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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Her balloon fur coat certainly looks trashy and non decorum comformance for a formal occassion.
  2. Likely not. Invitation by the Biden administration has been offered to brief former Trump officials about the spy balloons that they failed to detect during his administration. So far, Trump officials have not responded probably saving them from further embarrassment.
  3. Now you telling porky pie or maybe you don’t read the widely. Fox wouldn’t tell you much and often misdirect real content.. The balloon flight path was monitored by Pentagon and the official said it does not present a significant intelligence gathering risk. Upon advisers consultation and considering all safety factors, the balloon was shot down. You may not familiar with this consultative process. You probably more familiar with the authoritarian reckless style of Trump.
  4. You could be right that the intelligence community had a problem briefing Trump as he dislike attending intelligence briefing. Trump said it was a waste of time and he was smarter than most of them. And I always thought that any intrusion into US airspace is seen as an act of war and has consequence.
  5. You really can’t like someone like Trump who break laws, investigated for criminal acts, lie and cheat on tax. Besides he has huge moral and ethical deficits. But you like that kind of person and is your prerogative. The case here is simple. Trump didn’t prioritize the importance of vigilance to the intelligence community. President Biden did. Conclusion it was Trump’s derelict of responsibility. The balloon discovery or non discovery was the result of such specific orders given by respective President. POTUS heeded the advice of Pentagon to shoot the balloon at sea on safety concerns. Trump will do something reckless as he don’t listen to intelligence advise.
  6. It is really not that confusing. President Joe BIden has demonstrated that by prioritising to the intellgence community the importance of vigilance and assets deployment on his first day of office. Trump didn't. It is that simple.
  7. China should have big inscription on the balloon with large caps "This is a China spy balloon", Then everybody can see it and not think it is just another balloon flying across the sky and report it. Perhaps everybody should be trained to identify spy ballons and normal balloons. US has roughly 3,000 registered balloons. The airwaves wil be filled with reports. Some may even take a pot shot taking a lead from those deranged Maga GOP.
  8. That seem to be the lapse in detecting the past surveillance ballons. No orders from the Commander-in-Chief to the intelligence community to increase vigilance and deployment of assets to detect spy ballons from enemy states. Biden rectified that at the beginning of his administration and to his credit the intelligence was able to detect the ballon and discovered the descrepancies of the previous administration allowing the ballons to intrude into US airspaces. All details will be briefed to GOP lawmakers if they will attend.
  9. The shooting of the ballon left a 7km debris trail. There may be a chance of the debris falling into the Russia side and creat a international incident or into the sea. Would that be a fair assessment of the risk?
  10. Intelligence officials during Trump's Presidency have warned to avoid giving him intelligence assessments that contradict positions he has taken or beliefs he hold. He was also has a stubborn disregard for intelligence briefing and was had a willful ignorance when presented with intelligence analysis. He often skip intelligence briefings. because in his own words Ï don't need daily briefings".
  11. President Biden directed the intelligence community "to increase both our vigilance and the assets that we were deploying to be able to detect Chinese efforts to spy against the United States" said national security adviser Jake Sullivan. It was a priority of POTUS to enhanced the capacity to be able to detect things that the Trump adminstration failed and unable to detect. It was a dereliction of priority that allowed multiple instances of Chinese ballons to traversed American airspace and territory during Trump's tenure. What else is new.
  12. Despicable hypocrite who refused to comply with a bipartisan subpoena is now conducting investigation of the political rivals using subpoenas. The kind of indecency that the GOP loves and in return reward him to be chair of Judiciary Committee. GOP is really sinking lower and lower in decency and morality.
  13. You know nothing about the incursions because it was not disclosed by the Trump's administration. Mike Esper as the Secretary of Defense and report direct to President Trump. Did President Trump covered up the incursions because he did not want to jeopardize the relationship with China that may soured up his businesses there? I don't know. The alleged spy ballons were picked up by the Department of Defense flying into Hawaii, Guam, Texas & Florida restricted airspace. Texas is a permanent prohibited area due to the Pantex nuclear assemply plant. US Air Force can scrambled to intercept any airspace intrusion in 4-5 minutes. Moreover, did Trump even protested to China about the intrusions? We didn;t hear about that too. Too much coverup during Trump's adminstration to give him a pass on any benefit of doubt.
  14. It was discovered after Trump left office just like the top secret documents. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/chinese-spy-balloons-over-us-during-trump-admin-discovered-after-he-left-office-senior-biden-official
  15. Misplaced concern of an alleged spy ballon that has been shot down rather than 3 alleged spy ballons not shot down. Weird thinking of the Maga community.
  16. Space laser Greene just can't help herself to shut up and has to jump in with her snipe at Biden and once again reveal her stupidity. Even ridiculed and condemned by her own party members. Marjorie Taylor Greene calls on Biden to shoot down Chinese spy balloon, says Trump would have done it already". "It would be great if an average Joe shot it down because China Joe won't".
  17. Junior policemen are scapegoats is inconvenient truth of the dirty rotten RTP. I will be better convince that the RTP upper echelon are clean when more police superintendents and above are implicated and jailed. They are commanders in their respective roles and they set the discipline and standard. If the junior policemen corrupt, they are culpable. If not involved in the corruption, they should be fired on dereliction of duty.
  18. The employment rate at 3.4% is impressive. In fact it is a historic low since 1969. Considering that Trump left office with the worst job record since Herbert Hoover at 6.2%, Joe Biden’s accomplishment is remarkable. Covid was a factor but Trump mishandling was glaring and his policies make the economy worst off.
  19. What exactly does she do besides filing motions and hecklings. She did sponsored some legislation and they were nutty. Bill to award Kyle Rittenhouse Bill to give gold medals to police officers who served during various Black Lives Matter Bill on non compliance that ban any discrimination on whether or not you're received the covid vaccine The fire Fauci Act Impeach Biden for his role in Afghanistan Republicans in the House dislike her for time wasting in silly threatrics. She was mocked after her latest amendment fail spectaculary with her own party Republicans rejecting on masse. Yet she got plum committees assignments. Looks like she wearing Kevin's pants.
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