can meet content requirements, are large enough that the additional red-tape import/export (i.e. Nissan is likely both the importer and exporter so they don't have to worry about the impact to customers in the EU) then there is going to be little change (and in some edge cases can be beneficial - or at least a standstill).  The losers though are the service industry and any vendor or manufacturer which is selling directly to customers from the UK.


    On the plus side, importing Ice-cream from the US to UK is cheaper as duty has been reduced from 21% to 6%. ????

    See! There are some positives...



  7. 16 hours ago, connda said:

    Smoking tobacco using a hookah is illegal.   Amazing.

    Sometime that sheer amount of frivolous laws created to throw otherwise good citizens into jail simply boggles the mind.  If there is rebirth I hope I don't end up on another totally insane world like this. 

    Well if I was a cynic then I would think that Shisha is banned as the government doesn't get any kickbacks from it...unlike tobacco.


    That's if I was a cynic... ????

  8. 1 hour ago, billd766 said:

    I am not sure if you are old enough to remember this, but in the late 1950s there was a drug/vaccine that came onto the market called Thalidomide to help women with morning sickness when carrying their baby.




    Thalidomide was first marketed in 1957 in West Germany, where it was available over the counter.[5][6] When first released, thalidomide was promoted for anxiety, trouble sleeping, "tension", and morning sickness.[6][7] While initially thought to be safe in pregnancy, concerns regarding birth defects arose in 1961 and the medication was removed from the market in Europe that year.[6][5] The total number of embryos affected by use during pregnancy is estimated at 10,000, of which about 40% died around the time of birth.[6][3] Those who survived had limb, eye, urinary tract, and heart problems.



    Science, technology and safety standards have come a long way since then. I can't recall of a single commercial drug/vaccine that has been taken off the market that's proven to be dangerous since then.

    Years ago there was concern about Aspirin and blood clotting but it's still a drug that's manufactured


    We've got to trust the scientists have got it right.


    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, david555 said:

    So if many think  only E.U.  do so ....remember Govy / Boris  just postponed 6 months the U.K. aplicating new border restrictions because brexit ... not in "kindness ", but only because not ready for it ..

    Same things shall be reprocal after for E.U. nationals entering  ...so can take our ham & cheese sandwiches ????


    That is only one way. The EU have instigated border controls from day one.


  10. On 1/4/2021 at 10:55 AM, Joinaman said:

    is this the same Astra Zeneca that has had numerous court cases and paid out billions in fines and compensation to the courts and the poor sods who took their meds and vaccines, then found themselves with debilitating illness after Astra lied and misinformed them about passing the safety tests, about how safe they were, about how they had had long term testing , when they knew they had not

    See how many outstanding cases still remaining against Astra Zeneca, even after their almost annual outing to the courts 

    sound familiar  to this vaccine by any chance ?


    Most drug companies face lawsuits on a regular basis, most are spurious claims but once in a while they do screw up.


  11. 13 hours ago, metisdead said:

    They keep glossing over this fact in the OP:

    • Thailand's rice exports are down because the strong baht, which has gained 11% against the U.S. dollar since April, has made shipments uncompetitive versus rivals Vietnam and India.




    It's a little to do with the baht but not much. Most retailers are in long-term contracts so a swing of 11% shouldn't affect them for the short-term but as per my previous post, lack of containers is causing a huge problem not just with rice but shrimp and chicken.


    Oh and we've just heard the country is on a national lockdown!!


    • Haha 1
  12. 13 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Rice exports low, more to do with strength of the THB,

    than shortage of containers I suspect,difficult to get

    a market back once you have lost it.

    regards worgeordie



    The container shortage is a real pain, I source a lot from Thailand and we are seeing orders shipping 4-6 weeks later than scheduled not to mention that the price of a 40ft reefer has jumped from around $2500 to $8000.


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