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Posts posted by faraday

  1. Ok then, I'll tell you a true story about my 'Jock Itch'.

    One hot summer in Blighty, the itching was way out of control & I was working in central london at a large teaching hospital.

    Just before getting there I called into a Pharmacy & got some spray for the 'two veg' area. The pharmacist assured me the spray was ok to use on intimate places.

    Went into work, headed for the nearest toilet & sprayed round the tackle. It was then I found out that, no the spray can't be used on intimate places.crying.gif

    It felt like my balls were being dipped in boiling water. w00t.gif ( a service which I usually pay for) gigglem.gif

    I came flying out of the cubicle, trousers round my ankles & started washing the pain away.

    In the mirror above the basin, I then noticed my Consultant. Standing there looking at me, as if I was a nutter.

    Nearly died of embarrasment.sick.gif

  2. Ahh...the Jock Itch. crying.gif

    Many years ago I had this...& it drove me crackers. Went to see the GP who prescribed me some Daktarin - an antifungal.

    It also had a Steroid Cream in it, & to a certain extent it cleared up the itch. I took alot of care making sure I was dry 'down there'. This went on for over a year.

    Eventually, I used some Fucidin Cream, which is an antibiotic. The itching went in a few days.

  3. Hmmm...I have also recently got the trial version of Avast.

    I do wonder if some of these 'free trials' detect Malware or Virus's that don't really exist, so the consumer thinks how wonderful the s/w is & then buys an upgrade.

    Guess the point I'm making in your case is maybe the 'Mal' is just a ploy....?

    I always use AVG & have done for some years, but I recently got several VIrus attacks & wanted to be sure they'd been deleted....which is why I installed Avast.

  4. Loved that part: "Success, or so I thought etc" tongue.png

    I've got an S5 & haven't had any problems with Lolipop - yet. But then I've yet to see any improvements with it, & already Android are chuntering on about the "M" upgrade!

    I really think that these developers sit around looking for 'fixes' & 'improvements' that aren't required. Keeps them in a job though.gigglem.gif

    Get sooo tired of all the flipping 'bloatware' - guess the only way is to root it....but I'd only mess the phone up. cheesy.gif

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