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Posts posted by faraday

  1. Many of your posts seem anti Thai; indeed in two recent ones you make a reference to: 'the thai', as if you consider yourself to be a Colonial.

    Perhaps you're just another inadequate troll, I really don't know. But you appear somewhat immature, in my opinion.

    And no, I haven't heard any thai men speaking this way.

  2. Until he accepts he has an addiction & wants to be free of drugs, nothing much will change.

    He needs to discover why he let himself, or was powerless to prevent, the addiction from consuming him.

    If he doesn't fix the reason for his drug taking, the personal destruction will continue in any number of forms. So just being free of Yaba, is likely not the answer.

    He didn't become addicted in two weeks, it took him much longer, so two weeks of treatment will not, I doubt, solve this.

    I strongly suggest some Counselling, it will help him, but he needs to want to be helped.


  3. Just bumping this instead of starting another thread.

    Where can I get a decent wet shave in town?

    Everytime I succomb hoping that this one will be ok, the shave is just not good.

    Yup, 80baht's an ok price, but I want hot towels so my face doesn't feel like it's been rubbed with sandpaper. shock1.gif

  4. Even though you say you're aware of the dangers of Benzos, I would urge you to be very careful with them.

    Many have long half lives of 200 or 300 hours, which mean that you most probably have some left in your system all the time.

    They are nasty to 'come off' should you become addicted to them, which happens all too easily.

    You say that your son's birth hasn't caused this....really? And then you say using your laptop alot also hasn't caused this....really?

    I think that both things have contributed very much to the sleeping issues.

    Stress builds up inside us quite unnoticed sometimes, & then the effects seem to 'suddenly' appear.

    You could try something like Olanzapine - which is an anti-psychotic. 10mg will knock you out, & give you a hangover too.sad.png

    Lastly, try telling yourself that you will sleep when you try......

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