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Everything posted by JimHuaHin

  1. Same as Putin? More like Adolf Hitler.
  2. Which of Taksin's, sorry I mean Paetongtarn's, achievements have advantaged Thailand and the Thai people, and not just the rich and powerful?
  3. Just another example of Thai racism and xenophobia. Thailand, and before that Siam, has/had a long history of discrimination against its neighbours.
  4. "These days, the Night Sky is a thing of the past, at least within 100-miles of any small city. Even in the countryside, these days, almost every house adds light bulbs, a few per year. Every year, new bulbs are added, without fail, for no logical reason, blocking out the stars, and even the moon." - Agreed. As a young amateur astronomer in Australia, I enjoyed the beauty of our night skies. Thailand - what stars? About a decade ago, in Thailand, my then Thai gf wanted to see the Milky Way - impossible in Hua Hin. One clear moonless night we drove south-west inland for about an hour before I could find a spot with very low light pollution so she could see the Milky Way.
  5. TAT has more money than brains. It clearly has zero comprehension of the current financial and economic situation facing most people in China.
  6. Trump is ignorant and stupid enough to do anything, as we have seen recently.
  7. Unfortunately, yet again, we are in a situation where the official policy is do A, but the (local) official's advice is that one does not need to do A. So what do we do? Take a gamble and follow the (local) official's advice, or follow policy? A British friend in Hua Hin who remitted "a few hundred thousand Baht" (his words) into Thailand in 2024, went to the local revenue office last week - he explained his situation, and was told that as he did not work in Thailand, no need for a Thai TIN, no need to file a tax return.
  8. Does he mean "fix" the Thai economy to his advantage?
  9. I had the same problem years ago. After a little investigation (no taps on, water flowing from mains into water tank; recheck taps; problem continues; turn tap from mains to water tank off; water level going down; shine light into tank; notice large crack in wall) found that the concrete water tank was leaking - large crack in a side wall.
  10. "Stupid is, stupid does" Forrest Gump; who seems far more intelligent than Trump.
  11. There seems to be assumptions that (i) the USA will still exist in 2028, (ii) that the USA will still be a (flawed) democracy in 2028, (iii) Trump will not decree the Democrat Party as a terrorist organisation, (iv) Trump, having learned from other dictators, will not have eliminated all/most opposition by 2018, and (v) people care.
  12. I believe if people are threatened and they fear that they will have to endure unacceptable hardship, they will retaliate. Protests and/or boycotts of American products/businesses is certainly possible, including against the 180-odd US overseas military bases. China, amongst other countries, would happily welcome the demise of the US dollar as the global currency.
  13. First question answer - no, I do not celebrate Chinese new year - I celebrate Tet, Vietnamese Lunar New Year. Second question answer - no.
  14. Probably Pete, as well as Don, do not appreciate that putting the USA first, means putting US interests first, which means taking into account the desires of the USA's (now dwindling) number of friends and allies. I can just imagine a number of the USA's friends and allies soon moving to a position of no US bases in our country and a ban on US imports.
  15. The sun set on the British empire decades ago, and it is never going to return.
  16. Happens every Chinese new year. Most of the rest of the world refers to Lunar New Year, but as Thailand is a Chinese colony ....
  17. Trump thinks that he can now do anything he wants anywhere to anyone. One day in the near future, when the world turns against the USA, when Canada and Mexico ban US "tourists" and produce, and USA producers cannot sell their produce outside the USA and foreign produce cannot enter the USA and the USA has no allies, then maybe, just maybe, the American people, and Trump's billionaire Silicon Valley friends, may wake up and remove Trump.
  18. I nearly wiped out a motorcycle yesterday afternoon. I was driving along a busy main road doing about 40 km an hour, motorcycle came out of a side road at speed, the driver did not even turn his head an inch to look for any traffic; if I did not swerve a little to avoid him he would have impacted the side of my car. Total idiot.
  19. Taksin will do anything (get in bed with the "enemy"), promise anything ("free" money for the masses), all to show he loves the Thai people and wants their vote, while in reality it is all about staying in power and increasing his family's wealth at the expense of Thailand and the Thai people. There is little difference between Taksin and Putin, Trump and Emperor Xi.
  20. If you pay any tax in Thailand, including VAT, then some of the hand out is your money!!!
  21. A hand-down from my mother in 1975 - a cream coloured VW Beetle 1200 (do not know the year it was made). She purchased a new Datsun 180B, which I took possession of when she died in 1986.
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