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Everything posted by alanrchase

  1. When has anything like that ever happened to you? Most of this mainly exists in social media and the outrage factory of right wing media. Yet to meet a single person who has even bothered to mention anything about personal pronouns yet the outrage factories would have you believe it is rampant. Who is Sam Smith?
  2. What lenses are you paying for? My son gets distance glasses he uses for driving for 400 baht including frames. Why are you paying 4,000? I need progressive photochromic lenses and the cheapest I have found in Thailand are 14,000 baht. You don't seem aware of the vast differences in price depending on a person's requirements.
  3. What makes you think the frames must be expensive? What type of lenses do his glasses have? Are they photochromic? Do they have anti reflective coating? Anti scratch coating? Are they bi-focal, progressive? I was quoted 22,000 to 28,000 in an optician in Bangkok for the type of lenses I require and the price of frames had not been discussed. You seem to know very little about the subject.
  4. You need to say what type of lenses you have. For the price I assume they are progressive? The fit of the glasses can change how well you can see through progressive lenses. Higher up or lower down your nose changes the part of the lens you are looking through. I have issues when wearing a crash helmet as it tends to raise the glasses slightly. Plenty of videos on YouTube for how to adjust the fit. For the people who are suggesting you were ripped off on price they are just ignorant on the cost of progressive lens glasses in Thailand. Cheapest I have found were 15,000 baht four years ago. I now get mine from Zenni for 3,000 baht.
  5. Go back in time only 100 years or so and look at all the things that would have been called "woke" using today's definition. Giving women the vote, extremely woke idea. Giving black people the vote, even more woke than letting women vote. Allowing mixed race schools, breaking the woke meter. I don't agree with everything they are pushing and think they are doing some of it too fast but things will probably sort themselves out over time. I thought it was the end of the world when that rock n roll music came along.
  6. The Honda website states that prices start at 51,900 baht. There appear to be two models to choose from so the second model is likely to cost more than the starting price. If they are throwing in various things like a helmet, insurance and registration then they may add that too. Check and see exactly what you are getting.
  7. Are you sure you are not "Woke"? I only ask because you seem to be easily offended and I have read that that is one of the symptoms of the "Woke mind virus".
  8. Webster's seems to disagree with you. Perfectly acceptable use it would seem.
  9. Not sure exactly what you are trying to do. If you want the same account with the same number at a different branch then it cannot be done. Part of the account number is for the branch that the account belongs to. If you are opening another account and you want to transfer the money from your old account then just open an account. Don't confuse the bank by mentioning transferring anything, just open the account and transfer the money once it is opened.
  10. You can buy new 10 inch tablets on Lazada for about 1,000 baht. I doubt they are anything special but probably fine for your kids to play with.
  11. I wouldn't worry. I used to work on aircraft in the Middle East and there was a small emergency oxygen bottle attached to the ejection seats. Sometimes the aircraft were parked in direct sunlight at midday with the canopy closed and there was never a problem. The cockpit temperature easily exceeded 52C.
  12. I withdrew the money from my wallet to my bank today using the app, the transaction was instant.
  13. Go to your wallet on the app, tap on the amount in your wallet and select withdraw on the page that comes up. From memory you will have to provide your bank details and picture of your passport photo page. I have done it several times before so it remembers my details and only takes me a minute to do a withdrawal now.
  14. Went from 68 to 74kg and had to buy some new jeans as the old ones were too tight. Couldn't get on with the fit of the new jeans so went back down to 68kg so I could fit into the old ones again.
  15. Perhaps you would be good enough to either tell us or post a link to the verdict?
  16. So you agree that CNN has reported on it? Here is one link, I'm sure you can find the rest. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/09/georgia-court-voting-machines-trump-election-fraud-00134420
  17. The MSM is mum on the subject? Apart from ABC, CNN, WaPo, AP news, Politico, NBC etc.
  18. The tenth digit may be a letter. This chart will decode the letter into year of manufacture.
  19. I suppose it may vary with each immigration office but I did my online 90 day with Ratchaburi immigration about 10 days ago, extension valid till 23 March and 90 day approved with next report date due on 7 April.
  20. It's a conspiracy theory to suggest that in the West cloud seeding is dismissed as a conspiracy theory. I was taught about in in geography class at school 50 years ago.
  21. It's effectively 10 baht a month for the convenience of a mobile phone, hardly greedy.
  22. Humans have been hunting wild animals for food for hundreds of years and still do. Wild boar, deer, rabbit, pheasant, partridge etc.
  23. Before biometric passports were a thing there was an entry on the " observations" page of a new British passport that stated that the holder previously travelled on passport number ×××××××××. They would also note down any bans from travelling to certain countries. All that information is now on the chip in the biometric passports.
  24. I keep typing agent in and usually get one within a couple of minutes. They are always very helpful.
  25. Recieved a chopping board this morning. I ordered size 32×48×1.8 and size 24×32×1.8 was delivered. Partly blame myself as the price was significantly lower than other sellers which is often an indication that things will not be as advertised. Been bitten several times ordering a bargain hoping that this time it will be as advertised but it has never happened yet. No doubt I will be tempted again in the future.
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