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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Really a wrong time to seek budget for the F35 fighter jets. But Air Force does have a case of replacing its aging F5 and F16 aircrafts which are reaching the end of its service life and cost more in higher maintenance and safety concern. Price of F35 has also drop significantly from its initial high. I think the Airforce will very likely get the F35 depending on US government approval.
  2. Quadrupling current figures in just 10 years is bit of an imaginary stretch. It will take quite a visionary leader in the government to drive such a bold business plan. The government will need to come up with very unique attractions to attract passengers. Dubai and Singapore airports are attractive due to their cleanliness, comfort even indoor cinemas besides speedy connectivity through the terminals. Let’s get political stability and a visionary government before we can even think about this ambitious endeavor.
  3. Sad fact indeed and a poor reflection of Thailand. This fact not unusual even for first world country that use pardon power to free their allies or authoritarian government who don’t go after their inner cycle. All condemnable.
  4. Nope. Almost 70% of Thailand power stations use natural gas. Not exactly green but they produces less pollution and greenhouse gases.
  5. Thailand played good entertaining football throughout the AFF Suzuki Cup tournament. They also showed much depth in their squad. Dethroning Vietnam who was the champion in previous tournament will provide the momentum for the Asian and World Cup qualifying rounds in 2022. Congrats.
  6. Not bad for a small nation with a total of 35 Olympic medals of which 10 were gold. That lone Tokyo 2021 karate gold won by Ms Panipak was a great achievement considering big sporting country like USA has not won any karate gold ever in Olympic history.
  7. Don’t be naive, blood-suckers are already knee deep in and for a long time.
  8. If Thailand decide to legalize casino this year, it will boost direct investments and provide a confident bounce for the domestic economy. Likely to be more than 1 casino and should contribute much to Thailand GDP. Singapore 2 casinos contribute 1.5-2% to GDP. It is a significant revenue contribution for Thailand and the jobs creation will be enormous. I think it is important that casino be legalized with the backdrop of Thailand frail economy next couple of years.
  9. Who really give a rat’s ass whether Americans are watching Thailand sport best. Sports like Badminton, football, volleyball and recent Olympic successes brought happiness and galvanized the Thai people. Regional countries have lots of respect for Thailand sporting achievements and really not much for American sports.
  10. The ban is for a technical delay of the new code inclusion in existing provision.
  11. That’s when reality hits the whiners. Folks it’s NY eve. Let’s have some cheers less jeers. Happy new year ????
  12. Most countries have their own furlough scheme including Thailand. https://www.iflr.com/article/b1lqw0wjd9bgtt/covid-19-in-thailand-compensation-benefits-schemes-for-employers-and-employees
  13. I don’t think Pentagon has change their policy on having at least 100,000 troops in the Asia Pacific Rim. Bases in this region has been dictated by this Pentagon’s policy to maintain a robust presence which is deemed as as aggressive posturing. US initiated the move out of Clark because they felt that the costs to rebuild the airbase that was massively damaged by Mt Pinatubo was not justifiable. They can use other bases for their Air Force in Thailand and in Singapore in their bilateral agreements. Okinawa folks have been burdened by the US base with rapes and murders incidents committed by the troops. They don’t want the base. Don’t think it will move any dial with the Japanese government and US as the North Korea threats are menacing. South Korea need US presence for deterring threats from the northern neighbor and perhaps from Japan who annexed Korea in the past. China has not occupied any South China Sea disputed islands. They have reclaimed undisputed coral reefs. South China Sea dispute is best negotiated by the concerning countries without provocation of non involved countries.
  14. Moving back to their home in the province without any money is not difficult as living in Pattaya. Some have stopped prostitution for their income source and took other work or entrepreneurship. One notable story was K M who is a 6 years veteran in Pattaya who decides to take up courses and got a hospital job. Salary may not be much but healthcare, child education and pension benefits are more than offset the deficits.
  15. Unfortunate outcome of those freedom loving and vaccine hesistant minority putting the life of the entire country at risk.
  16. Considering that US is the largest operator of military bases and 7 navy fleets around the world with active-duty soldiers and navy personels; seem the agression perception is justified. The presence of the 7th Fleet in Asia Pacific is a provocating image and closeness of military bases in Japan and South Korea to China does rattle them. China does not have that kind of expansive military bases and hardwares to expand territorially.
  17. Here are some fun facts for you. 1. Closing an estimated 3% of Gross Domestic Product of the sex industry will not collapse the Thai economy 2. Satisfying your lust on someone misfortune is not exactly a noble act of feeding someone mouths 3. Prostitution is illegal in Thailand. It can’t be totally eliminated just like any countries in the world. The government is cracking down on open prostitution. Try to understand that.
  18. I sincerely hope that the authority is serious in cracking down on open prostitution. Thailand has to change its image as a sex haven. The massage palours with the viewing gallery of prostitutes, the sex performance at go-go bars and the open bars with hookers chasing after customers got to go. It will be foolhardy to expect prostitution to be eliminated but clearing them from openly displaying and selling their assets will be a positive step. Like in Singapore, prostitution in itself is not illegal but various prostitution-related activities are criminalized like public solicitation, maintaining a brothel and living on the earnings of a prostitute and also those who are caught soliciting sexual services. There are many tourists who are turned off seeing open prostitution in Thailand. Cracking down will in fact increase the number of quality tourists.
  19. Not only that we must condemn foreign powers funding, it is also illegal under the Thailand Organic Act on Political Parties. Any large donations are also illegal under the Act and party can be dissolved. Rather foolhardy for any party to involved in foreign fundings and risk party dissolution.
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