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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. On 11/22/2020 at 3:16 AM, ThailandRyan said:

    Any marriage in Thailand is officially recognized in the US, and that spouse can be added to any benefits such as US based medical policies, retirement pension benefits and such.  The spouse can also be added as a dependent and a ITN can be obtained for tax purposes as well for the Annual taxes required to be filed.  However, anything obtained outside of the marriage, basically before the marriage, is not attainable by the spouse upon divorce.  50% of assets gained during the marriage, outside of an inheritance that should be put into a family Trust will be attainable.  My prenup for my now ex-wife kept her from obtaining anything except her vehicle and the clothes on her back when she decided to have an affair and left for the millionaire she found.  However, much depends upon how much info you share.


    Surely only if its recongised by the embassy. A village wedding for example doesn't count.


  2. 1 hour ago, BobBKK said:

    I purposely, on several posts, have acknowledged that. I have issues with how the US election is marred by MSM and social media influence BUT I do not say that was solely what caused the loss.



    You could say the same about any election. There's generally a bias towards one candidate or another via different media outlets. The difference this time is that it was mostly unanimous and who's fault is that?


  3. 2 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

    They're not protesting.  It's a rally showing support for Trump.  A protest implies they're protesting the election of Biden.  Biden has not been certified as president elect.  (Sorry about the bad news.)  So a protest isn't possible at this point.


    As to the false election claims, well LOL.  We shall see whether they're false or not.


    In the meanwhile, I'll again warn people to not count their chickens before they hatch.  I predict a 2nd Trump term guaranteed.  If nothing else, the Constitution provides the avenue.


    They are false. No evidence has been provided to the contrary. Every court (so far) has thrown out any claims of fraud and It's currently projected 306 to 232. I will agree that there is always a margin of error but that error is too low to make any difference.

    I'll take a wager on your prediction.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    By getting even more than the most votes a candidate has ever received?!


    I suggest you give up on repeating the pre-election Trump Campaign talking points that they hoped, in vain, would deter people voting for Biden.


    The election is over, Biden won it.


    It is what it is.


    What ARE you on about ? I've not repeated anything and I detest Trump for all he is worth.


    • Haha 1
  5. 44 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Biden received the most votes of any Presidents ever.




    He was chosen as the candidate to beat Trump and he’s done exactly that.


    The right man for the job.


    Sure but my point is that it was a lot closer than anyone expected. A better candidate with better policies would probably have thrashed the man-child.


    • Confused 1
  6. 4 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    Unfortunately even though the Democrats have one the popular vote and the presidency they have lost a lot of political power. The GOP have won seats in the house, will likely keep the senate and have stuffed the judiciary with their own people. I'm sure Biden has a lot of good policies but getting them to come to fruition will be either impossible or an uphill battle. Trump's supporters are like turkeys voting for thanksgiving but GOP leaders will be rubbing their hands with glee, there is money to be made with Trump. He needs to be exposed in court for the criminal that he is but I doubt that even this will convince his gun toting sheep.


    Totally agre.


    BTW still waiting to see his tax returns...


  7. 4 minutes ago, transam said:

    You didn't ask me that, you asked why I wanted to leave the EU.

    "Sensible", you want sensible, when you just can't grasp the fact  that we have left the EU....Gawd.....


    PS. I did ask,what's NF...?


    "So other than nationalistic BS you haven't come up with one sensible reason for leaving the EU. "


    I've accepted the result a long time back



    Look it up, I'm not doing your work for you.

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