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Posts posted by faraday

  1. To young to be settling down or even thinking. About meeting someone.

    Go out in the world and fine yourself, you have loads of time..

    Enjoy your youth... And life...

    I'm not really the "find yourself" type of person.

    And what sort of person is that then? facepalm.gif

    Perhaps someone who truly understands themselves maybe?

    Because at 22 one cannot understand oneself....your opinions, goals in life...all of this will change so much over the coming years.


  2. Well it doesn't help that I'm extremely physically and sexually attracted to rural southeast Asian women with their sarongs and their quiet demeanor.

    I've got to fess up that I don't have much of a lively personality and I'm not a very sociable or chatty person so I never enjoyed having long conversations with any women. Most of my interesting conversations happen with old men, to be honest. They have the most wise things to say.

    And that, dear boy, is because they have experience of life.

    Which you do not.

  3. You'll no doubt get some direct & maybe some blunt replies on this....

    You're 22 & in your limited experience of females, makes you think that those options are suitable for you. How do you know this?

    Answer is, you don't.

    Look for a woman that you have a connection with, & not a particular ethnic background or social class.

    It seems very much to me, that you want someone to be subservient to you & not give you any trouble.

    Date as many women as you are attracted to - you don't have to have sex with them particularly - just get experience of females & how they are as a person.

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