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Posts posted by faraday

  1. Loan Sharks are not stupid & I find it difficult to digest, that they would loan this considerable sum on the basis of 'Farang are rich'.

    I think you've been decieved by her because she has a Gambling Addiction - but this doesn't make her a bad person.

    The money she owes has probably been borrowed over a long period of time, in different amounts. But now, they want their money back.

    However, I would worry alot about these guys turning up.

    Either repay them, or disappear, by your hand...or theirs.

  2. Habits take a long time to acquire & a long time to break. This is even more true for Drug & Alcohol addiction.

    He will, no doubt, make many attempts to get off this vile stuff, & if he really wants to, he will suceed eventually.

    The underlying reason why he takes Drugs, must be uncovered; it will most probably be very painful for him emotionally.

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