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Everything posted by itsari

  1. Ok I see your point . I will not be allowing the account to go lower than 800,000 until the application for an extension using the combination method is accepted. The 50,000 is not difficult to be documented as it is a regular monthly state pension . Of course one needs to think about fluctuations in the value with exchange rates considered I imagine.
  2. That defines that the woman wants intelligent conversation and security.
  3. Thank you for your contribution. It will be helpful if there is a person out there using Chiang Mai for a combination method to advise of there experience.
  4. My present extension is not up for renewal until March 25
  5. What procedure must I use to change from 800,000 in bank to using money in bank and income . My income does not reach the 65000 a month requirement . I would need to have enough money in the bank to cover a 15000 baht a month shortfall. Any help would be much appreciated.
  6. Ok, I can take the printout when I do the next 90 day report . For peace of mind I could also take a trip to immigration this week and ask for an official receipt for placing in my passport. Been a lot of hassle to stop using an agent. Thank you for your reply
  7. Stealing is precisely what the Australian government does . That makes it on topic since the man in question is from Australia. He is an angel in comparison.
  8. I have stolen from shops as a very early age . But I never stole again after my mother tackled me on how i paid for the items i was ready to give as Christmas presents . She told me to throw the artic;es away. Good lesson
  9. Because there is a sign explaining the consequeces of stealing in the shop does not make it legal.
  10. What you condone is called extortion .
  11. Yes, and now the Australian government is actively stealing by making rules to avoid paying out pensions with rules made by Ned Kelly.
  12. Chang beers main ingredient is rice. Maybe that has some bearing on your question.
  13. OK, now i have a printout on A4 paper and a screen shot Is the print out just the same as a receipt from the immigration office?
  14. Agree , keep an eye on what is behind you as much as you look infront . I saw a motorcycle coming up behind me fast and realised he was not going to be able to stop without running into the back of the car , i swerved to the left giving the motorcyclist enough room to get by on my right. The guy waved to say thanks The man saying he will just runover who ever is in front of him really should not be on the road .
  15. They will just take the piss out of you
  16. And that's what I have done as I explained in the first paragraph. I did the notification online last night. Now I must go in to the immigration office and ask for a receipt. I will not bother asking the agent what happened. Alls well that ends well
  17. How would I save a lot of money ? I really don't care what is said about me .
  18. A combination method of the two methods could be used . Some immigration offices will not accept that method of applying for a 12 month extension. If you had 800,000 baht in the country and transferred the funds to a dollar account you would win with the strengthening baht.
  19. I have not travelled out of Chiang Mai since 2020. I decided to make a new TM 30 notification online. I can call in and obtain a receipt through the week I began to think why I can be registered to be living in Bangkok and began to think the agent I used for two years located in Bangkok must have done it when I asked him for a receipt for the 90 day reports so I could do the reporting in Chiang Mai . The agent said ok but I have to do one more for you after obtaining the yearly extension myself in February this year . He sent the receipt for the 90 day report and I did the next report myself with out any problems . It was only on the latest 90 day report I attempted to do the notification online which ended in rejection but went ok the next day going to the immigration office.
  20. Are you offered a better exchange rate when fluent in Thai?
  21. The protocol used of 65,000 baht a month could be difficult for many to follow if the baht continues to strengthen. Ship out then? No , you will use the 800,000 baht in a Thai bank account or you use an agent .
  22. If the sign is at 2 meters high or 3 meters high U turns on major highways probably cause more deaths than any other . If you placed a large sign to say caution aproaching U turn slow down 300 meters in front then that may help to save lives. When waiting to do a U turn I can see cars are travelling at high speed . Put a speed camera in front of each U turn , that would also help .
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