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Everything posted by JimHuaHin

  1. Trump seems to believe that he is president of the planet, not just the USA.
  2. Trump will kill the USA. China, Russia, North Korea and others are just sitting back enjoying the show.
  3. I am in a similar situation - as I sit here typing this reply, looking out to the front of my small home - I have one construction site behind me (about 20 metres from where I am sitting - with noisy equipment (and often shouting workers) going from about 7 am until around 5-6 pm) and another construction site about 50 metres to my right. All windows have to be closed most of the day, and one door slightly open, due to all the dust coming inside, from these sites.
  4. Come to dangerously polluted Thailand. Hasten your death.
  5. Will the minivan driver face charges for killing the elephant?
  6. At least one that I know of, myself.
  7. Will any of the big businesses in Thailand be paying this tax?
  8. Oh, the joy of blissful ignorance. Thankfully, the earth is flat, and the earth is still the centre of the solar system, the galaxy and the universe. Hopefully, with new gene editing technology, the whole planet will soon believe the above facts.
  9. When will this critical health problem be seriously addressed? Maybe only after the powerful Thai business families realise that the pollution that their industries are producing is killing more and more of their potential customers and workers (but they can always import more workers from overseas), and thus impacting their obscene profits. In any case, these powerful families have already sent their children and grand children overseas for secondary and tertiary education, and in the process they have foreign citizenship, and sizeable assets in those countries. The wealthy can always escape (see the Taksin example); the masses cannot.
  10. Truth Social ... just the rants of a deranged snake oil salesman ... Truth maybe in an alternative universe, but not this one.
  11. This has been talked about for many years, if not decades ... over which time next to nothing has been implemented. Maybe by 2600 (Buddhist Era) something may be finally implemented, just before large parts of Bangkok are permanently under sea water.
  12. Why not ban all new and experimental medical treatments? And ban AI while you are at it? Seems some people do not like scientific advances, and wish to live in the Stone Age. Many medical technologies may have adverse side-effects, even "simple" surgeries. It is called iatrogenesis - read Ivan Illich's 1974 book "Medical Nemesis".
  13. Thailand would like that as it could get more tax out of expats, as no income tax credits would exist in the USA.
  14. Should not the heading read "Vehicle collides with elephant"?
  15. As hinted at previously, have you asked any airlines if they would be willing to take him and if so under what conditions, eg accompanying nurse, guardian, etc.? Is his niece willing to take care of him?
  16. Globalisation = Neoliberal ideology propagated by the rich with the aim of making them super rich and gaining control of the world's resources. In part achieved by billionaires "buying" influential politicians and political parties. Much the same as Emperor Xi's Belt and Road Initiatives.
  17. Go and consult a doctor; preferably a skin specialist.
  18. Spot on. While Emperor Xi and Putin celebrate the USA's expanding demise - self-inflected demise.
  19. The beginning ... the Anti-Christ has been revealed.
  20. It is more likely that American-owned business in many countries are going to suffer financially. It is also possible that more US residents will be relocating overseas - a movement which certainly started after the November elections with some high profile Americans relocating to safer countries. On the other hand, those overseas disciples of Trump and MAGA may be less inclined to wear their political caps and t-shirts in public. Just see what is happening in Pai now, and during the early 2020 international reaction to overseas Chinese tourists "Chinese tourists not wanted" signs posted on businesses in many countries.
  21. Being Israeli or Jewish does not equate with Zionism. There are many many anti-Zionists in Israel and amongst the non-Israel overseas Jewish communities.
  22. So much for free speech and the US' First Amendment rights. Seems like March 1933 in Germany is being repeated in present day USA. Let us see what the Pro Trump MAGA supporters will be saying 6-12 months from now.
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