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Posts posted by faraday

  1. "They" are spying all the time. Leave your smartphone on your table while you sit and do something else. It will switch on by itself. Then "They" switch on your cameras to see around and the mict to record your conversation.

    Don't believe me, send a Line message or normal sms, pres send and if your message jumps while sending, normally 3 times, then it has been sent to 3 people plus the person you have addressed it to. Time for cyberghost.

    You have been intercepted, phone, emails and messages since last year May.

    What do you mean by 'Jumps'?

    I think that 'they' can & do, see everything.............George Orwell did warn us though. facepalm.gif

  2. Ok Tassie....no Paranoia here mate. smile.png

    But you biggrin.png have a low post count & there are trolls everywhere & so (it seems) I made an incorrect presumption, about your situation. smile.png

    She does seem to be a bit dodgy, & what she says is over complicated. Be careful.

    As for the Max guy....alarm bells are ringing, & deep down I think you do know he's a wrong 'un.

    If you do break with her, then change all your passwords, & make sure you exit from her on good terms.

    There are plenty of decent, kind & trustworthy ladies in thailand.

    Good luck. smile.png

  3. "My GF and I have met up 3 times twice in Thailand and once in KL"

    3 meetings and all this after only 3 meetings ? Seriously mate....you need to get out more

    Hmmm I didn't take that on board; & the OP teaches Pro Writing.

    I suspect very strongly, that this is all part of a book he's writing, & he needs some ideas.

    Nobody could be so gullible & have such a detailed story, after spending so little time with her.

  4. More importantly, do we ever know the truth about anything?

    It really depends on what people consider to be a lie......how it is defined.

    Is an embellishment a lie?

    Are you lying if you misdirect the truth, when the reality would crush a person completely? Or do you soften the blow, so it is easier for them to bear, in their time of need?

    If your child is having a birthday party tomorrow, & fears it might rain, are you lying when you tell them it won't, so they don't get sad?

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