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Everything posted by itsari

  1. That may well be true , yet the bank witness had nothing to say negative about him in court . Some get caught and some don't, OK but in this case it looks like a witch hunt and nothing more. We will find out about if he was out of office or not when the case arrives at court
  2. In my opinion Trump will overcome the withholding government documents charge. One reason is that there was a decision that he can not be prosecuted as he was the president at the time. Also the prosecution for overestimating his companies property values should mean that millions of US citizens should suffer the same fate. A witness from the bank where Trump raised loans mentioned that they had no problems with Trump. Seems the jury did not take much notice of that .
  3. You got of light , i had one foreign man qouting 12000 baht If you called the reaction from the Thai tax authorities announcements as hysteria it would not be an excaggeration.
  4. I agree they could not manage since you are asking . The only people ready to manage is the opportunistic lawyers and the come lately accountants.
  5. I think the man is correct in assuming the large majority of foreign residence in Thailand are in the bracket he mentioned. Considering the average income in Thailand the majority in that bracket of income would not be considered poor in Thailand.
  6. Trump was not convicted of election fraud in New York . He was convicted in May 24 on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records related to payments to suppress damaging information from Stormy Daniels. The prosecution was for falsifying business records , not election fraud. Nothing has been decided about the accusation of stolen government documents.
  7. He has allready gone to the very top with that statement. Living dangerously in my opinion
  8. Trump has not been convicted of election fraud. He faces legal charges related to election interference. Your statement that he is a sexual preditor is also not correct. Two civil cases have been taken against him for sexual misconduct One by Stormy Danials and the second by E Jean Carroll. I am not sure that he has ever been convicted for theft either.
  9. The live in maids will have to adapt as well. Splitting there time between two country hoppers will be difficult to work.
  10. Most people vote with their wallet , are republicans any different?
  11. If you were to run into the pole creating many expenses for body repair to yoursellf and the car then went to ask for compensation from the local community the first reaction would be laughter. End result will be 0 compensation.
  12. You have to blame the scam marriages for all your extra documentation , however the new Destination Thailand Visa may help to make the piles of documents lower for you.
  13. On the surface that seems a great idea but some girls are fussy who they go with.
  14. We will never know as the two passengers are no longer a part of the future.
  15. There were two innocents in the cab that died
  16. I am sorry for the parents for the death of there children after having raised them to there teens . Not an easy burden to live with.
  17. Now i can understand the Thai baht on the rise
  18. Are you sure that it is the most of us ? How do you work that out? Stupid statement
  19. You as a non American consider make America great again supporters are not smart? That says more about you than reality.
  20. Keeping campaign interviews simple can be a strategic choice for a president seeking votes. Trumps main points were the illegal immigration, Bidens incompetence especially over the withdrawal from Afghanistan and doing his best to put Harris in the same light . He also made a point of his record as president being a peace keeper. He is an American and therefore knows how to speak to them better than people living in foreign countries who can not vote for him.
  21. Probably feel as bad as the companies producing cigarettes and alcohol
  22. I asked for a so called tax expert on Thailand tax to call me and he had no knowledge on Norwegian double taxation agreement with Thailand . He told me to make contact with a Norwegian accountant. Yet he told me he can make a tax assessment for me on the 1st of January 2015 for 12000 baht. Beware
  23. Try asking the building manager if there is a grease arrestor connected to the drainage system. High rise buildings must have them fitted .
  24. Sales would fall if they demanded a license to be shown.
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