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Everything posted by itsari

  1. Easy to do drunk or sober . When I first began living in Norway I would sometimes forget myself on quiet roads with no traffic. One time I come face to face with a bus on a bend . I never forgot again after that experiance.
  2. There was one casualty on the first day on the switch from left to right and that was a man riding his bicycle home after a few drinks and forgot all about the change.
  3. I agree , thank you for your reply
  4. This tragic incident serves as a grim reminder of the consequences in over indulgence with alcohol. I have corrected the last paragraph in the article
  5. As many Chinese have become wealthy many have chosen to live abroad. The trend will continue and the Thai people will see there chances of home ownership become more and more out of there reach. Thailand may have to consider prohibiting foreigners from buying property and not just the land to control prices in the future.
  6. Do you pay insurance for any faults caused by transport for your electrical items? I was considering buying a phone on line and the company was asking for 270 baht for insurance against damage in transit. I thought that was unfair to ask for money in transit as I am paying for a article in working conditions when delivered . What do you think?
  7. You are applying information yet it is classified as a notification. I will continue to notify guests for the TM 30 even if I am out of the country. Your reading into the law what you assume it is rather than how immigration use it.
  8. Where you misunderstood is it is the owners responsibility to make the application.
  9. Agree the risk is minimal as I stated before if you took any notice However the way to advice is what the potential outcome can be if you choose to ignore the law.
  10. Like any law it is how it is used . In Chiang Mai you will be fined if you are the owner or renterof a house with a foreign guest without having a TM 30 and that is what the poster was asking about. If Asean now has covered it has no meaning to the poster or myself. If you want to post please refrain from being condescending.
  11. OK Mr liqourice , i have said nothing out of place . Dont be so condecending.
  12. The risk is minimal , however you never know what your guests could get involved with . It costs nothing to obtain the TM30 . Done in 5 minutes online
  13. You as the house owner is obliged by law to apply for a TM30 for the duration of there stay under your roof.
  14. If I were in the moonshine business it would be my goal to have customers return for more of the same. Poisoning your customers would have to be a mistake in the production. I have read of similar cases such as this in India. Horrific as it is with the deaths and life changing to the victims I can not see this is intentional. Drink a bottle of Johnny walker rapidly you could die of alcohol poisoning. Life is full of risk, booze and drugs only increase the odds.
  15. Often plans are not submitted. Then the renovation would be deemed illegal
  16. Your lack of interest or concern for Thai politics others find moving is your concern and yours only.
  17. Now I can understand the case for zero Dollar Chinese tours to be investigated.
  18. A little further away is accurate as your compliment
  19. Thank you for your compliment. You are correct about the security employee doing his work as instructed by his employers. His employers need to consider there positioning of the parking of motorcycles.
  20. I get harassed by security if I park the motorcycle in a car parking spot at some large stores. I do that as the motorcycle parking is often a long walk and that is annoying as it is really for the employees . It's as though you are a second class customer arriving on two wheels.
  21. Polymer tanks minimise the chance of moss and algae growth. I think it helps to keep the tank free of direct sunlight if possible. I hope all is well after your accident.
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