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Everything posted by JimHuaHin

  1. Just to stress Sheryl's comment. "Together with recent blood in your urine, these could be serious signs." (emphasis added) "You need to stop googling and see an actual doctor. "
  2. The annual 1 day or 1 week crackdown. Status quo will return shortly.
  3. Password? What is a password?
  4. To all US taxpayers, or just the billionaires?
  5. About 4 years ago, I also attended a university graduation ceremony in Nakhon Si Thammarat, and as far as I was aware, I was also the only farang there. 5 years previously, I attended the university's President's welcoming address to the families/parents of new students - I was the only farang in the auditorium.
  6. Apologies for the slow response - I am a little behind with my reading. As a former long-time resident of Canberra, and a shorter-time (about 15 years) federal government public servant in Canberra (ABS and BACA), your post interests me; especially the following sentence - "I have a Government Service Lifetime Pension that is specifically mentioned in the Australian Thai DTA and is only assessable in Australia." Could you please provide the URL of the "Government Service Lifetime Pension" site - I did a Google search, but could not find it? Secondly, after reading the Australia-Thai DTA (signed by then Treasurer Paul Keating in 1986, for memory) (and maybe I fell asleep, several times) I can recall no specific reference to "Government Service Lifetime Pension" which " ... is specifically mentioned in the Australian Thai DTA ...". Section, clause and page numbers in the DTA would surfice. As I stated above, I may have missed it. Many thanks in advance.
  7. Or ... Trump and Vance could be placed on a SpaceX rocket headed to Mars, or the Sun?
  8. Victory for whom? Certainly not many US businesses which will close and the tens of millions of American citizens about to become unemployed. Maybe a victory for criminally insane US politicians? As well as Putin.
  9. Just the beginning .... soon Trump's popularity will be a single digit midget ... (Viet Nam vets will understand).
  10. Trump is starting to sound more like Putin everyday.
  11. Ok Taksin, why not solve this problem? Of course, there is nothing in it for you.
  12. Trump's USA = the newest pariah state and newest member of the Axis of Evil. Nevertheless, one is hopeful that the US's Deep State Assassin Squad will reduce the threat of WWIII.
  13. Reshaping Thai politics, or destroying Thailand through his greed?
  14. Another MAGA fool needing urgent medical attention.
  15. And Trump was complaining about Biden's mental fitness?
  16. Yet again, Trump proves he has next to zero knowledge of history, and/or, his memory is totally shot.
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