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Everything posted by itsari

  1. There biggest challenge will be the Peoples Party.
  2. And succeded , the man has not had much to cheer about lately.
  3. Just goes to show that this lady can not be considered easy meat.
  4. The mind boggles . Perhaps they can interogate the female cow to get the answers
  5. Agree totally, get off and walk across is my policy. Stand at the side waiting for a gap to get across is far safer than looking behind while on the bike .
  6. I think your correct in that assumption, added with the vehicle's they use are far from economic in fuel.
  7. Induced euthanasia perhaps
  8. The driver had made an agreement with the Thai passengers . He then wants to break the agreement as he obviously could make more money with the five foreigners . Not a very good way of doing business .
  9. A worrying development in the land of smiles. I am sure a few Thai individuals would like to try something similar
  10. Many would wish Murdoch could build a rocket and head for Mars on a one way ticket.
  11. He sold his sole to own more Media in the US . Also he has done much damage around the world .
  12. He is more genius at choosing the winning political party to promote into power with his media outlets. Musk has created manufacturing that creat work for hundreds of thousands around the world. The shareholders of his companies are loyal to him and do not consider them selves to be made fools of.
  13. Raise the pension payment from 600 baht to 1000 baht may help a little Worst pension scheme in South Eastern Asia.
  14. The authorities in the UK not being open with the facts is more despicable by far.
  15. Elon Musk is not a fool in my opinion . Best not to compare him with Murdoch as there is no comparison.
  16. I sadly have to agree when my home area is concerned.
  17. Ok, thank you again. I presume the 2nd of January is the earliest in Thailand for filing a tax return. I shall take a visit to the local tax office soon.
  18. X has taken the case to be heared in court . X claims that the companies are working together to harm x . We will find out eventually who is right or wrong
  19. X has a case against the companies for there actions . I dare say we will find out the conclusion eventually.
  20. I believe it was more companies involved in not advertising with X . If a company is not a competitor it is still considered illegal if a group of companies collude to harm another .
  21. That is questionable as in most countries collaboration to destroy a competitor is considered illegal.
  22. Don't they all ? King Google perhaps the worst offender.
  23. Thank you, I am grateful for your help. I will follow up the information.
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