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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. The threat of nuclear only came from Putin. No western allies has make any nuclear threat. They only agree that they will never succumb to Putin’s nuclear threat. It’s all on Putin’s hands to de-escalate the tense situation. If ever there be firing of nukes, they will come from Russia. Your plead for calm is misdirected and should only be addressed to Putin. He started the invasion and he threatened nuclear. The west is responding to his madness.
  2. Republican Party, a party of traditional values which provides exemplary role models. Heck it is now a party of liers, election deniers and conspiracy theorists. The party need to exorcise these bad elements from the party and revert back to the former glory years of Reagan.
  3. The only people you need to ask is the citizens. Majority do not support the wall while the majority support helping Ukraine. Yours is a Republican view point and they don’t represent the majority of the citizens.
  4. I can see why the border issue can’t be resolved bipartisan when the GOP base just want to annoy the left and cheer on the theatrics of Abott and Desantis. .
  5. 3 million jobs since pre pandemic and labour market shortage. What a dysfunctional political system. GOP is holding hostage the country well being by weaponizing the immigration issues. Juvenile and small minded behavior by Abbott and DeSantis with their theatrics at the expense of the country for small personal gains. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/lack-immigration-labor-market-shortage-economist-191213573.html
  6. The questions, remains, though, who was the source of this information, and why did you believe it? It's the kind of number that should arouse at least a bit of scepticism. Well there are many articles out there. I have read 3 separate Forbes articles each claiming a different amounts, also stating that he has money invested overseas - what ever that insinuates. So does any of us really know. Some state $110million others state higher so if it is only $20million, it is confusing why Forbes - to mention just one, cannot give reasonably accurate total. There are many articles all conflicting, and as stated I have read 3 different figures from Forbes alone. But as a mere mortal, I hold my hands up and state that I am happy to be corrected. There are lots of things we don’t know and they are lots of stuffs generated by Russian propagandists. What we know is that Zelensky is the reason as to why Russia has not overran and annexed Ukraine. He could have fled in days after the invasion as his army offered little resistance. He kept the country united and rallied the western allies against Russia aggression. That’s all I care at this moment. Other stuffs, not important for now.
  7. He should be banned but his toxic legacy will remain. He has validated extreme right politics and party nativism. Trump’s acolytes and his fanatical base will dictate power in congress. Not only he be banned but his acolytes must be voted out of power so that the Republican Party can be released from the hold of Trump .
  8. Putin compared himself to Peter the Great in quest to take back all Russia land. His grandeur ambition to to bring Soveit Union back together. Western influence is just his excuse. He has invaded and annexed Georgia and Crimea without much military response and fight back. Ukraine is Europe's last stand to send a strong signal to Putin that his imperialistic ambition will not met unchallenged.
  9. The right to have freedom is the pillar of democracy. Russia invade and attempt to subjugate Ukraine is tantamount to taking away Ukrainians freedom. Fighting against Russia invasion is fighting for their freedom is a shining beacon for democracy. Simple notion to acknowledge to many but not you.
  10. Especially from pro-Putin Republicans like Majorie Taylor Greene with her full throated defense of Putin and the invasion of Ukraine.
  11. Money well spent to rally the support for democracy.
  12. Honestly you fall for that kind of Russia propaganda from their troll farms?
  13. Mate, personally I think you have given your opinion that tax payers like you should not be funding the war & many can respect your opinion. Don’t go beyond that with weak arguments and emotional rebuttals.
  14. He was in military fatigues which is typical of him since the start of the war and to remind Congress that his country is still at war. By costume, you probably referring to those superhero NFT animations.
  15. Some keyboard warriors here have spoken their piece but what does Americans feel about the war. Majority of Americans (57%) believe that US should continue sending military and financial aid to Ukraine. Only a third (33%) say they think US can’t afford to spend more on the conflict. 82% of respondents perceive Russia is an enemy up significantly from last year. and 76% Americans consider Ukraine an ally. https://www.voanews.com/a/poll-majority-of-americans-support-continued-aid-for-ukraine/6858460.html
  16. We will finally know a long running dispute surrounding Trump. Just how rich is he? He brags nonstop that he's really really rich claiming he's a billionaire but we know of his frequent bankruptcies, business failures and questionable valuations of real estate holdings may speak otherwise.
  17. He will still be investigated by NACC even if he resigned. He held the top position in AMLO but paid scant attention to the Chinese triads alleged money laundering activities. Meanwhile, the prosecution team appointed by the AG held their first meeting last week.
  18. Delightful indictment watch. Who will the first to indict Trump on criminal charges. Will it be DOJ or the state of Georgia. Rubbing my hands with glee and joyful expectation. Will Santa deliver his orange jumpsuit? Ho ho ho Merry Christmas.
  19. France was overran by Argentina in the 1st half. If I recalled, France formation was 4-2-1-3 with 3 strikers and a very porous midfield. Not sure whether this formation was due to the players availability hit with illness before the match. Credit to the coach, he recognized the problem and put more bodies in the midfield and came back strongly. Rest was history. Great match.
  20. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-12-08/tesla-tsla-stock-hit-as-prominent-investor-says-board-is-missing-in-action
  21. I think he has planned to step down from Twitter and put up this carefully crafted marketing ploy to be seen as congenial to the public. He know full that the public sentiment is negatively against him. He simply can't manage well all the companies spread out throughout the world. Simply put he has bitten more than he can chew. Tesla is floundering and he still have startup Neuralink and his tunneling firm to manage. He is stretching himself thin and he now knows it.
  22. Desantis cut from the same cloth as Trump. Both are narcissistic, egotistic and egoistic. . A dangerous right wing politician even more than Trump. He will be rejected by the general voters if he run in 2024.
  23. The big question is whether the political situation has changed following the passing of the previous royal. The previous political dynamics and those interwined personalities have either passed or in advance ages. The army constitution royally endorsed cemented the grip of the military over any future government and weakened the country biggest party. There are changes taking place in the new era that seem to weaken the military. Still we can't really be certain of the any paradigm shift knowing well that politics in Thailand in history are also in the state of flux.
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