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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Fox didn't aired that interview for a reason any person with an iota of a brain would figured out.
  2. Well and good as more rich dudes are paying more tax from Biden's minimum tax. He is driving for more tax on the rich and doubt it will get pass the House dominated by the Reps. All analysts will agree that the relationship between equity prices and inflation is an inverse correlation i.e. inflation rises stock price fall. Where you learn your economic mate.
  3. The only strategies he had - early announcement of candidacy and delay. Once the trial dates are confirmed, he will face justice in 3 separate jurisdictions and a long jail time.
  4. There is no left or right in the wheels of justice. It may grind slowly but grind exceedingly well. Jack will get his final say and Trump will be off to jail.
  5. Message was well intended for all law abiding people and those subscribing to the noble phrase "Justice delayed is justice denied".
  6. Problems with speaking are sign of aphasia which is a common type of dementia. Trump is struggling to recall the right words and process information.’He is getting worse and may not made it to Nov.
  7. What’s the point for Trump to visit the border 5 times in his presidency and still can’t solve the border problems and have to kick the problem down the road for Biden. The solution is with Biden’s bipartisan border bill which Trump torpedoed. Educated voters is turning against Trump as he is all performative but lacking in substance.
  8. That's true which was the reason as to why he rejected the leadership of Trump in building the wall. He was a dedicated public servant and he performed with the right policies whether from his current or previous administration.
  9. Have some respect for others opinion. We don’t live in the same bubble as you.
  10. Sorry not playing your game. I don’t buy into incendiary buzzwords like grooming, woke and CRT of the right-wing rhetoric. You can fear these buzzwords but I don’t.
  11. Sad to say that Trump and his MAGA movement has made the left noble.
  12. Only Trump don’t treat parody as political jest by suing Bill Maher.
  13. Enough of Trump’s performative border visit. Same boring speech filled with hate and grievances. They should learn from Biden’s speech that make clear that problems like the wildfire and border are not blue or red but should be a collective effort. Trump will never understand that terminology.
  14. Unlikely for the less productive GOP lawmakers in USA history. Soon they will ban children from wearing LGBtQ pride watch. . https://www.businessinsider.com/malaysian-government-bans-swatchs-lgbtq-pride-collection-2023-8
  15. Thanks for the endorsement of Woke being hijacked by the GOP. Fake news not really a new mainstream word. Trump popularized the term regardless of the truthfulness of the news, when he used it to describe the negative press coverage of himself. It has come under lots of criticism. The British government decided that it will no longer use the term as it's poorly defined and misleading that conflates a variety of false information from genuine error through to foreign interference in the democratic processes. But this doesn;t stop Trump and his acolytes frequently used the term when confronted with facts and views they don;t like.
  16. Interesting. Got me goggle libertard. All I find are references to libraries. There is also Libertard Selected Writings. Then I look at libtard and it said "a person with left-wing political views". Who is dumber.
  17. You simply can't change the defination of woke to suit your agenda. Woke is being alert to racial prejudice and discrimination - social injustice. What you post just confirmed that GOP has hijacked Woke, distorted the orginal intention to become the clarion call for Republicans. By your interpretation, banning of books is woke.
  18. Please do tell what is falling apart in your misguided understanding of woke. Didn't woke was originally meant an awakening of social injustice. Majority of Americans chose to be informed, educated on and aware of social injustice. What is your defination of woke?
  19. Good on you mate. My exercise routine quite similar except that my weight routine is repetitions rather than heavy weights. Twice a week in the gym and weekend tennis. Gave up smoking a long time ago and no alcohol. Weight under control at 72kg. Like to go lower for my 1.7 m height.
  20. The Dem Party is not radical far left. This was the type of scare tactics employed by Trump to motivate his supporters. Biden is center left and the party is a diverse, socially progressive that support civil rights legislation, protection for women, people of color, LGNTQ, disable, climate change and nayive American tribes. The worse thing to happen is to fall behind Kennedy who is a independent. The man is conflicted with diverse views of traditionally, liberal, conservative mixed with some conspiracy theories. He is one of yours and will steal votes from Trump. You seem quite a reasonable guy until you start to blatter about stolen election, classified documents and list of other stuffs. Simply put, Trump broke the law and no one is above the law. And you hope Trump win to have 'tears down the far left" even though you agreed that he is an incompetent idiot. Hard to take you serious. .
  21. If you truly believe in what you post, you should fall behind Liz Cheney and her like minded conservative allies. MAGA is not representing the right but representing Trump. Someone who instigate an insurrection, use language borrowed from Mein Kampf and called for retribution against his perceived enemies is not right conservative and I wouldn’t even call them a far right. Far far worse.
  22. The ratings for Trump around the world is just as bad. Some of the most negative attitudes towards Trump are among some of Ameriuca's closest allies in Europe and elsewhere. Countries like Spain, UK, France and Germany are very negative towards Trump. Compare to other leaders, Trump had the most negative ratings in the survey and even worst ratings than Putin and Xi. https://dobetter.esade.edu/en/what-does-the-world-think-of-trump
  23. Both candidates are unpopular. What will do Trump in is that he has nothing to offer. He just can't keep repeating all his grievances and victimhood for next 10 months amd expect his supporters to be still energized. .
  24. If is a big ask. The truth is that Trump will lose. Election is run on policies and he has none. His agenda on border and abortion will bury him in November. He may not even be the candidate as he is losing his mind with his legal and financial woes.
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