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Posts posted by faraday

  1. As Nancy says, it depends on the type of Arrhythmia; some forms do not need a defib.

    I can explain this in much more detail if you need.

    I strongly suggest he sees a Doctor & gets the appropriate medication.

  2. I always try & post on here as if I was physically in front of the person, & therefore 'speak' respectfully when expressing an opinion.

    It just confounds me though, when I see some of the insults & sleights that some members throw at each other, over seemingly trivial points.

    I think that most of us are over 40 on here, & some are much older like I am. It seems that some though despite being of this more mature age a few

    just want to continue their juvenile urinating contests, that they most probably had when younger.

    Never mind, it's only the Internet.


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