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Everything posted by alanrchase

  1. She was born with a vagina which is what some anti trans people say is the definition of a woman. They will have to come up with a new definition. She competed in the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, don't remember seeing you all complaining back then.
  2. I use a press to make three cups, pour into first cup and pour the remaining two cups into a thermos.
  3. Except you are talking about a completely different speech. The topic is about what he said on Fox and you are explaining what he said at Turning Point.
  4. Neither of us knows exactly what is going to be required as they haven't finalised it yet. You have your opinion on what they may do and I have mine. Everything could completely change by the time they get round to their final decision.
  5. The change is that if you have income in the tax year and remit money to Thailand that will be taxable. You will no longer be able to say I put my income in account A and remitted money to Thailand from account B which contains no income from this tax year.
  6. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.austchamthailand.com/thai-government-to-begin-taxing-foreign-sourced-income-as-of-2024/&ved=2ahUKEwjK7JybqsuHAxVjU2wGHdTaLm8QFnoECCEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2KEfoTIuZTDHKS0dY4TCEK "Have you been bringing money into Thailand at any time in the last decade that was not savings (eg pension or earnings) & you brought it in in the same year you earned it? Guess what? Tax is due for all those years." I don't see the words "may be due".
  7. I agree the tax situation as written in law has always been the same, however they stopped applying it to foreigners some time ago. The government has announced that as of 01 Jan 24 they will start applying it again. They have also mentioned changing the law to tax worldwide income. Where did I get the information from? Reports about what the government is proposing. This is a thread about those reports. Where have you got your information reporting that they will impose back tax?
  8. Where have you got the information that you will be taxed for the previous decade from? As far as I understand the government officially stopped requiring foreigners to declare remitted money quite some time ago (late 80s?). They are reintroducing it this year so why would you have to worry about previous years? Nothing in any reports I have read make any mention of back tax. This is a thread about legal ways to avoid tax, your suggestion of not submitting a tax return if you have taxable money remitted to Thailand is tax evasion.
  9. Where are you living? If you are living in Thailand and you sell your house in the UK you may be liable for capital gains tax in the UK.
  10. I can live for years on my savings as well. I suspect there will be a need to prove the money is savings, I also suspect that your income in the year will need to be shown as well. I suspect they will consider money remitted to Thailand to be from income first until it is all used up. It will all be moot if they decide to tax worldwide income anyway. Not really worth getting into various ways to lower your tax bill until they have decided exactly what they are going to do and made it law.
  11. I don't think trying to remit pre 2024 money will work. Tax authorities are not daft. I suspect all tax authorities consider that the tax years income is spent first before you dip into savings. If you have income of $20,000 in a year they will not consider any money to be savings till you have used up that $20,000.
  12. Where does it say you are all fascists? Fascists in the MAGA movement is what was said. There are plenty of fascists in the MAGA movement but that does make you a fascist. If you vote for Trump you will however be voting for a fascist agenda.
  13. Impossible. Trump only picks the best people. How do I know that? Trump said so.
  14. While the billboards may be a recent development there are plenty of shops that have been around for years that only have Chinese signage on them. Plenty of Chinese temples that have been around for years as well. Not to mention the Chinese new year celebrations.
  15. She got tired of them not working and her having to pay their bills. She gave them a week to take their stuff so their fault if anything they wanted was damaged. She planned to renovate the house so the roof doors and windows were coming off anyway. My roof has not been touched.
  16. My wife recently evicted a nephew out of a house on her property. Got the village head and a policeman round to explain everything to him. She put a sign on the door giving the nephew and his wife a week to take their belongings out of the house. When the week was up she had the roofing sheets, doors and windows removed so the rain could get into anything left in the house. A week later she started giving away anything the neighbours might want and bagging the rest for the trash collection. She is now having the house renovated.
  17. My grandmother was alive during three different centuries. Born in 1898 and died in 2001.
  18. You are required to post your passport to HMPO.
  19. There is a legal requirement in Thailand to carry your passport with you when you are out and about. This is rarely enforced but is why you cannot renew online. Many other countries do not require you to carry your passport when you are out and about, you can leave it at your residence or at an hotel. Nothing to do with paranoia, I never carry my passport in Thailand unless I need it during my travel, eg. visiting the bank.
  20. What are you on about? OP asked if it can be done online from Thailand. Another poster remarked that online renewal can be done in the UK. I replied to that post by mentioning that online renewal can also be done abroad but gave a reason why it is not allowed in Thailand. Then for some reason you stepped in and inferred I was wrong and should reference your post.
  21. Not true. Thailand has a requirement that foreigners carry their passport with them, rarely enforced but plenty of discussions about it on AN. Many other countries have no requirement for a foreigner to carry their passport with them.
  22. My post said it can be done from abroad and gave an example, I also gave a reason why it cannot be done online in Thailand.
  23. My sister is a resident in the US and used the information provided by the UK government to renew her passport. She completed the online process and posted her passport to HMPO in the UK. HMPO returned her new passport to her residential address in the US, no third party address was used.
  24. It can be done online from abroad as well. My sister did hers online from the US a few years ago. My understanding is one reason for not being able to do it online from Thailand is the (unenforced) requirement to carry your passport. Online renewal leaves you without a passport until the new one is delivered.
  25. Galvanized steel has no oil on it. Still best to give it a clean before paint but a lot easier than cleaning mild steel.
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