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Everything posted by superal

  1. Just did a speed test with my S/S VPN connected to Thailand and got 46 Mbps down and 100 up . I turned off the VPN and got 220 up and down from a Bangkok server . My main reason for using a VPN is to stop being hacked or getting a virus . Is there another way of protection ? Connected by WiFi to my standard mesh router supplied by 3BB . Do you think an upgraded router would improve matters ?
  2. yes
  3. I am with 3BB fiber and pay for V.I.P. guaranteed 200 Mbps .Bedroom TV with Ethernet often buffers using Wizz IPTV . Do a Speed Test , OOkla / Fast and they both show about 50 - 70 Mbps .No VPN is used . Daytime in my office , on my laptop using wifi , I get about 215 Mbps . Turn on my VPN ( Surf Shark ) and it drops to 20 Mbps . My phone that is using the house router , shows 200 Mbps not using a VPN . Do you think that the 50 - 70 Mbps speed in my bedroom is causing the tv buffering ? Strange thing is that when the TV programme comes back on , it picks up from where it left off , which suggests an IPTV blip ? 3BB techs said my devices were too old , Smart TV 5 years old and T95 Android box 1 year old . Techs connected their android box and after 20 minutes of playing around achieved 1000 Mbps . Is this b/s ? BTW , the bedroom TV has sometimes hit 220 Mbps speed testing .
  4. Great thanks I will search . Also can you recommend a Pinot Noir in Thailand at a reasonable price and where to buy please ?
  5. many thanks , what is their country of origin please ?
  6. New potatoes ? You mean baby potatoes that you can peel with your thumb ? As a Brit I only know Jersey new potatoes which are delicious . Where can you buy new potatoes in Thailand please ? Normally use them in salads .
  7. Thai police wages are not great but are supplemented by road side fines on low skilled Thai drivers . Hence the reason for little or no road user education . As we know , the country runs on corruption . One manoeuvre from Thais is to drive into the turn right lane but not signal until they turn . Also the motor cyclists often forget to cancel their indicators , having completed their move . I never assume anything on Thai roads . Thai road users are Jeckll & Hyde and have no consideration for other road users .
  8. 3 hours ago it was over 2.3 million . Unfortunately this petition will not force a new election , at best a Commons debate . A mass demonstration may have more effect but Starmer has already bought the railway workers , who are unlikely to make a protest , which could have had a massive impact . It's just the start of the UK winter and the first spell of bad weather . There will be no doubting of major issues for this manslaughter Labour government in the months to come . RR & KS are devils in disguise along with other cabinet members . How do you think the labour candidates will do in the new year by- elections ?
  9. Yes it happened to me also last Friday when trying to watch the footy on TNT . Normally wait for it to load and click on live tv but instead asked for my sign in and p/w which is case sensitive and a pain in the backside . The footy started again but non-stop buffering so I went to the premier game section which is further down the programme listings and there was no problem . It was being broadcast by NOW and True from Hong Kong but with English commentary . There was clearly a problem with Wizz TV
  10. I have lost count of how many times that a food item is sold out in Thai supermarkets . Anyone know how stock levels are maintained ? Rightly or wrong , I thought that an items bar code , when swiped at the checkout not only was for the ease of compiling the bill but was also sent to the data page , where if the item gets near to low stock , it is automatically reordered . That doesn't seem to be the case in Thailand , or is it ? Only recently I ordered online several packs of a frozen vegetable which I would pick up at the store . When I went to collect , there was nothing to pick up , just a " No have " from a supervisor . Although the supermarkets are generally well presented , their stock control needs attention . Does anyone have retail experience in Thailand ?
  11. and the same oil is used many times
  12. Just read your post and there will be many who will have the same problems , especially the senior folk . I don't know if the following will apply in Thailand but what happens in the UK ls that , if you buy your new phone from a reputable store , they will do all of the transferring of info from your old phone to your new phone free of charge .
  13. Apparently , olive oil and extra virgin olive oil , that is sold in supermarkets worldwide , is 80% fake . Don't always believe what you read on the bottles label unless there is traceability by "Blockchain " which is quite rare and that will be over 1000 baht a bottle . I have read that China produces fake evoo and exports it to Italy and Spain in large vats , where it is bottled , claiming to be evoo produced in those European countries .Buyers who are employed by supermarkets are mostly interested in a reliable supply and maximum profits . They rarely visit the product source of manufacture for the procurement . However in the UK , Marks & Spencer's claim they do exactly that . Their foods are normally a higher class than most other supermarkets but it is also much dearer .
  14. That is my way too . Plus I never believe their indicators which are often not cancelled from a previous turn . It is simple to point out the many faults that contribute to the alarming road fatalities and traffic accidents incidents . What we have to consider is the way that Thailand is run and that is corruption which runs throughout the culture and is the accepted way of living , by Thai folk . Suppression of the lower classes often results in illiteracy and ignorance . There is certainly no driver education , hence the lack of consideration for other road users . Police wages are low and are subsidized by roadside fines that carry mostly no suspension of driving licences which leaves the traffic offenders to carry on their way and leave themselves free to targeted again on another day , by the police . Any licence ban would result in fewer road users , hence less fines to help police incomes .Young school children riding motorbikes are not stopped by police because they will not have money to pay a fine but seizure of the motorbike is never considered . In a nutshell , it will take a culture change to mitigate the high fatality rates on Thai roads . Change has to start from the top and that will not happen any time soon .
  15. Accident , incident appears to have happened in broad daylight so lights not needed . The location is not far from where I live and I used that road yesterday after shopping in Surin and travelling back to Prasat . This is farmer country , basic living standards and low education . The driving standards are poor . No highway police , only the occasional police spot check .12 year old and younger school kids riding motorcycles to school is a daily event . Driving at night here is dangerous with many vehicles do not have lights . Driving tests are a joke . It is a wild west province .
  16. Any recommendations ?
  17. Just wondering if anyone has a solution to the following . When watching IPTV ( Wizz TV ) the picture often freezes for up to a couple of minutes . I always suspected that it was some form of throttling going on but my suspicions have changed my mind because when the picture freezes and then returns it carries on from where it left off . So that has to be the IPTV company ? I have tried updating their system on their app page and also clearing my cache and cookies but the problem is never really sorted . Opinions welcome .
  18. I asked a Thai lawyer the following but she could not give a definitive answer but seemed to believe that the neighbor was within his rights because they own that land . The back of our property outer wall appears to be the extent of the plot . What has happened is that the owner of the adjacent land has built some properties about 2-3 meters from our back wall . They have dug out the foundations and the soil has been piled up within the space between their new houses and our house and the dug out foundation soil is banked up against our wall to about 1 meter high and 8 meters long . I am concerned that this will cause damp to penetrate through our single skin wall and damage our interior decor . Does anyone have knowledge about whether this is allowed under Thai planning laws ?
  19. Totally agree . The country is almost lost because of mass immigration . Reform seem to be the only sensible party . This Labour lot are a joke and I cannot see them lasting their term . If Reeves October budget brings more grief , then expect retaliation from the general public . Who in their right mind would vote Labour again . What they have done to pensioners who are just above benefits income level and have lost the winter fuel payment , may result in deaths caused by hypothermia which could be deemed as manslaughter . Reeves Raynor & Starmer , governing the UK , what a farce. Todays pensioners have one of the lowest pensions in Europe , live on half of the minimum wage and get robbed by this two faced axxxxxe Starmer & co .
  20. Me too . Recently logged on to the Bangkok Bank web site . Had to provide D.O.B & PP number . Then up pops the face recognition system which I did not have . So off to my local BBK to have my picture taken . It took the bank lady several attempts to take an acceptable photo . Why not use a finger print app I asked , not have was the reply . Or is there another motive for taking a photo ?
  21. Last evening between 5 and 6 30 pm we experienced a storm of immense power . The rain was the heaviest that my pal had seen in over 25 years in Thailand . Our large metal gutters could not cope and were overflowing . Visibility down to about 200 yards and lots of lightening / thunder . Strangely both Surin and Buriram ( nearby towns ) reported zero rainfall on the TMD website
  22. I bought a new Mitsubishi car about 3 months ago and the red number plate ended 1047 . I had to go to the UK and when I got back to my house in Thailand the car now had a normal white plate but the number had changed to a completely different number . I asked my lady if she had chosen another number and she said that she had not and this was the number given by the transport department . Is this number change normal ?
  23. Totally agree and every UK person I talk to agree also . However Starmer is slamming up all who those who protest against immigration , either protesting on the streets or by statements on social media . Sooner rather than later there will be a revolt against the labour government who have an " I'm alright Jack " attitude . They are not halting immigration but are giving every assistance to make them comfortable , whilst their own O.A.Ps try to survive on a national pension that is half of the minimum wage . The act of withdrawing the winter fuel payment from most O.A.P.s will result in many deaths cause by the cold weather and R. Reeves & co could be charged with manslaughter .
  24. You are correct . However most of those bar toilets are filthy and not cleaned on a regular basis . I do not need to add descriptions . I would not want young children or ladies to use them . Pattaya is a major tourist venue and should be providing up to date , well maintained with an attendant , toilet facilities to the public at many convenient ( pun ) locations . BTW , hands up if you have never pissed in the sea when swimming and therefore unexposed . The guy in question should be fined for public indecency as he was fully exposed and wearing socks with sandals 😄 . If I am caught short , can always find a place of privacy . What is happening is that for some of these Asian tourists this is a normal day to day action . Also entering swimming pools wearing their underwear . Defecating in their hometown streets is common .
  25. Sorry pal but all that was written on the refusal letter was " we do not believe she will return to Thailand "
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